Forty-eight hours after Summorum Pontificum, then Card. Bergoglio arranged Holy Mass in the traditional Roman Rite.
From Clarín:
Regresó la misa en latín, con mujeres cubiertas por mantillas
Un centenar de fieles conocedores de la vieja liturgia estuvieron ayer en San Miguel Arcángel.
Sergio Rubin
srubin@clarin.comCuatro décadas después de que la misa en latín con el sacerdote oficiando de cara al altar fuese reemplazada por el oficio en la lengua de cada país y de frente a los fieles, el antiguo modo de celebrarla fue rehabilitado ayer en una iglesia de Buenos Aires. Fue ante un centenar de fieles deseosos de participar de la forma tradicional.
La celebración se produjo 48 horas después de que el papa Benedicto XVI firmara el decreto (motu proprio) que libera esa modalidad. Hasta el viernes, la misa en latín requería la autorización del obispo del lugar, trámite que ya no será necesario. Desde ahora, ante un pedido de los fieles, el sacerdote deberá acceder.
Con todo, el arzobispo de Buenos Aires, cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, dispuso una celebración fija en su jurisdicción para ofrecerles a los fieles porteños un lugar específico y esquivar el problema de que muchos sacerdotes no saben oficiarla.
La parroquia es San Miguel Arcángel, en el microcentro. Su párroco, Ricardo Dotro, es experto en liturgia. Tuvo que desempolvar la última versión del antiguo misal, de 1962, disponer el altar, poner seis velas en lugar de dos y conseguir un organista que conociera los viejos cánticos.
“In nómine Patris, et Filii et Spiritus Sancti”, dijo Dotro pasadas las 10, al recitar la señal de la cruz con que comenzó el oficio. Fieles mayoritariamente adultos y ancianos, aunque también algunos jóvenes, varias mujeres con mantilla, y casi todos con misal, lo seguían con unción. Las mujeres tenían, además, polleras bastante largas. Llamaba la atención una familia con tres nenas, todas con mantilla.
Muchos de los asistentes parecían muy conocedores de la antigua liturgia. Incluso, no faltaron algunos que deslizaron cierta molestia porque la celebración no fue, a su juicio, totalmente por el modo antiguo y se mezcló con elementos actuales.
La comunión fue recibida de rodillas, junto al altar y en la boca. No hubo saludo de paz, ni oración de los fieles, ni procesión de ofrendas.”Este modo de oficiar la misa enriquece mucho la celebración porque tiene en cuenta los elementos de una antigua tradición litúrgica”, dijo al salir Fabián, de 45 años. A su vez, Carolina, de 21 años, estudiante de filosofía, consideró que este modo “me eleva espiritualmente mucho más”.
El padre Dotro no hizo en su homilía ninguna mención al modo en que la celebraba. Luego, pidió a los periodistas que no dijeran que es la misa tridentina, sino “el modo extraordinario del rito romano”. Así buscó acotar la polémica que suscitó su rehabilitación.
Going merely off of the first sentence, this is excellent news!
I saw this mentioned on Twitter and other sites as well this morning. For those of us with no history in or knowledge of Spanish, could we get a “literal translation” here in the comments?
(I myself took Latin in both high school and a little in college too…at a Jesuit university too).
This is the first piece of positive liturgical news I have read and I am glad for it!
I saw this on your friend and brother cleric Fr. Finigan’s blog . According to the sources mentioned there, there are other locations in Argentina celebrating the TLM/EF Mass (other than SSPX). Great news!
The wolves would prefer that we scatter and fight among ourselves over whether Pope Francis will support the restoration. But a firm push toward tradition has already been made, and the momentum may be unstoppable–do we really need a new Pope who will hold our hand while the remaining work is accomplished? (Perhaps I am being unkind. More than ever I regret the missed opportunity with the SSPX.)
Evidence the tide is turning at last includes an N.O. priest in my diocese who has made the firm decision to face the Tabernacle at Easter Mass before the entire parish. I have heard him say publicly that never again will he offer Mass ad populum. He appears to have no interest in the E.F., but this could change, of course. Surely this miracle is due to S.P. and the new translation. And to our beloved Father Benedict, who has my eternal gratitude.
Well, I don’t know Spanish, but what I have read on Google Translate is very disturbing. The second sentence: “He returned the Latin Mass, with women covered by blankets.” COVERING WOMEN WITH BLANKETS?!?!
In all seriousness, this is great news. While I was disappointed that it will probably take at least another papacy for the papal tiara to be dusted off, I am less concerned that Pope Francis will roll back Pope Benedict’s liturgical reforms. I pray that he will be a lesson to the world– and remind everyone that St. Francis of Assisi was a holy, faithful, and fearless man, and not a proto-hippie.
Thank you for posting this. I have put the link on my blog. Pray for me, as I am trying to learn Italian. I know a little bit of Spanish, enough to follow such an article, but Italian seems harder to me.
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I’ll work on a translation. (I’m fluent in Spanish and translating is part of my work.)
In the mean time, it seems that Pope Francis may also be able to “celebrate the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom.” ( That is also good news on the liturgical side of things.
The “Hermeneutic of Continuity” blog has more about the prevalence of the TLM in Argentina:
Let us pray that the first person who approaches Pope Francis to discuss the implementation of Summorum Pontificum is someone with the charity of Fr. Z, not someone who shoots first and asks questions later.
I assume you are joking, but just in case, look directly at the Spanish word and there will be no doubt as to the meaning; “mantillas.”
SteelBiretta, Google Translate is translating “mantilla” as “blanket.”
So, 48 hours after Summorum Pontificum, he implemented Ecclesia Dei.
Pues que Dios lo bendiga siempre. Volver a la otra misa está más allá de las fuerzas de muchos fieles.
I’ll leave the translation to JacobWall because I am rusty, but I can tell you that Google Translate really butchers this article! Don’t fret until we have a good translation. It’s a very positive thing to read, IMO.
@acardnal, @netokor: Yes, I was just joking. I like Google’s attempts to translate, and thought we could perhaps use some levity.
I did find the article very interesting. The author seems particularly affixed on the fashion– the “very long skirts” and the “blankets.” Also, it says that a family with three girls in mantillas was particularly notable. I wonder what made the family notable– the mantillas, or the fact that they had three children?
Perhaps in some far-off future time, we will have an article about the strange fellow who bucks tradition by showing up at Mass in shorts and a t-shirt.
The Google Translation isn’t too bad, actually. They’ve really improved that service! So, I just “cleaned it up” a bit. The title seems to be missing a word (i.e. “Latin Mass”) even in Spanish, so I just left it that way:
Latin Mass brought back, women covered with mantillas
About a hundred faithful familiar with the old liturgy attended San Miguel Archangel yesterday.
Sergio Rubin
Four decades after the Latin Mass, with the officiating priest facing the altar, was replaced by the service in the language of each country and facing the faithful, the old way of celebrating was restored yesterday at a church in Buenos Aires. It was offered before about a hundred worshipers eager to participate in the traditional form.
The celebration took place 48 hours after Pope Benedict XVI signed the decree (motu proprio) that releases this form of the Mass. Until Friday, the Latin mass required approval of the bishop; that process is no longer necessary. From now on, upon the request of the faithful, the priest must cooperate.
However, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, arranged a permanent celebration in his jurisdiction in order to offer the local faithful a specific place and avoid the problem that many priests do not know how to officiate it.
The parish is St. Michael the Archangel, downtown. The pastor of the parish, Ricardo Dotro, is an expert in liturgy. He had to dust off the last version of the old missal, 1962, prepare the altar, set up six candles instead of two, and find an organist who knew the old chants.
“In nomine Patris, et Spiritus Sancti et Filii” said Dotro at 10 o’clock, when reciting the sign of the cross which begins the celebration. The faithful were mostly adults and the elderly, but also some young people, several women with mantillas, and almost all with a missal, which they followed with unction. The women also had quite long skirts. Noteworthy was a family with three girls, all with mantillas.
Many attendees seemed very knowledgeable about the ancient liturgy. There were even a few who expressed some annoyance because the celebration was not, in their view, entirely in the ancient manner, but was mixed with modern elements.
Communion was received kneeling at the altar and in the mouth. There was no Sign of Peace, Prayer of the Faithful, or Offertory Procession. “This way of celebrating Mass greatly enriched the celebration because it takes into account the elements of an ancient liturgical tradition,” said Fabian when he was leaving, a man of 45. In turn, Carolina, 21, student of philosophy, felt that this form of celebrating “spiritually uplifts me more.”
Father Dotro did not mention the way he celebrated in his homily. Later, he asked journalists not to say that is the Tridentine Mass, but “Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.” In this way, he sought to tone down the controversy surrounding its reinstatement.
@SteelBiretta: the way some women dress for Mass these days, covering them with blankets doesn’t sound too bad.
A few excerpts of the article (my Spanish isn’t very good, but some of you may be as impatient as me):
Four decades after the Mass in Latin with the priest officiating facing teh altar was replaced with the vernacular liturgy said facing the faithful, the ancient way of celebrating has been returned to one church in Buenos Aires. Approximately one hundred of the faithful participated in the traditional form.
The celebration took place 48 hours after Pope Benedict XVI signed the decree (motu proprio) liberating this version. Before Friday the Mass in Latin required the authorization of the local bishop, which is now no longer necessary. From now on, upon petition of the faithful, the priest may agree.
The Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, has made available a place specifically available to these faithful, but the problem is that many priests do not now how to officiate in this rite.
The parish of St. Michael the Archangel is small. It’s pastor, Ricardo Dotro, is an expert in liturgy. He has the most recent version of the old Missal, from 1962, available on the altar, also an organist who is familiar with the older forms of music.
. . . .
Communion is received on the tongue. while kneeling befoer the altar. There is no sign of peace, no speeches by laity, no offertory procession. . . .
Father, this is incorrect. It was NOT a 1962 Mass — it was a hybrid. There are no TLMs in his archdiocese.
Story here:
Perhaps in some far-off future time, we will have an article about the strange fellow who bucks tradition by showing up at Mass in shorts and a t-shirt.
Perhaps in the same future where groups of discontented “Spirit of Vatican II” enthusiasts drive for an hour or more for a guitar mass in a rented hotel room, with aging and fragile but lovingly-preserved felt banners and tie-dyed vestments, and battered, taped-up copies of Glory & Praise rescued from the dumpsters where parishes had unceremoniously tossed them.
@mamajen – I didn’t think Google was so bad, but maybe I’m just used to horrible translations (I see A LOT of them in my work, and VERY BAD!) I hope I cleaned it up enough to your standards! Let me know if you think it’s still sub-par.
“I wonder what made the family notable– the mantillas, or the fact that they had three children?”
In Mexico, mantillas are often associated with old women. I have no idea if the same is true in Argentina, which apparently differs considerably from Mexico in its take on Catholicism.
However, if they have the same association, then there would be several notable points – the fact that young girls were wearing mantillas, the fact that ALL THREE of them were wearing them (i.e. it wasn’t just left up to how each one felt), and possibly the fact that they had three children with them in Mass.
In cities in Mexico, families are increasingly smaller (not that much different from here,) but I hardly think 3 children would be surprising. Again, if the situation is similar to Mexico, than perhaps more surprising is that an entire family shows up together. In my experience in Mexico, it’s rare that both parents are committed to regular Mass attendance. This also offers license to children who refuse to go (“Dad’s not going, so neither am I,” which, of course, receives dad’s support, either actively or just through silence.) So, it’s most common to see a father or mother alone, sometimes with a child or maybe two.
An entire family sitting together seemed to be the exception rather than the rule. If this is true in Argentina, this fact probably just added to the uniformity of the three girls in mantillas.
This is mostly speculation on my part, considering that there might be some similarities between these latin american countries.
I know in various dioceses in Argentina, communion in the hand was banned too…
Great job! It reads very easily. Google is better than nothing, but sometimes words end up in the wrong order, or the wrong meaning is used, so it’s always nice to have a human who is able to do it instead. Thank you for taking the time!
It does seem that there were at the very least some slips in the TLM as offered in Buenos Aires. Even this Spanish article tells that much. Whether these were just slips, an actual attempt to create a “hybrid,” or simple ignorance is not indicated.
For the moment, I don’t trust anything that comes from Rorate. They’ve flown completely off the handle. In all honesty I felt nauseous (physically, not just a figure of speech) after reading what they’ve been posting over the last 24 hours, and until they’ve collected themselves, I don’t think anyone should go Rorate as a reliable source on Pope Francis’ history.
I’m glad you approved!
@albinus1: From your blog comment to God’s eyes! Thank you for the good laugh! Fortunately, I was not drinking anything, or I would have ruined my laptop.
I pray that in this far-off future, interested seminarians will have to travel far away (and in secret, lest their rector hear of it) to learn to say Mass “with back to God” (as versus populum will no doubt be called in this far off future time).
For anyone still willing to read Rorate, they now have information that Cardinal Bergoglio ordered a priest in his archdiocese to cease an Extraordinary Form Mass in November 2007.
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[C]ontrary to what common sense dictates and Ecclesia Dei clarified, Father Dotro [the “chaplain” for the Traditional Mass specifically chosen by Abp. Bergoglio] follows the calendar of the Ordinary Form, reading, therefore, the lessons of this form. But, as he does not limit himself to this innovation, he does not read them, but has them read by the faithful. The modified Mass is therefore left without the Epistle, Gradual, or Gospel.
As informed by the media [as informed above by the Clarin article], on September 16, 2007, the first day in which it was celebrated by who would soon be the Chaplain of the traditionalists, some one hundred people filled the Crypt of San Miguel. […] From the one hundred people who were present in the Mass on the first day, not more than two or three are left… Once a month! Because liturgical “modernism” is not in the interest of the faithful who adhere to tradition. For that, it is enough, and more [than enough], the number of parishes of Buenos Aires that, under the watch of the Cardinal-Primate, do as they please in the Ordinary Form. Father Dotro and his superior, who cannot ignore what is going on, in this way mock traditionalists about whom they should care.
But..but..but.. He HATES the extraordinary form!!!!! Doesn’t he?! I mean, alias of folks that didn’t know who he was this time yesterday assured me that he couldn’t get his Mozzetta on ’cause of his horns and tail.
Of course Our Holy Father Francis, lover of the poor, servant of God, followed the wishes of Pope Benedict whilst he was Cardinal Archbishop of B.A.
Our new Pope has done nothing but impress me in the short time since our generous lord gave him to us. I am so grateful for Pope Francis, already his example has made me examine how I bring Christ to the poor. Thank you lord for Holy Pope Francis.
“For anyone still willing to read Rorate, they now have information that Cardinal Bergoglio ordered a priest in his archdiocese to cease an Extraordinary Form Mass in November 2007.”
Sources? Corroboration? the priest?
A religious sister at my parish touched up the google translation (forgive any minor errors, she had very little time, and I’m grateful even for this).
The Latin Mass is back, with women wearing veils
One hundred of the faithful, knowledgeable of the old Liturgy, were in San Miguel Archangel Church yesterday.
Sergio Rubin
Four decades after the Mass in Latin with the officiating priest facing the altar was replaced by the new rite in the language of each country and with the priest officiating facing the faithful, the old way of celebrating was rehabilitated yesterday at a church in Buenos Aires. It happened before one hundred of the Faithful eager to participate in the traditional rite.
The celebration took place 48 hours after Pope Benedict XVI signed the decree (motu proprio) giving freedom to celebrate in this mode. Until Friday, the Latin mass required the permission of the local bishop, this is no longer a necessary step. From now on, if the faithful request it, the priest must offer this possibility.
With this, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, named a parish in his jurisdiction where this rite is offered for the faithful desiring it and so avoiding the problem faced by many priests who are not trained and do not know how to officiate this rite.
This parish is St. Michael the Archangel located downtown. The pastor, Ricardo Dotro, is an expert in the liturgy. He had to dust off the old version of the missal of 1962, fix the altar, put six candles instead of two and look for an organist who knew the old songs.
“In nomine Patris, et Spiritus Sancti et Filii” said Dotro after 10, as he recited the sign of the cross with which he began the Mass. The faithful, mostly adults and the elderly, although there were some young men and various women with veils, most with a missal, followed him with unction. The women wore long skirts. A family with three girls wearing veils was particularly striking.
many attendees seemed very knowledgeable about the ancient liturgy. In fact, some were not so happy that, in their judgment, the celebration was not totally in the form of the old rite and it was mixed with some current practices.
Holy Communion was received kneeling, near the altar and on the tongue. There was no greeting of peace, no Prayer of the Faithful, nor an offertory procession. “This rite greatly enriches the celebration because it has practices of an ancient liturgical tradition, ” Fabian said as he left, 45. Carolina, a 21 year old student of philosophy, said that this rite “elevates me spiritually much more”.
Father Dotro did not mention in his homily anything about how he celebrated. Then he asked journalists not to call this the Tridentine Mass, but the Extraordinary form of the Roman rite. In this way he chose to sidetrack the controversy of the rehabilitation of the old rite.
I too pray for our new Holy Father and do not wish to read anything negative about his manner of doing things. I trust God and what He might be telling us through this Pope. Pope Francis chose the name Francis after St Francis of Assisi for a reason, and I am consoled by the fact that on the Feast of St Matthias, 24 February 1208 (or 1209), St Francis of Assisi understood his mission from hearing the Gospel of the day – Matthew 10: 7-20:
“And preach as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of Heaven is at hand’. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without pay, give without pay. Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the labourer deserves his food. And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it, and stay with him until you depart. As you enter the house, salute it. And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly, I say to you, it shall be more tolerant on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomor’rah than for that town. Behold I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men; for they will deliver you up to councils, and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles. When they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”
Not exactly, no.
Rorate Caeli, a blog listed on this blog’s sidebar, has this information in a brand new article called “How Summorum Pontificum was blocked and trampled on in Buenos Aires: facts, not fantasy and disinformation”:
According to them:
(1) although Argentina has the largest traditionalist community in South America, no TLM was permitted by Card. Bergoglio in the Archiocese of Buenos Aires under the Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei;
(2) when Summorum Pontificum was issued, then Card. Bergoglio arranged for a TLM in 48 hours but this was a mutilated TLM as Card Bergoglio ordered the readings to be done using the Novus Ordo Calendar and Lectionary, so the readings were not of the Mass, and not of the 1962 Missal;
(3) instead of their being TLMs in the parishes, Card. Bergoglio actively suppressed priests who tried to implement Summorum Pontificum, and ordered them to stop the Masses. Instead, as if the Ecclesia Dei regime was still in force, Cardinal Bergoglio appointed a TLM chaplain, unfriendly to Tradtion, that celebrated the mutilated TLM with Novus Ordo readings ONCE A MONTH in a crypt;
(4) Cardinal Bergoglio, it is important to remember, wasn’t the Archbishop of all of Argentina, only of the City of Buenos Aires. The City of Buenos Aires, Federal Capital, is not to be confused with the Province of Buenos Aires (just like, say, one cannot confuse Washington State with Washington, DC). Buenos Aires Province surrounds Buenos Aires City, but the City is not a part of the Province (so Buenos Aires Province is like Maryland, whereas Buenos Aires City is like Washington DC). The Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, over which Card. Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, presided, included only the territory of the Federal Capital, Buenos Aires City. And then again, there was the jurisdiciton of the Military Ordinary, etc. While there are now TLMs under Summorum Pontificum in Buenos Aires Province, there is no TLM in Buenos Aires City under the jurisdiction of the Buenos Aires Archdiocese. So Card. Bergoglio’s Archdiocese soon became again a Summorum Pontificum free zone.
(5) Why? Because on the first TLM there were more than 100 people in attendance, but the TLM being only once a month, only in the crypt of one single Church in the whole City, and, especially, because it was not a true TLM, but a mutilated mixture of TLM and Novus Ordo with Novus Ordo calendar and readings, the numbers fell, and, when only a handful of people remained, the Archdiocese cancelled the TLMs. And by prohibiting individual initiatives by priests who wanted to pray the TLM in their churches, Cardinal Bergoglio effectively killed the application of Summorum Pontificum in the area under his jurisdicion.
New rule:
From this point forward, I decree that each comment critical of our new Vicar of Christ shall begin with a recitation of St. Boniface’s oath, which I have modified as necessary:
In the name of God and of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
In the year of Our Lord 2013.
I, [here state your name], by the grace of God [here state your occupation, or simply state “blog commenter”], promise to you, blessed Peter, chief of the Apostles, and to your vicar, the blessed Pope Francis, and to his successors, in the name of the indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and on thy most sacred body, that I will uphold the faith and purity of holy Catholic teaching and will persevere in the unity of the same faith in which beyond a doubt the whole salvation of a Christian lies. I will not agree to anything which is opposed to the unity of the Universal Church, no matter who may try to persuade me, but in all things I will show, as I have said, complete loyalty to you and to the welfare of your Church on which, in the person of your vicar and his successors, the power to bind and loose has been conferred.
Should it come to my notice that some bishops deviate from the teaching of the Fathers I win have no part or lot with them, but as far as in me lies I will correct them, or, if that is impossible, I will report the matter to the Holy See. And if (which God forbid) I should be led astray into any course of action contrary to this my oath, under whatsoever pretext, may I be found guilty at the last judgment and suffer the punishment meted out to Ananias and Sapphira, who dared to defraud you by making a false declaration of their goods.
This text of my oath, I, [here state your name], a lowly [here state your occupation, or state “blog commenter”], have written with my own hand [you may substitute “typed with my own keyboard”] and placed over thy sacred body. I have taken this oath, as prescribed, in the presence of God, my Witness and my judge: I pledge myself to keep it.
And Father Finigan has now recognized his mistake and corrected his initial information:
Also note that lay readers were in charge of the readings in the shortlived Buenos Aires TLM’s arranged by Card. Bergoglio, a violation of the 1962 rubrics.
@Legisperitus and @boxerpaws1952
If you read the post, it talks enough rubbish to question the entire thing’s content. It makes statements that seem to be to be quite verifiably false re the gay marriage laws. Rorate now has a new post on the EF Mass; if it is true that it was a hybrid, it’s still not some sort of menacing Cardinal Bergoglio behind it – the same mistake was made here (South Africa) quite sincerely and without malintent, and nobody (except a population of n<5) understood that it wasn't what Pope Benedict intended. It faded due to the health of the priest. Currently we have 4 priests (in good standing with their bishops and Rome) in the country saying the EF Mass. One extra – retired, serving an SSPX parish too. Then several SSPX priests. So few people who knew what was what, that an accidental hybrid was not surprising. Let's not subject Pope Francis to the same sort of misinformed maltreatment Pope Benedict was given about the German army and the abuse scandals.
@SteelBiretta – thank you. I will do my best.
In the interest of honesty, Fr. Tim Finigan -who posted on this previously- has just now come out with an apology to Rorate-Caeli and a correction regarding TLM/EF Masses in the archdiocese of Buenos Aires. In it, he quotes their most recent and updated post.
There are no EF Masses in Buenos Aires (the archdiocese, not the province). The one “authorized” Mass (once a month, in a crypt) was an illegal hybrid of the two. Laity read the NO Gospel…..
I would like to think, I would hope, that there are factors I do not know about, perhaps a chancery run amok…who knows. But the attempt to paint him as friendly to the EF is false
I just googled in Spanish and there are several Latin masses in EF in BA that are Catholic, not SSPX that I found in just a few minutes. About the same number of SSPX communities, though.
The letter above says Prayers of the Faithful not statements of the laity.
Also, I found at least one letter quoted on Rorate in Spanish and some of the translation was wrong and, since there are a few SSPX folks in BA, I wonder if they aren’t the source of these criticisms of our new Holy Father. He knows them well and what the difficulties are.
One other thing that Fr Z refers to often, Latin understandings are different than northern Euro and US. Laws are less cut and dried. Some of the folks mentioned above may have been coming back from SSPX communities.
I trust Fr. Tim Finigan as being reliable, or, as this post shows, with every intention of being so. As he says, he is “trying to post as many positive things about Pope Francis as I can. However that is a useless exercise if the truth is not adhered to carefully.” He is trying as hard possible to be honest, even if that means admitting previous error and apologizing.
However, despite Fr. Finigan’s apology and link to them, I don’t feel that kind of honesty from Rorate themselves. They are on some sort of demented mission with the opposite intention – “trying to post as many negative things about Pope Francis as they can.” The difference is I don’t see any kind of balance coming from their end as came from Fr. Finigan.
Fr. Finigan’s statement builds my respect and trust for what he writes, and gives me a good deal of confidence that the information is credible. However, its credibility comes from Fr. Finigan, not from Rorate. The statement does not restore any trust in Rorate. They’ve destroyed my respect for them (which I hope will be restored in the future.)
Thank you for that link, acardnal.
JacobWall: It does seem that there were at the very least some slips in the TLM as offered in Buenos Aires. Even this Spanish article tells that much. Whether these were just slips, an actual attempt to create a “hybrid,” or simple ignorance is not indicated.
Again, read Rorate, and Fr. Finigan’s apology. There are NO TLMs in his diocese. A Mass, said versus populum, with laymen reading the new readings in the vernacular, is not a 1962 Mass as ordered by Summorum Pontificum.
I would love for everyone to set their emotions aside and show me one false statement on Rorate. One. [We are going to pit blogs against each other in this matter.]
Here in Italy, just after SP there was much confusion and I’ve heard of many cases of Priests who said “We’ll use the 1962 MISSAL, but the latest LECTIONARY” and that was a terrible mix-up. It all got sorted out fairly quickly, and maybe the same thing was happening in Argentina…
Hello Jacob,
Well, I think that’s excessive: Rorate *did* post positive things about Pope Francis, including a post praying for him; reprinting effusive congratulatory statements from the FSSP, SSPX, and Opus Dei; and a shot of his trip to pray at the tomb of Pope St. Pius V.
But yes, there is that angry essay from the Argentine traditionalist…
That said, we must face facts, now that we have more of them: Summorum has been a dead letter in Buenos Aires under Bergoglio’s tenure, notwithstanding a strange offering of a hybrid Mass, which may have been due to incompetence, hostility of the priest, or a more cunning attempt to kill interest in the TLM. Charity requires that we not assume the worst of the Holy Father in that situation. It’s possible, after all, that he simply was not interested in the matter, and the usual chancery folks had their way with things, and he never really followed up on it. That’s not a happy situation, either, but it would reduce his culpability.
Pope Francis does bid well to bring certain strengths to the Papacy. Liturgical and ceremonial tradition – and not just the beauty they embody, but their theology, too – seem not to be high on that list, and we may just have to accept that, and emphasize his other gifts and achievements.
Jacob, the overwhelming coverage of Francis on Rorate is positive. Clearly, you’ve only read two of the numerous articles. And those two do not attack him — they only correct a very broken record.
Sorry, it might not have been on Rorate. Can’t find the badly translated article I was talking about, but it wasn’t mantilla = blanket…Huh?
This is a wonderful post. The article was very uplifting. I have hope that both the English and the Latin Mass will be profoundly reverent, because of the humility of our new Pope. Thank you, Father Z for all you do and have done–I don’t know where you get the stamina (well, I do know). And I thank Papa Benedicto, who will always be in my prayers. God bless you all and give you peace.
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I saw the following quote about Pope Francis on another Catholic blog, but I don’t know anything about Fr. Fessio or the Adoremus that it mentions. Could someone fill me in on what this quote refers to?
“One thing which does speak highly in his favor is that Fr. Fessio, who founded the Adoremus – Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy speaks highly of him. Specifically, he stated when asked his thoughts: “You’ll love him. The other Jesuits hate him. I’m ecstatic.”
With that kind of endorsement from someone in Fr. Fessio, SJ who is obviously faithful and orthodox, and also who deeply cares about the Liturgy, I am hopeful that Pope Francis will continue reforms in the area of the Liturgy with the path that Pope Benedict started.”
I don’t feel it’s excessive. Facing the facts is necessary as you say, but facing facts is very different from being pessimistic, negative and aggressive. But, for me, that’s enough about Rorate; they’re not important enough to try to disprove or justify them, or check up to see if they’ve become more balanced – it’s a blog I can easily live without either way. We have a new Pope (who I’m sure has never heard of Rorate, and I’m sure never will); while I know liturgy isn’t his strength, as so many people have quite level-headedly pointed out, I’m excited about the strengths this man does bring with him. I prefer to focus on him.
Let us pray for Pope Francis.
Liturgically speaking, one hopeful indication (from a conservative viewpoint) is that as Archbishop, Pope Francis acted as the ordinary bishop for Eastern Catholics in Argentina who did not have their own hierarchy. It has been my observation that priests and bishops who have regular contact with the Eastern churches tend to be more conservative regarding liturgical matters. Time will tell.
Oh, for heaven’s sake. (irritably) Who amongst us can truly claim to know every sparkling or sordid detail of any man’s past? Our new Papa may or may not have supported traditional rites as Cardinal Archbishop, but he is the Pope now, and there has never, in all of Heaven and Earth, been any job so guaranteed to make a man examine, not only his (and God’s) priorities, but who he has been, who he is, and who, with the help of God’s grace, he may become. Francis took a new name because he is a new man, and no, his past is not irrelevant – but all of us who were blessed by him yesterday in person or when watching him, and who were granted the inestimable privilege and grace of a plenary indulgence that wipes clean our personal slates in the eyes of the Almighty, can at the very least, TRY to remember that he, too, quite probably received the same privilege from the Spirit that shanghaied him for the job in the first place.
Say a prayer of thanksgiving, and have done with already. It’s a new day, we’re a new people, and I, for one, am grateful and glad and looking forward to whatever God may bring.
JacobWall, just wanted to say that I too am frustrated by what Rorate has been posting (and the comments they have let through moderation) over the last 36 hours.
@Mary Jane: I have been trying to post my modified Oath of St. Boniface over at Rorate, but it doesn’t seem to be making it past the censors. I’d love to see those people declare their fealty to the Vicar of Christ. Sadly, it appears to be a den of schismatics and sedevacantists at the moment.
@deliberatejoy: +1 to your post. I couldn’t have said it better.
Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., is the publisher and editor of Ignatius Press (of which you may have heard) and also co-founded Adoremus, a society dedicated to the reform of the new Roman Missal. He also was once provost of Ave Maria University, and before that, in charge of the St. Ignatius Institute at the University of San Francisco. He did his doctoral dissertation under Joseph Ratzinger at Regensburg.
He’s also a Jesuit, and has felt the harsh hand of the progressives who ran his province (and others besides) – his fourth vow was actually delayed until Pope Benedict was elected. So he has some knowledge from which he speaks when it comes to Pope Francis and his treatment by some in the Society of Jesus.
Hello Jacob,
We’ll have to agree to disagree, then.
I don’t defend some of the comments in the combox – they seem not to have moderated as tightly as they usually do – and I thought that the tone of the Argentine traditionalist was excessive, even if driven by legitimate grievances against the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. But I do not sense that they are “trying to post as many negative things about Pope Francis as they can.” Though it seems that some of their readers wish they would.
Many of the “traditionalists” remind me of Eastern Catholics who became Orthodox in order to have “more authentic” liturgies, devotions, and practices.
The media in Australia are portraying our new Pope Francis as conservative on morals – so the forces of darkness don’t like him.
I am mindful of Fr Z’s entreaty that we greet him with love and fealty, and I welcome his election and pray for him. But as a devotee of the EF I am still anxious that our new Pope Francis will not count liturgical renewal as of much moment and the gains made under Pope Benedict may prove transitory or even illusory.
So we know that the Holy Father speedily implemented SP, and it appears that it was in effectively implemented. A possible explanation is that there were no priests who could say mass properly according to the Extraordinary Form. Meanwhile, we know that the SSPX have a strong presence in Argentina. So remind me, how exactly is the societies ‘standing in the kitchen at the party’ helping the church?
God Bless our Holy Pope Francis.
But Father, But Father,
I’ve tried to stay away from these posts. But I can no longer stay silent.
I am a convert.
I am a convert who loves Liturgy.
I attend both the EF and an Ad-Orientem,-antiphon-chanting,-communion-at-the-kneeler-on-the-tongue NO masses.
To those who are so noisily clamoring against our Holy Father, might I ask, “Are you folks Catholic or Protestant?” Seriously! If you’re Catholic, really Catholic, don’t you “believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be revealed by God?” Perhaps that confession is just fresh on my mind from my conversion 2 years ago. But it isn’t a confession that expires.
Keep in mind, one dogma of the Church is that the Holy Spirit prevents the Pope from teaching error in matters of Faith or Morals that pertain to the whole Church. If Papal Infallibility is true, then put your faith in God and quit grousing. You sound like progressives.
Our Holy Father told the Princes of the Church today,
Our Holy Father has shown he has great respect for his predecessor. I perceive that he has different priorities than Benedict XVI, but I do not expect that he will undo anything that Benedict XVI put into place.
And above all “Let us never give in to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil tempts us with every day. Let us not give into pessimism and let us not be discouraged. We have the certainty that the Holy Spirit gives His Church, with His powerful breath, the courage to persevere…”
Please calm down. The fact is that he was allowing Extraordinary Form. Whether this then became a hybrid probably has nothing to do with him.
A bishop concerned with the good of his whole diocese would usually find a priest who seems to know it, give him the permissions and then let the priest run it. Especially if it isn’t his focus. I would wonder about an archbishop who was meddling in whether the EF mass with 100 or less people used OF or EF readings (even if they complained, it likely went to a secretary).
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Please calm down. As the ordinary of that place is it not his responsibility to ensure that the rubrics are properly observed? This approach MAY have been marginally defensible under Ecclesia Dei, but not under Summorum Pontificum. Also, the testimony from Buenos Aires suggests something more than the benign neglect you seem to be addressing, perhaps you would do well to study the matter a little further.