Remember my post about The 2020 annual LCWR Assembly? The assembly’s theme would be “Age: The Final Frontier“.
Now I read this in The Guardian: Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light.
The article isn’t calling for laws to allow paedophiles to act on their impulses. This is about reclassifying paedophilia so that paedophiles are not stigmatized. This is the first step. De-stigmatize the “orientation”. When it becomes an “orientation” like every other “orientation”, then you confer “civil rights” on it. Then you punish the Catholic Church for being against it.
This is disgusting, but it is something to watch out for. The next frontier for the homosexualists will be the legal age limit. Mark my words.
Won’t it be ironic when the last institution on Earth to oppose paedophilia is the Catholic Church?
This is following the logical trajectory of society’s acceptance of homosexuality.
Perhaps, but polyamory could be easier to sell.
My guess is that both will happen simultaneously in different countries. In countries where adultery and the hookup culture is prevelant but children are still romanticized to a degree, polyamory will be declared an orientation and thus require changes in parental forms to include multiple “fathers” and “mothers”. Pressure for the state to take care of the “byproducts of polyamory” (children) will also increase, with support from feminists who would rather hand their children off to the state so that they can do “important work” and deadbeat/absentee dads who would see this as a way to escape “their burden”.
In Muslim dominated countries (increasily this includes Europe), the age limit is definitely the next likely target, both in child brides (see Muhammad’s wife Aisha ) and pediastry (see ).
Sigh…we’ve got a lot of work today. Time to start praying and making penance for the world….it really needs it.
There has been a movement in the EU for over a year to lower the age of consent to 12. Some Islamic groups support this as well as the homosexual lobby.
In such studies, it sure helps to get the desired results when one can define “undesirable outcome” for themselves. “Most minors in such relationships identified with homo- bi-sexual orientation as they grew older. Nothing bad there…”
So forgive me if I take “result in no identifiable damage” with a large grain of salt. Wasn’t Kinsey(sp?) a sexual deviant who did “studies” in such a manipulative fashion?
Before the advent of the internet, I used to read silly periodicals like The Nation. I recall articles there and elsewhere that, if I remember correctly, advocated greater tolerance for child-molestation until the Liberals got sidetracked by the contradiction of celibate child-molesters. Now, the Liberals are just getting back to where they left off.
“Sigh…we’ve got a lot of work today. Time to start praying and making penance for the world….it really needs it.”
According to St. Teresa of Avila, the primary purpose of prayer is for the birth of good works. Many people will pray, but the reason, the primary reason that homosexuality is gaining the upper hand is because of the lack of good works that should stem from prayer.
We should not only match, but exceed, every evil work they do with good works. This is not the case. It will never be the case until our love has swollen to the point where it overcomes our reasonableness. Where are the people who say, “No?” Where are the people who will have large families? Where are the heterosexual couples who will holds in public, much less talk about what marriage is to anyone and everyone? All of these are fruits of genuine prayer.
Face it, we are being cowed into submission by fear for our jobs, fear for our families, fear for our freedom. Until the love of truth and goodness within us overcomes these basic fears, evil will win. Prayer can help, but if your prayers do not bear the fruit of love, if they do not move you away from fear and towards a true knowing of what you have to do, then your prayers are not worthy of the God to whom you pray.
That is why we are losing this battle.
The Chicken
Masked Chicken, sometimes comments merit response, sometimes they merit praise, but yours above just merits a standing ovation…….but since when I stand at my desk applauding people look at me funny, let me just give you a response of praise instead.
Chicken, great comment. I am sick of Catholic parents tolerating same sex civil rights because teen Johnny or Madison have announced to the family they are gay. Also, where are the Catholic politicians on these points? Traitors….
As I have said before on here: Children are the new slaves. God help us!
Sure, another logical step is that the John Jay Society will be against incarceration of murderers because it’s the provision of free shelter and food.
I’ve actually had a non-Catholic argue that the Church was supporting paedophilia by stating that in Vatican City the legal age of consent is only 14. I tried to explain that 1. when established as a legal entity, the Vatican City-State automatically adopted Italian civil law, except where specifically altered; 2. all persons living or working in Vatican City are (at least presumed to be) practicing Catholics, for whom extramarital sexual relations are always a mortal sin; 3. Catholic marriage is a long process which can never be entered into on a whim like a “Vegas wedding.”
Unfortunately the poor fellow, like most liberals, had a distaste for logical thinking processes.
Relevant (esp. to jbas’s comment):
“As I have said before on here: Children are the new slaves. God help us!”
I hate to combine posts, but Children are the new bitcoin.
The Chicken
I said this about the age limit awhile ago on another blog. Every time someone (usually on the left, in defense of their socio-political views) says, “That will never happen!” in response to one’s assertion that same-sex “marriage” and such things will lead to further social decay, “that” does happen. There won’t be any pedophilia if there aren’t any victims to be legally classified as children.
Sick world.
@The Sicilian Woman: “There won’t be any pedophilia if there aren’t any victims to be legally classified as children.” You are completely right.
@Chicken: I don’t know much about Bitcoin, but children ARE currency today, you’re right about that. They are sold and bought on the market, both as embryos and in later stages (for exploitation).
Let us distinguish.
Pedophilia is disgusting and contranatural.
If an age limit means that young couples engaged in, granted: sinful, fornication, have their, granted: disordered, love called “rape” and get themselves listed as sexual offenders (a category that goes even beyond murderers in public disgrace), it is pretty much excessive punishment. I’m on the side of the Italian (and Bavarian) law.
Also, the greatest part of Europe is not in acute danger of becoming Muslim-ruled. (In Berlin-Neukölln, the Turks are having increasing problems with what somewhat equals the Muslims in this sense, viz. with new Arab immigrants…)
Imrahil, do you really think that reducing the age of consent is really done to protect “young couples” from being stigmatized?
World-wide, consent is mostly 14.
I have a 14 year old boy, if a light-in-the-loafers came on to my boy I would beat him to a pulp, as un-Christian as that may seem.
Wow… out of the beaks of Masked Chickens come words of beauty and power indeed! That’s a keeper.
I wonder what you mean when you use the word ‘homosexualist’. Auberon Waugh – who , I think, coined the word – used it instead of homosexual. Are you using in this way or are you referring to the ‘gay lobby’? If you’re using it in the Auberon Waugh way then I guess you’re saying, ‘I’m a heterosexualist and I’m addressing an audience of heterosexualists’. If you’re using in the sense of the ‘gay lobby’ then clearly you mean something else. I’d just like to know.
Masked Chicken wrote: “Prayer can help, but if your prayers do not bear the fruit of love, if they do not move you away from fear and towards a true knowing of what you have to do,”
Be careful. Cloistered nuns do nothing but prayer and do not go out into the world to change it with their hands, but they still change the world. As Psalm 33 (RSV) states: “16 A king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. 17 The war horse is a vain hope for victory, and by its great might it cannot save. 18 Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love”. It is a theme repeated again and again in the Bible in both testaments, and also in the illogical way the Catholic faith was spread through martyrdom.
Without God our current situation is impossible to overcome. Politically, even right wing parties keep sliding towards the left….They’re better than the alternative, but only because the alternatives keep getting worse. WRT the culture war, we keep losing and every generation what was unthinkable in the past becomes glorified in the present. Face it, we’re the minorities even in our one Catholic faith, and historically, the faithful have always been the minorities and the bulk try to compromise with the current cultural fashion. I don’t care what age you look at, there was never a golden age, although the Church has known better days….
But with God, all things are possible.
Granted, we are called to faith working through love. But if even laypeople truly dedicate themselves to prayer and penance, they will not “Face it, we are being cowed into submission by fear for our jobs, fear for our families, fear for our freedom.”.
How could we? All our hope is in God who is faithful so what is there to fear? Yes there may be sufferings, but that is simply another form of penance. It is simply a penance of God’s choosing rather than our own. This that point is key, since God’s assigned penances are far more effective than anything we can come up with. And you don’t have to go looking for penances, God will provide abundantly if you ask him….
“Wow… out of the beaks of A Stupid Sinful Idiot
Masked Chickenscome words of beauty and power indeed! That’s a keeper.”If there were any good to to the remarks, thank God. Some of the posts I have read here or elsewhere have said similar things. He has been known to use animals, before, to speak (I’m looking at you, Balaam’s ass).
As for me, all I’ve been doing is trying to do, today (after I wrote the above), is dual boot a laptop with Windows 8 and Ubuntu. In the process, somehow, the boot disk slid past the disk drive and into the bowels of the laptop. I hear it pleading, “Help me, help me,” but, alas, it is trapped. Much cursing and swearing ensued (from me, not the disk!). I have proven for the angels to see that I am a miserable sinner. Why, oh why, can’t there be one operating system – free, easy, unbreakable?
When will there be a patron saint of computers?
Today, I have stained the Church and made it harder for you all to be saints by my bad example. We must be glad that St. Paul did not have to use a computer to type his epistles!
Oh, did I mention that one of the fruits of prayer is patience?
The Chicken
@Poor Chicken! There is a saint for computers – St Isidore of Seville. He must have lots to do these days.
Maltese says: I have a 14 year old boy, if a light-in-the-loafers came on to my boy I would beat him to a pulp, as un-Christian as that may seem.
That would seem to me the quintessentially Christian response.
Chicken, Are you aware of EasyBCD? I have not yet taken the (possibly suicidal) plunge into Win8, but I suspect the boot management used now by MS may make it a better choice to make Win8 the primary boot system, then install EasyBCD and Ubuntu.
Right on, man. I knew it was time to get out of the education biz when they forced me to appoint to teachers to distribute condoms, at the high school of which I was principal. I told both of them that I wanted minimal signage, and didn’t want to know or hear anything about it. That still doesn’t excuse me for not standing up to the city.
I am so glad I got out when I did.
Whatever the motivation, lowering the age of consent rarely benefits the young. I don’t know about worldwide, but in my state the age difference between the involved parties has to be greater than 3 years for a statutory rape charge. Seems like something like that would be the way to go if all you’re trying to do is stop labeling / stigmatizing young people making foolish choices.
@ Chicken – I always use USB sticks for OS installation / dual boot purposes now. Easily rewriteable, and they don’t wind up in the guts of the machine. I am also thinking of relegating Windoze to a purely virtual status under VMware.
This had to be next. As Dr. Judith Reisman has repeatedly shown, pedophilia tends to be the endgame for addicted sexual sensation-seekers.
Pray God that we have enough concern for our children to see where this is going before it’s too late.
Dear @MichaelJ,
coming to think of it no, but then I did not think of it. I confess freely that I know very little about politics and tactics.
Where I sometimes do opine about things is how they intrinsically are. And intrinsically, it is nothing short of inhumane to call “rape”, even if preceded by the word “statutory”, these sort of sinful s*xual relationships. And in a great number of circumstances I can imagine (and I’m quite glad, actually, that I do not know any statistics about which circumstances happen), also that you should not call them abuses.
And very well, when a 35-year old man uses his wealth and secure social position to seduce a 17-year-old girl (no, I shall not be painting the romantic picture), I do not see any systematic difference to a 20-year-old boy seducing a 19-year-old girl with the idea of “having fun together”. (The word pedophilia, at any rate, is not defined by age, but by particular biology, viz. by one part not being s*xually mature.) Yet I’m told the age of consent* is 18 in some American states. (I hate to say it because noone will dare to think prudery is our problem to day, and also because I’m a foreigner, but it does remain that America, and Protestantism in all [think of Prussia!] has a history of prudery.)
[*The whole idea that you cannot “validly” or so consent below an age is beyond my understanding. A state might say “thou shalt not consent”, he might say “even though thou consentest we’ll punish, at best, both of you”. But “though canst not consent”? Really?]
I’m also saying this because Italy is a Catholic country, and if you doubt the faith of today’s Italians then certainly Italian history, from which these legal institutions come, is Catholic. Like it or not, but an age limit of fourteen is, thus, part of Catholic history.
Imrahil, in the US, there is a distinction between “marriageable age” and “age of consent”
In most states, both parties have to be at least 18 years of age to contract marriage; however, with the consent of their parents, they can be married at a younger age (often 16) and with the approval of a Court, at still younger ages. Also, if the woman is pregnant they can be married at ages less than 18.
The “age of consent” is a quite different thing. It is part of the definition of the crime of “statutory rape” which says that even if sexual intercourse has been consensual, it is “statutory rape” if the younger party was less than a certain age, because the law has determined that a person below that age is incapable of of giving reasoned consent to sexual intercourse. In the state where I live, that age is 16 (or 18 if the person “has led a chaste life”).
Since the laws are made at the state level, the details may vary.
Our beloved parish priest said something along the lines of “If you want to know what is important to God, see what evil attacks”. We practice artificial contaception and abortion because we think there are many things in this world so much more important than bringing forth another soul. We abandon what few children we do have to daycare and the public schools and then wonder why they believe homosexuality and a host of other sins are normal and acceptable. We have sacrificed our children to Molech and our nations are reaping the whirlwind.
Well, in this state I haven’t seen any evidence of effort to reduce the legal age of consent.
Ironically we’ve had an situation in which a pastor was put on permanent administrative leave because he infracted with a teenager who was under the civil limit but not under the canonical limit.
There was no delict. He could not be removed. But civilly there was an offense and he could not be returned to ministry.
His salary, benes and housing have been covered for about ten years.
… and I have not come across the neologism “homosexualist” anywhere in the literature
Irony is what we wouldn’t expect. But this is exactly what we would expect. Irony this ain’t.
Male homosexuals have preferred young boys that have not started to shave, ephebi, since at least the time of the Greeks. You wouldn’t understand, it’s a gay thing.
Homosexualist = homosexual activist. A portmanteau word coined by the late Auberon Waugh, and quite a useful one.
Male homosexuals have preferred young boys that have not started to shave, ephebi, since at least the time of the Greeks.
Really, all gay males are ephebophiles? I’d love to see the documentation for that.
As one who was a teenager not toooooooo long ago, and also a teacher/tutor, I can comfortably say one thing: If I, as a teen, had wanted condoms, I would *not* have asked my teacher for them!
As for the age of consent at 14, canonically, for girls… well, most girls have, biologically speaking, reached womanhood by that age. At least, unless someone wants to develop a new definition. Holistically speaking, however, they probably haven’t. Not these days, anyway.
Actually, I thought the next frontier was bestiality, but apparently that’s been legal for ages in some countries.
I remember reading in the early ’70’s that a bill ready to be signed into law in New Jersey was “discovered” to contain a directive to lower the age of consent to 12. The bill was scrapped. The really strange thing was that NO ONE KNEW how that line item appeared in the bill or who had slipped it into the verbage. As far as the “traditional” age of consent for the Catholic Church at age 14, we should remember that for most of history, males at that age were considered to be men working the family farm or business, joining armies or ships’ crews. And girls’ were considered marriageable women when their bodies matured. It is only within the last century that the immature, adolescent period of life has been extended into the early twenties, primarily in the developed world where college and career launching have become the norm.
It’s amazing how kids can’t vote, drink, get hired for full time jobs, or legally consent to most contracts or procedures… and yet, the age of consent to sex is okey-dokey to lower.
If you don’t want a kid drinking a tequila, why do you want him sleeping around?
John Nolan
I think you’re wrong about Auberon Waugh’s use of ‘homosexualist’. My understanding is that he used it to refer to a homosexual. I doubt he would of recognised the word ‘activist’.
Suburbanbanshee–great point.
Unfortunately those who are pushing this (NAMBLA,GLSEN etc.) have no common sense.
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It’s worth noting that my understanding is that in the United States general population (averages averaging out, of course) the majority of 15 year olds have engaged in some form of sexual intercourse — actual, not a kiss.
Granting that codifying a custom solidifies it, I have to say this isn’t the next frontier; we’re pretty much past that one. Of course, we can keep moving the bar down, and will.
“We should not only match, but exceed, every evil work they do with good works. This is not the case. It will never be the case until our love has swollen to the point where it overcomes our reasonableness. . .
Face it, we are being cowed into submission by fear for our jobs, fear for our families, fear for our freedom. Until the love of truth and goodness within us overcomes these basic fears, evil will win.”
is amazing.
And this:
“As I have said before on here: Children are the new slaves. God help us!”
is absolutely right on.
“Really, all gay males are ephebophiles? I’d love to see the documentation for that.”
Frjim: First of all, I do not play the game of “word murder”, so I will never apply the word “gay” to describe the homosexual perversion.
Are all homosexuals ephebophiles? Well, if you can observe life you will note that far, far too many homosexually-disturbed people are attracted to adolescent boys. And, yes, this unspeakable vice has been practiced since the time of the Greeks and probably earlier than that. Read Lytton Strachey and John Maynard Keynes (is you have a very strong stomach), who used to go on boy hunts in their worldwide travels together. The whole sodomite culture is pederast at heart. To deny that is ludicrous.
Where are the fathers? Where are the mothers? Those are the only two questions that need to be asked. What father’s love would tolerate sin? What mother’s heart would dare name death-causing acts to be worthy of their child’s self-esteem?
The problem is not homosexuality. It isn’t. The problem is with the lack of fathers and mothers who really understand what those words, those frightful human offices – father and mother – really mean. If they did, they would be storming the schools, laying flat psychologists, denying passage of any thought that contends that disorder might be order. They would hold their sons and daughters in the embrace of truth. They would show a love that tolerated no wishy-washiness and minced no words. Their love would leave no doubt that they would die for their children, but that they would not let their children die from their sins.
Where do we get fathers and mothers? I have seen fewer and fewer of them. Only marriage creates fathers and mothers (adoptions create parents by an exception granted by God). The problem is not homosexuality. The problem is with men and women who cannot see that truth is worth dying for – and worth living for. Give us good marriages and the homosexual problem will become what it is – a sad Cross to be borne by a few.
We have no strong love, today. Father, mother are just two different names for love, but are those words strong enough for today?
The Cross, the Cross. I shout it, again. The Cross is what is missing in the lives of fathers, mothers, and those afflicted with same sex attraction. There is no appreciation for the cost of love anymore. Love has become cheap. Parenting has become cheap. That is what homosexuality is: a love that has become a cheap truth. Give us expensive love. Give us love that costs. Homosexuality is nothing more than love fleeing from the Cross. One wonders, though, if Christ could have conceived of going to the Cross without the hope he grew up seeing in Mary’s eyes? Would he have understood that one can build a life on the wood of death if he had not seen the marvels that Joseph could work in his carpenter’s shop?
Parents, be parents. Be strong, be gentle, be kind, be fierce, but most of all, realize that in every action you stand judged by the Cross. If more parents realized that, this problem would go away.
The Chicken
P. S. I have no idea where that came from.
Dear Chicken,
thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart! It’s so scary to be a parent today, but when worry I lean my head against the cross (I dare not look at Him) and tell Him about my fears for my child, and he helps us dare to be better parents. Our four year old son looked at the crucifix and said: poor Jesus, we must comfort Him! God bless his heart!
PS. I know ” where that came from “:-) God bless you! I’m all teary-eyed now. Thanks again!
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