Inspiring video of a Black Pastor about the Democrat Party platform

Here is a video from just after the Democrats’ Convention.


If only our own bishops would speak with this clarity and righteous anger.

Watch and learn.


Note his explanation of how insulting to black people it is to claim that denial of the “right” for homosexuals to “marry” is like the 20th century racial civil rights movement.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. lordhavemercy says:

    When will we be “bold” again in the face of this culture. There is a definite line in the sand…when will we start calling a spade a spade again? Sadly, we deserve everything we get because we limp along instead of holding our head high in the name of Jesus Christ. We need to be Catholics “without” compromise.

    “We will never back down from our values” We are not ashamed of Jesus Christ….

    This is the type of clarity that the Church needs…that being said there are a few.. Archbishop Chaput for one.

    Prayer and action! Stand up faithful Catholics.

  2. Bryan Boyle says:

    In our lifetimes (except for some obvious exceptions)?

    They’re too busy (most of them) working on being liked than leading from the front. They should take a lesson from some of the real leaders in our past, who were beloved BECAUSE they were uncompromising, fearless in the face of overwhelming odds, and did not hide behind nuanced speech and soothing words. Washington, Stonewall, Lee, Patton…can you imagine one of our current crop of manicured bishops giving a speech such as the one George C. Scott did (minus some of the more colorful metaphors…or maybe not…yes, I know it was fictional in the most part…let it go….) at the beginning of the movie encouraging Catholics to FIGHT?

  3. New Sister says:

    “He who has ears, let him hear” (Mark 4:9)

  4. Legisperitus says:

    I wish national bishops’ conferences had never been dreamt up. A bishop should see himself as the one person ultimately responsible for speaking or acting on an important issue, or for failing to. “If I don’t, who will?”

    With a bishops’ conference, you’ve got hundreds of them in a big room and they can easily grow accustomed to acting more like sheep than shepherds. “Well, nobody else is speaking about this and it’s not on the agenda, so who am I to make trouble?”

    Still, there have been some encouraging signs this year. Oremus pro eis.

  5. kelleyb says:

    I’ve heard this man speak in person. He is a very dynamic , charismatic and God loving person. God bless him.

  6. Amen brother!

    The one caveat I would offer is this–and it’s an important point:

    As Catholics, we are wiser, I think, to point to Natural Law rather than the Bible as the basis for what marriage is. If we emphasize the Bible, we are playing into the hands of those who wish to say we’re “imposing religious dogma” on others. And while it’s true the Bible teaches marriage is essentially heterosexual, it’s not true to say that’s our sole source for what the law says.

    This is not speculative; lots and lots of people in this world get married without reference to the Bible. Do they not know marriage is heterosexual? Of course they do.

    When someone emphasizes the Bible, one invites the question, “and why should civil law be based on the Bible?” And off we go down a side trail. Better to say, “marriage by its nature is heterosexual, this is the witness of nature itself–and, yes, law should be based in reality.”

  7. VexillaRegis says:

    This man is brilliant!

  8. Angie Mcs says:

    Every American should hear this and take it to heart. Yes, there is such a thing as absolute truth and he makes it very clear, going directly to the issues without any ambiguity. But he is a lone voice in the wilderness compared to the indoctrination in this country by the media. Last night TV showed the Mark Twain award celebration, given this year to Ellen de Generes. I am not that familiar with Ellen butI know that she is wildy loved and popular, and she sat up in the balcony with her “wife”, smiling at the heaps of accolades given her. Nobody in that auditorium or millions watching at home have any doubts that these two women should be together. She is their hero, and these people, with their incredible influence, will surely all vote for the Democratic Party.

    Bishop Jackson has a horrible history of pain and suffering behind him, and a history of fighting for his rights that many of us cannot ever know. I can understand his anger that in these comparatively easy times, homosexuals would compare their “fight for rights” to what blacks went through. This mediocrity seems to be reflected in some of our own bishops, who cannot seem to stand up and speak clearly and forcefully at a time when it is so vital for them to do so. I don’t understand
    – they have the strongest words ever spoken on their side, those of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  9. pledbet424 says:

    Wow. Love this man.

  10. aviva meriam says:

    This minister used the phrase “believers”…… how many of us truly BELIEVE?

    I know several clergy (Jewish and Christian) who do NOT believe …… If we believe (and I do) than we (all of us) are called (in our own way) to live out our faith. That isn’t always popular and it isn’t always comfortable. It means actually saying “NO” to people in a loving and kind but firm way when what they ask is contrary to our beliefs (and what God expects from us).

    I wish we had more priests, pastors etc who were willing to speak with this degree of clarity and compassion regarding moral issues.

  11. chantgirl says:

    Preach it! I agree with Fr. Martin Fox that arguments about homosexual marriage typically go better with the natural law argument outside of the evangelical community. The Bible is easily dismissed by those who don’t believe it is the Word of God, but natural law leaves little wiggle room. I will say that because the natural law argument is very logical, it also makes those who support homosexual marriage angry. Be prepared to lay down an entirely calm and logical argument and have your opponent go emotion-over-intellect and ignore your argument because it doesn’t feel good to them.
    I agree that Planned Parenthood and the affirmative action/chains-of-charity policies that the Democratic Party have endorsed have done incalculable damage to the black family and black community.

  12. Bea says:

    Yes, it is a WOW !

    Sent it to a few priest/friends and a couple of dyed-in-the-wool democratic friends. (ex-friends?)

  13. iPadre says:

    One big Amen Brother Jackson!

  14. jarhead462 says:

    Perfect! Well done, sir!
    Brian- Although the Patton speech as portrayed in the film was fictitious, the speech itself is essentially cobbled together from actual speeches that the General Patton gave. In fact, the actual speeches are even more “colorful” (and graphic). I think that the screenwriters did a good job capturing the essence of those orations.
    Semper Fi!

  15. St. Louis IX says:

    Shame this man is not a Catholic Bishop

  16. contrarian says:

    Father Fox,
    Exactly. If this fellow converted to Catholicism and learned a little natural law, he’d be a powerhouse. There’d be no stopping him.
    Oh, that we now had here among our bishops but one ten thousandth of the courage of this guy…

  17. sjmb says:

    My fellow comment-leavers,
    Let’s pray for our bishops. Yes, this man said some timely, true, brave things, and I hope that some of our reverend bishops see it and become inspired to speak with such laudable boldness. However, it does not help for us to immediately start chiming in about our own opinion on the timidity of our leaders of the One True Church. We want our Bishops to be bold, so we should help them with our prayers and support. They are at the front-line of the battle with devil and his minions in the world, and their courage sure isn’t helped when their flocks are divided between the “I consider myself Catholic but don’t actually believe most of anything Catholicism teaches, so who cares what the Bishop says?” folks and the “I’m Catholic, and from what I’ve read online, to be an orthodox Catholic I need to detract my bishop as much as possible… unless I live in Lincoln” crowd. I’m not saying that we don’t need a bold witness among our bishops (and I’m CERTAINLY not insulting the Lincoln diocese, since I think it’s awesome and an example to follow), but I am saying that our job as lay people is to support our bishops in their mission, to be thankful to them for the good they do, and to pray for them. We might not like everything they do, and some things that bishops have done have been outright harmful to the Church, but we need to respect them and their offices, and not fall in to simply complaining about them (in particular since spreading the faults of bishops can be, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia section on “Detraction”, a mortal sin). If we lay people spent half the time praying for our bishops, having Masses said for them, writing them letters of support, that we did complaining about the state of the bishops today, we would have a much holier Church in America. I at one point tried to embark on a “40 day fast” from complaining about liberalism problems in the Church without necessity… I didn’t succeed at it (though hope to try again…), but the time that I realized that I was saving and able to put toward good use was far from negligible.
    God bless

  18. The Masked Chicken says:

    “The Bible is easily dismissed by those who don’t believe it is the Word of God, but natural law leaves little wiggle room.”

    The first problem with using Natural Law theory to explain to people that homosexual marriage goes against it is that your listener is not likely to understand what the Natural Law is. I can imagine the listener saying something like, “It isn’t natural for a man to fly, but he does it, anyway,” and then the whole discussion devolves from there. Natural Law has a precise definition in philosophy (Ed Feser is at the forefront of popular presentations of it – I highly recommend his books, The Last Superstition and Aquinas).

    In any case, those people who are guided by emotion are only likely to be persuaded by an emotional reason. They need to see real people dealing with the issue in a moral way.

    The Chicken

  19. acardnal says:

    Adding to The Chicken’s statement, I sometimes ask atheists/secular humanists and so on who don’t see anything wrong with homosexual behavior to name one mammal who mates with a mammal of the same gender/sex. The conversation usually stops there.

    Another excellent book by a Catholic author on Natural Law is 50 Questions on the Natural Law: What It Is and Why We Need It by Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus of Jurisprudence at Notre Dame Law School and USMCR Lt. Col. (Ret.)

  20. Bryan Boyle says:

    jarhead462…i know…:). my uncle, proud soldier in the 3rd, when I was old enough to not be taken agast, related some of his memories of GSP’s..ahem…’inspirational and motivational’ orations.

  21. rodin says:

    Bishop Jackson is a great role model for some of our Catholic Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals.

  22. chantgirl says:

    The Masked Chicken- Agreed that most people will not know what natural law is. Usually in discussions of the morality of homosexual actions, I begin with the relationship of form and function. People will agree that lungs are designed to take in air and not water, no matter how much someone might desire to inhale water. People will also usually give you that the male alimentary canal is not designed for reproduction. The difficult part is getting people to concede that our physical limits should limit our sexual behavior. If I am speaking with a deist, I will then typically ask, “If a Creator designed your repoductive organs to be used in a specific way, would it not be an abuse of creation to flaunt that purpose and possibly harm yourself or someone else in the process?”. If I am talking with an atheist, I will skip the God part and instead talk about the documented harm that homosexual activity can cause. When I get the inevitable ” people are born that way”, I respond with the observation that some people are born with an alcoholism gene, but that that does not make alcoholism healthy, and we try to help alcoholics deal with their unhealthy addiction. People have strong desires to do all sorts of things that are not good (the desire to kill, rape, molest children, do meth) but we recognize these to be against the natural law and we legislate against them. Again, getting past peoples’ emotional roadblocks is really difficult with this issue, so I try to emphasize the harmful results of homosexual behavior because people can understand concern if they can’t accept facts.

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