As my trip concludes, I was happy to have been able to see again so many nice people and was VERY glad to have had great weather while in London and Rome.
My view for a while will be less interesting. But, I have a new book on the debates about the Council, I have my Kindle, I have a couple movies I haven’t seen, and I have two open seats next to me!
Ahhh, the extra elbow room sounds very nice. Prayers for your safe travels.
Sounds like it should be a pleasant trip.
St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for us.
Which airline did fly with transatlantic internet?
Might I ask what that book is, Father?
TWO open seats?!! Your guardian angel must have a lot of pull with the airlines.
Safe home.
Fr. by now you are home, thank God. If the people on the plane knew what a fun guy they were sitting near, they would have wanted those seats!
I just got back from Germany via a 9-1/2 hour flight on Lufthansa. I rode in the cattle car economy class. They tried their best with free drinks, but I have never been so miserable in my life. I am tall. I will never do that again. Two open seats are better than first class, I think.
The book is Iuxta Modum: il Vaticano II riletto alla luce della tradizione della Chiesa, by Fr. Serafino Lanzetta.
Fr. Z. mentioned the book in this blog post:
Is that a bottle of Woodford Reserve I see? Good stuff!
May your Guardian Angel bring you home safely on his wings.
That book sounds interesting. Let us know what we can glean from it.