More about liturgical abuses

A friend sent this, probably as a gift for this great feast of Sts. Nunilo and Alodia.

Say The Black Do The Red

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. anilwang says:

    I’ll never be a best seller among liturigical abusers….Reading such books “interfere with their creativity” and ability to make up random rubrics “when the spirit moves them”. It would also hamper the “freedom given to liturgical committees”.

  2. Jim of Bowie says:

    I’m sure Father Trigilio didn’t write that one.

  3. contrarian says:

    Hilarious! Love it.

    Of course, the ‘for Dummies’ part of the title is redundant.

    But still: hilarious!

  4. AnnAsher says:

    Recently unearthed: the lost documents of Vatican II

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