There are so many terrible things going on right now. How about some good things?
Here is a great quote from St. Briget of Sweden, which I saw at The Back Of The World:
I Believe in Solemn, Reverent Liturgy Because…
…I believe that as Catholics, we need to act like we know this is true:“One day, when a priest was celebrating Mass, I saw, at the moment of Consecration, how all the powers of heaven were set in motion. I heard, at the same time, a heavenly music, most harmonious, most sweet. Numberless Angels came down, the chant of whom no human understanding could conceive, nor the tongue of man describe. They surrounded and looked upon the priest, bowing towards him in reverential awe. The devils commenced to tremble, and took to flight in greatest confusion and terror.” ~St. Bridget of Sweden
And here is another great thing at Holiness In The Ordinary:
From the Little Soldier, to a newly ordained priest.
It reads, “Father Noe. Congratulations! God called you to the sacred order of Priesthood. I know it is a hard life, but it is a good path to heaven.”
I have to brag just a bit. He just turned 7 last month. He had no help from me or from older brother and sisters. Dear Fathers, take heart, do not be discouraged. This little one loves you and prays for you.
That’s mighty fine.
Speaking of priests, this is from The Tenneseean:
Nashville adds 9 priests in historic Catholic ceremony
Nashville welcomed nine men into the Roman Catholic priesthood Saturday, setting a statewide record and promising relief to overworked priests ministering to some of the fastest-growing congregations in the country.
The gain is good news for the 67 priests already spread across 38 counties in Middle Tennessee. At least 70,000 registered Catholics call Middle Tennessee home, and that number is growing. The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University earlier this year ranked Nashville eighth in the nation for its rate of converts.
And then there’s this:
I will be celebrating the first Solemn High Mass in my parish for the Feast of the Assumption. Would you be so kind as to help promote it? I understand if you are not able.
Thank you!
Solemn High Mass
The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
August 15th ~ 7:00 pm
Church of the Holy Ghost ~ Tiverton, Rhode IslandCelebrant & Preacher
The Rev’d Father Jay A. Finelli
Pastor of Holy Ghost
Some uplifting new. Just what the doctor ordered. Especially good news is the reinforcement of people who have chosen the vocation of Priesthood. Thank you Father Z and all others who have done so.
“They surrounded and looked upon the priest, bowing towards him in reverential awe. The devils commenced to tremble, and took to flight in greatest confusion and terror.” ~St. Bridget of Sweden”
Desperately lost
November frost
When all seems
To decay
A leaf bedspread
Does cover the dead
Where bone and body
A pale gray dawn
Then yawns upon
Cold stones
And acorns brown
I walk to Mass
On icy grass
To see His spiked
Barbed crown
Where wood twined-braid
His head, it laid
Blood soaked
Pierced flesh by thorn
But crown displays
The price He pays –
The Priest at Mass
Each morn
His Flesh from bread
Wine is Blood shed
Under appearances
Matter resembles
Like body and bone
Distinct…not alone
Hallowed souls elevate
And hell trembles.
And Knoxville (East Tennessee) also ranks in the top 10 nationally for converts. With 4 new priests ordained this year in Knoxville, plus 5 in Memphis (West Tennessee), that’s 18 new priests for what was a single diocese (the whole state of Tennessee) when I was a new convert. Well beyond the rate of retirement placement, with orthodox young priests, several celebrating first EF Masses this year, allegations of a declining priesthood sound to us here like tales from a strange country. Fortunately, since the Catholic Church in Tennessee is bursting at the seams, with new churches and schools planned or built, new parishes being established, construction of a fine new cathedral for Knoxville to start soon, etc.
I’ll spend at least a month in Milford, DE where there are now EF masses every Wednesday morning and Saturday night. Wish that was Sunday morning and Vespers Saturday night, but that’s a whole lot better than anywhere near Raleigh-Durham.
I like Rev’d Father Finelli’s title. The Church needs more “revved” priests!
One of those new Nashville priests said a “first” Mass (Marian votive Mass, actually second overall he had offered ) last night in Nashville’s old Cathedral downtown: it was a sung high Mass (’62) with all the fixings: an excellent local schola, deacon, subdeacon, MC, and at least fifteen other priests assisting in choir. I’m not aware of a high Mass having been offered according to the usus antiquior in Nashville since the introduction of the N.O.
Please pray that one of these new priests will be sent to help the brave priest in Robertson County, a convert from the Anglican Church, who supports two parishes, one the oldest in Tennessee. He wants to offer the EF but is crushed with his duties and schedule.
From all that I have read, here (especially) and there, and having been through the South, it (the South) and especially TN, is ripe for conversion. They still have respect for authority. That, and the relatively strong preponderance of Irish descendants, many of whose ancestors only left the Church because there was no Catholic presence in their area. I also think many serious non-Catholic Christians are hungry for something more that’s not answered by BS like “once saved-always saved.” I think when people see the fruits of GOOD Catholic faithful in action, this can only help.