What is your good news?

Do you have some good news in your lives which you can pass along?

Let us know!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. After a week that seems like it wouldn’t end, fiance/wife diagnosed with cancer, my legs giving out on me 3 x, having to be in hopsital once myself, I finally got out of Las Vegas and am heading home towards Coeur d’Alene.

  2. JesusFreak84 says:

    Good news: after 4.5 years of unemployment (since I graduated from college,) I have a full-time, permanent-if-I-can-keep it, job.

    Bad news: I have a few weeks to pack up and move from NE IL to SE IN. And very, very little money.

  3. Jana Parma says:

    My baby is five months old today!

  4. Jonathan says:

    I just got a job too. First day of training was today. It’s been tough lately, so this is a huge blessing. Thanks to St. Cajetan.

  5. Andreas says:

    The past two Sundays, we sang the recently re-discovered Missa Solemnes in E for soloists, choir and orchestra by Father Peter Singer, a prolific composer and instrument builder. Father Singer (1810-1882) was the parish Priest at the Pfarrkirche in Häselgehr, a beautiful Baroque-period jewel of a church located in a countryside village not far from the town of Reutte here in the Austrian Tirol. It is for this church and his choir that he composed this and almost 150 other sacred works. We sang the work at Mass the following week in the Pfarrkirche in Reutte. The church was filled to standing room only…..that it could be so every Sunday.

  6. louist says:

    I was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate this past weekend.

  7. Faith says:

    We still have electricity, and about 20 hours left of peak wind, from hurricane Sandy.

  8. Matt R says:

    I got into the Franciscan University of Steubenville!!!!!
    I also got a 2070 on the Oct. SAT exam!

  9. CatholicCaliGirl says:

    I had a concert yestarday, and we played the first movement of New World Symphony!

  10. Charivari Rob says:

    All of our loved ones in the path of Hurricane Sandy seem to be okay so far.

    We were a short ways away Sunday morning, so visiting a different parish for Mass. Stumbled across our Cardinal, who was visiting as well, as I mentioned in another thread.

    It was a great experience – pews full, get some folding chairs out of the basement, coupl’a fussy babies… – real elbow-to-elbow Catholocism. Nice homily. Good music. A touch of Latin & Greek. Benediction. The Cardinal with a small phalanx of priests and servers. Part of the reason of the Abp visit involved acknowledging/blessing some renovations and restorations to the church – an elevator (well-needed for accessibility), restored beautiful stained glass windows in the transcepts, and a beautiful new stained glass window.

  11. mamajen says:

    My husband and I are expecting baby #2, due in May. I’m feeling wretched, but we are excited that our son will have a sibling.

  12. Sissy says:

    Great news from all posters; congratulations to all, especially to mamajen for a new baby and to MattR. Franciscan is a great school.

  13. mamajen says:

    Thank you, Sissy!

  14. StJude says:

    congrats to mamajen!!!

    I got some good news about someone I dearly love. Made my year!
    God bless you all !

  15. chantgirl says:

    I’m finally singing in choir again after the rest of my crazy thyroid was removed last winter. Singing for the Mass is the most beautiful part of my week! After my first thryoid surgery, I couldn’t speak for a month (children loved that) and couldn’t sing for a year. This time, all of my friends said a novena to Fr. Solanus Casey before my surgery, and even though my thyroid had grown up under my jaw and around my windpipe, this time I didn’t lose my speaking voice and my singing voice is healing much faster. I can’t even complain that I have to relearn all of my polyphony parts as an alto. Deo Gratias!

  16. Vox Laudis says:

    @Andreas–what a wonderful thing to be able to rescue a lovely Mass from obscurity. I would be interested in seeing it for my schola. I think my nom de blog will give you my e-mail; would you please contact me?

    @chantgirl–rejoicing with you that you can sing again!

    I voted in early voting today and only had to stand in the blustery cold for 35 minutes and my asthma only fussed a tiny bit.

  17. Bryan Boyle says:

    mamajen: God bless and prayers to St. Gerard for his intercession at the throne for your health and that of your new soul. Praise be!!!!!

  18. VexillaRegis says:

    Congratulations @mamajen!

    @chantgirl: Wonderful news! You will find that the alto part usually is more intellectually demanding and fun to sing, than the soprano is. I also know a thing or two about (mildly) whacky thyroids, so you have my sympathy!

  19. wmeyer says:

    God bless, mamajen! And congratulations!

  20. NickD says:

    our chant choir has nearly doubled in size and has improved tremendously over the last 3 Sundays!

    brick by brick

  21. chantgirl says:

    Congratulations, mamajen! You should have a priest do a blessing (there’s a blessing for a pregnant woman in the old rite and there’s a new one for an unborn child in the new rite).

  22. mamajen says:

    Thank you everyone for the congratulations and prayers! Much appreciated.

  23. catholictrad says:

    His Excellency Bishop Baker of the Birmingham Alabama diocese granted Huntsville a fully separate Traditional parish! Our Lady Help of Christians has been worshipping at Saint Mary of the Visitation (est. 1877), but will now have her own building. Father Alan Mackey graces us with High Mass most Sundays and his homilies always include useful catechesis.

    After receiving such great news from the diocese, we were further blessed when Bishop came to administer confirmation in Traditional form this past Sunday. He arrived obviously in pain with a back ailment and remained in a wheelchair throughout. Bishop Baker used his suffering as a wonderfully Catholic “teaching moment” showing us all the value of suffering.

    Please help me pray for our new parish, our highly orthodox priest and our faithful bishop.

  24. APX says:

    After almost four months since I applied for a student loan, and over a month since I was approved, I finally got my loan money. Now I can buy food! Make rent! Pay my remaining tuition. And pay my bills! And, and, and…it’s like Christmas today!

  25. JacobWall says:

    My good news is late, so I’ll share it in the next “good news” post as well. Our parish shares a priest with a nearby parish. For that reason, in recent years, we have only Sunday Mass, and only 8 months of the year. The priest, who is new this summer, announced last Sunday that he would be having a mass for All Souls (today!) at our parish! He said that since it is another separate parish, he would start treating it accordingly (e.g. having more masses on feast days, hopefully among other things!)

    The part I didn’t understand was this; he said, “I know they won’t like it, but they’ll get used to it.” I’m not sure who it is he was talking about and what it is they wouldn’t like. I can’t see how anyone in the parish would be upset about having Mass in our village more often than just Sunday. We were chatting while walking out the door on a very cold day, so I didn’t get a chance to ask what he meant.

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