During my many years in Rome one of my favorite daily Vatican Radio moments was at about 2:40 in the afternoon on weekdays. They played recordings of Popes of yesteryear giving sermons and speeches. Since Italian presents no problems for me, it was fascinating to listen to Pius XII with his high voice and clear enunciation or John XXIII, who is pretty hard-core when you attend to the content.
Vatican Radio has now started to digitize their old recordings and, from 27 April (the date of the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII) they will make them available online. I look forward to this. Have you ever tried to find, for example, the audio of the entire famous “Gaudet Mater Ecclesia” address?
The best Catholic weekly in the UK, The Catholic Herald, has a story about this HERE.
“John XXIII, who is pretty hard-core when you attend to the content.” Bingo. I have said that for years. This picture of J23 as a warm fuzzy is a myth. Two words, folks: Veterum sapientia. I mean, the message and the chosen genre (not the fact that it failed completely).
Thank you for telling us about this! I had never heard of the broadcasting of such things or of the archive, much as I was glad to hear a 1903 recording of Leo XIII reciting the “Ave Maria” – which was the only such early recording I knew to exist. The little linked Catholic Herald article reports more than one much earlier recording!