Liberals work to warp society and to undermine the Catholic Church from within and without, through creeping incrementalism.
They introduce some odd ball scheme, it gets shot down. They have bumped the paradgim a little bit toward their goal. They introduce it again. It gets shot down again. They bumped the paradigm. They introduce it again, and again, and again…. Then it passes.
I read this at Air Maria:
Incredibly, Andrew McDonald, who introduced his outrageously unconstitutional and anti-Catholic bill SB1098 in Connecticut, has been nominated for a seat on the Connecticut Supreme Court and will have his hearing on Monday and the legislative confirmation vote on Wednesday. SB1098 was the bill specifically targeted at Connecticut Catholics that directly intruded on the rights of the bishops and pastors to lead their congregations, a blatant infringement on the constitutional right to religious liberty. You would think that someone who has displayed such grave difficulty separating his ideology from his job as a state senator and specifically failing to see how unconstitutional his bill was, would be the last person that Gov. Malloy would want as a judge of what is constitutional and what is not. This is especially so in a day of such sharp polarization. Surely a less controversial appointment could be found.
See the FIC Action page to see what is being done about this.
Read the rest there.
Out and out persecution only needs laws and rulings to start, plus the always latent anti-Catholicism in America will come to the fore.
No complaining from Catholics until the bishops of Connecticut have done their duties vis-a-vi this “Catholic” governor… Fat chance, though. All those years of pro-aborts in both parties (Dodd, Rowland, etc) and the bishops did nothing to punish them.
That particular type of anti-Catholicism is particularly heinous because it appeals to the “democratic ideals” of our country at the expense of the hierarchical structure of the church. No doubt a whole lot of small ‘c’ catholics would get on board with this. I believe this used to be a part of the heresy of Americanism.
If you click on the “FIC action page” link above, you can send a letter protesting this appointment. Not sure if non-CT residents can send it, but its worth a try. I sent my protest.
What scares me is that SB1098 was defeated because of an organized campaign championed by the wonderful leadership of Bishops Mansel and Lori. But now, Bishop Mansel is nearing retirement and the Diocese of Bridgeport lost Bishop Lori. Who is left to lead another awareness campaign without them? And is there even time to raise awareness with only days to go? I fear not. And as someone who lives in CT, I can tell you that in my area of the state, liberal, small “c” catholics greatly outnumber the Catholics who support all of the Church’s teachings on social issues. It’s pretty common to share the pews with people who are marginally pro-life, or who are pro-life, but support gay “marriage” and contraception. I’d say the slew of Obama bumper stickers on the cars in the parking lot of my OF parish says it all.
Which reminds me, I need to do my part to counter that somehow. I’ve been meaning to get me some Z-swag. I think it’s about time.
Thanks to the FIC. I forwarded to all faithful Catholics that I have email addresses for. Please everyone, pray that this man does not receive nomination. And please pray for Catholics in CT, that those who have lost their way will be led home very soon. Also that those who have remained faithful and/or returned home will not have to live under a state supreme court with an anti-Catholic judging us and imposing their Godless authority on us.
OrthodoxChick, where are you from in CT? When I’m home, I go to St. Stanislaus in New Haven for EF Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. In Hartford area or Old Saybrook during the week.
I’m at the opposite end of the state in the Quiet Corner. They don’t call us that for nothin’. The closest TLM parishes to me are in the Diocese of Worcester, Mass.!
Also, lest I neglect the obvious…A HUGE thank you to Fr. Z. for bringing this to our attention!!!!
It seems that catholics are the best at hating Catholics, especially in our legal system and political system (i guess they are the same thing for the most part).
We do not need more or less catholics we just need better Catholics to support The Church.
Maybe if we put in a protestant they would stand up for the Catholic Church where catholics do not, but I am just dreaming.
I tried to send my protest, but the site would not accept me as I am outside the area. Any suggestions?
I hadn’t known this before, but Andrew McDonald is gay, and is apparently “married” to a gentleman named Charles Grey.
If I remember correctly, a Connecticut chapter of “Voice of the Faithful” supported McDonald’s effort to move against the Catholic Church, and it wasn’t that long ago. And it was written, I remember, by a contributor to the National Catholic Reporter… Just found a link from 2009:
fib09002, do you have any friends or family in CT? Maybe you could send them the link by email and post about it on FB. Even if people who see it are not in the state, its good to get this information out there.
OrthodoxChick, if you are anywhere near Griswold/Voluntown check out the Franciscans of the Immaculate. They offer a very reverent OF Mass, done without any additives or nonsense. They are very orthodox and are not afraid to call a sin a sin. They offer an EF Mass on Wed evenings in honor of St Joseph.
poohbear, I am from Connecticut, I live in the Hartford area. And I must say that CT is probably the most secularized state in the union. The fact that this man has been nominated for such an important position should show that. I suspect there isn’t a whole lot we can do at this point, besides prayer.
OrthodoxChick, in case you are interested, there is actually a parish in Hartford, St. Peter’s Church, ministered by a truly remarkable priest from Columbia, which offers the Tridentine Mass every Sunday morning at 7: 30 A.M., and at 7 P.M. at the first Friday of every month.
McDonald’s ally in pushing for that odious bill, Michael Lawlor, I just found out, is also openly homosexual. I do not want to sound mean-spirited, but I do not think the fact that McDonald and Lawlor are both homosexuals is irrelevant in considering what their true motives were in doing what they did.
I’m not close enough to Griswold to make it a weekly attendance, but I’ve been there and you’re right. They are devout, reverent, and wonderful.
fibo9002 – thank you!
Andrew McDonald is an alleged Catholic. My analysis of his proposed legislation from four years ago:
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In re: those who can’t e-mail through the suggested website: call! I called during the original “hubbub,” and I politely explained my position. I’m sorry I don’t have a phone number for you — can any CT residents help out? Signed, From a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus