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Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Many requests are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
We should support each other in works of mercy.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below. You have to be registered here to be able to post.
But, registered or not, please take a moment to pray for the people about whom you read here below.
Finally, I have two serious needs. It seems repetitive, but… it looks like prayer may be the only way to bring help, even if it isn’t as swift as I had hoped.
I will start things off.
For MK who wrote to me about suicide.
For P who has job challenges.
For Fr. J, homeless.
For the conversion of the editors of the National Catholic Reporter.
For all those for whom I have promised to pray.
For you and all, Fr. Z., prayers. I hope your intentions are answered soon. May Our Lady on her name day bless you.
That I may be able to assist at a EF to commemorate SP’s 5th Anniversary sometime this month
I will pray for all intentions mentioned above and below. Please pray for the converison of my husband, and also for the conversion of my father who has spent his life ridiculing religion and is now in his eighties.
Prayers for all the above.
St. Michael, the Archangel defend us……
I’ll pray for all these intentions as well. Please could you pray for:
the conversion of G, C, K and K (my family)
H’s recovery from heart surgery so she can return to school
help for C, who lives with abusive parents
healing for R, who suffers from mental health problems
Thank you all. God bless all of you.
For my daughter whose husband wants a divorce. There are two children.
For my father who is old, frail and suffering dementia.
For me who am trying to work full time, and be his caregiver. I am so tired.
All here will be in my humble prayers. May I ask your prayers for the conversion of C, T, D, J, and L? Thank you.
For my health. I’ve had a few things catch up with me, and need to be on the mend.
For the return of the rest of my family to Mass.
For a relative who is looking to change careers.
For the conversion of a good friend.
For the conversion of my husband who hates religion of all kind. For the men and women in the separated/divorced support group I just joined. For my niece who is being forced to live with an unfit parent. For my mother, who has been chronically ill for a year. For all of my co-workers as management has begun to discuss layoffs.
Please pray for my husband. He has a meeting at work on Thursday; his job situation is tenuous. Thank you.
For L and A.
All here will be in my prayers. And would you pray for a few intentions of mine, please?
For the conversion of my agnostic family.
For my brother who needs help and healing to get on with his life.
For a good friend who was hurt in her faith as a child, and now is very much against “organized religion”; and another friend who was a Mormon for many years and now is not sure where to stand.
And for a personal intention where I really need help and guidance.
Our priest asked us today to pray for a family, with 4 or 5 young children, of which the mother is in her last agony today and on her way to judgment. Please pray for her, her husband, and children.
For Fr. M. and all priests.
Please pray for Pope Benedict for his trip this weekend.
Praying a rosary for all the intentions here …
Please pray for my sister, A, and her 3 young toddler sons. Marriage is ending, she’s a ‘pagan’. She needs so much help in all areas of her life.
Today, a woman from my father’s parish, Therese Ismert, committed suicide by train. She was a mother of 11, a Latin Mass goer, and had been suffering from depression for months. This was the second suicide in less than two weeks for that family (a nephew the week before). Her husband and children are devastated and could use some prayers.
Please also continue to pray for the soul of my brother’s Marine friend, Andrew Joseph Davis, who committed suicide last week.
I am begging for prayers on behalf of these poor souls and their families, and I’m sure they would appreciate it.
i am about to leave for the abortion clinic, and will carry these intentions with me in a special way.
please pray for a friend, preferably through st. giana’s intercession, who is having massive surgery today in an attempt to stave off the effects of ovarian cancer. Jesus, mercy.
I will be praying for all who’ve posted here.
In your charity, fellow readers, please pray for us too.
After 4.5 years of struggling with infertility, we are in the process of adopting an older sibling group. We have encountered numerous bureaucratic roadblocks during this process, and this week we received news of yet another legal obstacle that may take several months to resolve. Please pray that God will remove all these bureaucratic obstacles and set these lonely children into our loving family.
I posted a prayer request 3 weeks ago for help with traumatic stress syndrome and my broken family. Have made some positive improvement since then with the health issue, and maybe some with the family. So thank you to all who pray for everyone here, and I ask you to please continue to pray for us, and that I can get well enough again to have a healthier, steadier presence in the lives of my two daughters, and for healing for us all, — our hearts, our minds our bodies and souls. Thanks to all.
I will continue to pray for all who have posted here as well. May God bless you all and Mother Mary keep you.
P.S. Also would like to get well and find a place where I can experience the EF Mass. Came into the Church through RCIA program and only know the OF since 1997. Very grateful for that, but, hope to get well and look forward to the experience of TLM. There aren’t any right now where I live.
Ave Maria; and peace to men of good will.
Please pray for our daughter’s college friend, C., who lost a parent and step-parent in what seems to be a case of euthanasia/suicide.
Many thanks and I will pray for your intentions.
Please, please pray for the repose of the soul of JP, only 24 years old, whose youthful recklessness cost him his life in a horrific accident in the wee hours of Sept. 11. I am heartsick that none of those present at the hospital with him while he was still alive thought to call a priest.
Please be assured that I will offer my Holy Communion and prayers before the Blessed Sacrament for all of the intentions posted here. Please remember me in yours. Thank you and God bless you all.
Please pray for employment for my wife and two sons. They went back to school to get prepared for good jobs but the economy is so bad that they have not found anything.
For a TLM parish in this part of the diocese.
URGENT: Please pray that the management at my husband’s work doesn’t hire a known toxic candidate for the top position. (He is charming and false.) There are two other candidates that are good, pray that one of them gets the job!
Two people have spread malicious lies and rumors about me at work, and I am now suspended. This could become very serious, since I work in healthcare. Please pray that I will be okay, and accept God’s will in this situation.
Rilla: I will pray for you!
Pray for The Sicilian Woman, who is in dire need of help. For details, have a look at the post “WDTPRS 25th Ordinary Sunday. Do you have unfinished business?”