Was there a good point in the sermon you heard for your Sunday Mass?
Another question: Was the Synod that just closed mentioned in the sermon? In what terms?
Was the Beatification of Paul VI mentioned?
Was there a good point in the sermon you heard for your Sunday Mass?
Another question: Was the Synod that just closed mentioned in the sermon? In what terms?
Was the Beatification of Paul VI mentioned?
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Neither the Synod, nor Blessed Pope Paul VI mentioned, just something about the importance of voting in local elections. Father, I know you are a stickler for translation. Here’s one for you (and I think I’m staying on topic here):
“For there must be also heresies: that they also, who are reproved, may be made manifest among you.” (1 Cor xi.19) Douay-Rheims Hadock
This is a highly contentious bible verse, and anyone can see why. It is translated completely wrong in almost every translation. Only the Douay Rheims and King James use the word “heresies”. I went to copy the verse from Bible Hub website, which shows all translations….when i noticed, it quotes the Douay Rheims incorrectly. I couldn’t believe it. Got out my bible and looked it up. Sure enough, Bible Hub uses “approved” rather than the correct “reproved” complete opposite meaning.
Could this be the mystery of iniquity at work?
So I just did a google search for that verse using Douay Rheims translation. Every link quoted it wrong (180 degrees). Checked again in my Hadock DR. Also checked an 1800’s book on EENS, which quotes the verse. Same as my bible “reproved”.
The most important thing I noted, is that the Father said “Christ cannot go back on Himself”. He was referring to the fact that Christ came in the fullness of time, and likewise cannot allow the teachings He Himself instituted, to change. The teachings that were pulled into this context were the priesthood (that is, being for men only), Communion for the divorced and “re-married”, the homosexual lifestyle, etc. It was very apt what he touched on; he said that in the political sphere, it’s ends must be drawn toward reason, not a “pseudo-reason”, as I believe he put it, or words to that effect. He said it must all be drawn to true reason, as it is in the Church. He says that these new objections possess no reason, which is further, very apt. The homily given, for the most part, was very good. He was very unashamed in calling out the German cardinals (not in name) who were willing to change the teachings of Christ’s Church, for the sake of a society which has for the longest time undergone a moral degradation.
Father said that no church teachings would be changed by the synod. And I’m thankful for that but I do not understand what, if anything, was accomplished except lead some to believe the teachings may change.
Our parish is served by the FSSP so our priests’ relationship to the Diocese is a bit less ordinary than for normal diocesan priests so Father pointed out the importance of our obedience to our local Ordinary in Richmond and how the 4th Commandment commands our support of our bishop through prayer, sacrifice and contribution, even when we don’t think he deserves our honor. He did not mention the synod or beatification, but his homily reminded me that as Catholics we don’t get to decide whether we support our Church leaders. They rule over us by divine decree and deserve our honor and support. That is not to say we must agree with them when they contradict Church teaching.
Father pointed out that the synod cannot change the Church teaching on divorce and remarriage (w/o annulment) and homosexuality, despite pressure from certain prelates.
The beatification of Paul VI was not mentioned.
Landless: isn’t it Haydock? I have a DR bible, too, with Haydock notes & engravings. You are right; how did everyone else get “approved” out of “reproved”?
Today’s Mass [in Alameda] was a stunner: Father went directly to First Reading after introducing a little girl who is becoming a catchumen. No Confiteor, no Kyrie; no Gloria; no Collect. He’s not an old or foreign priest; been in our diocese a long time. Has a permanent deacon at his side.
Was it still a valid Mass? Father did just come back from a retreat, but did things change that much?
There is always a lot of discussion on what we are to render unto Caesar, particularly lately, as we see with things like the HHS mandate, etc. It is often a prudential judgment, determining what and how we render to Caesar, so Father said it is important to consider the second part of Jesus’ answer. Render unto God that which is God’s. So, what is God’s? We are. As the coin bore the image of Caesar, we bear the image of God, since we were made in His image. As the coin is imprinted with the seal of Caesar, we are imprinted with the seal of God at our Baptism and Confirmation. So that helps us determine what to render to Caesar, for if it separates us from God, to whom we belong, then we can not render it to Caesar.
Oh, and if we think we can trick Jesus or trip Him up, to get away with something, forget it. As the Pharisees and Herodians learned, it isn’t going to happen.
No mention of the beatification and just an offhanded mention of the Relatio, though I can’t really remember it specifically. It wasn’t with any detail at all, and may not even have been during the sermon, since he was also doing a class lecture after Mass (which was fantastic! I am so blessed. Deo gratias).
From a seasoned Dominican this morning in Portland: Like Paul VI, Francis is a man of the left, which is to say that he is focused on compassion. Paul VI’s brother fought against Franco in Spain, and at one time Paul VI broke off diplomatic relations with Spain. Nevertheless, although he was a man of the left and surrounded by men of the left, he came down on the side of truth when he issued Humanae Vitae and so will Francis. BTW, Paul VI will shortly be beatified.
Francis, like all Jesuits, is mysterious. And like all Jesuits he likes debate. That is to say, he wants everyone say what he thinks and then to hash it out. Except for three weird cardinals, no one is saying anything too exceptional, but the press likes to seize on anything that will sell papers and anything they think will undermine the Church. Nevertheless, contrary to the impression created by the media,Francis is not going to issue any official document that veers from what the Church has always taught.
I…er… drifted off, as I usually do during our pastor’s Sunday homilies. (His weekday homilies are usually quite good!). My radar would have picked up “synod” or “Paul VI” in a nano-second, so it was business as usual here in the DC area.
Although not called for according to the 1962 calendar, a sermon on the faith and witness of the North American martyrs, for whom the optional memorial for today was celebrated in the Diocese of Albany, NY, where three were martyred at Auriesville. The North American martyrs took seriously our Lord’s command to “go out and baptize all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Ten years after St. Isaac Jogues entered into eternal life at Auriesville, in the same location a Mohawk woman was born who converted to Christianity and persevered in the Faith despite misunderstanding or hostility from her own people. St. Kateri Tekakwitha was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 21, 2012.
Our PV spoke at length about the confusion engendered by the Synod, quoting Cardinal Burke at length. I was very impressed by his candor and wanted to thank him after Mass. As usual, a woman in front of me pulled him aside for what looked like a long chat. I should write him a note; my parish is blessed with fearless and orthodox priests.
Attended mass at the only Opus Dei-run parish in the US, here in Chicago. No mention of either the Synod or Paul VI (he really is the pope of modern times the people love to forget). Homily centered on the fact that it’s Mission Sunday and that man-made laws that contradict God’s laws or natural law are unjust. And that as Catholics we should not just be quiet about it.
I did not mention the synod, nor the beatification of Pope Blessed Paul VI.
My homily aimed directly at the frequent invocation of “Render unto Caesar” whenever government does something outrageous. The title of my homily may serve to summarize: ‘Jesus doesn’t want Caesar’s coin. But he claims you.’
I ended up at the college Catholic chapel with my parents (they live closest to that). The priest there is liberal in personal politics, semi-liberal in the way he says Mass (heh, maybe he’s conservative in both for where he grew up, though) yet he’s orthodox in doctrine (yeah, he’s a JPII guy). So he not only mentioned the synod, but talked about the marriage teachings a lot as being mostly about the indissolubility of marriage, and that we should be trying to call sinful people into the Church and the Gospel, to teach them love and morals. He said anything else was just press silliness and they should ignore it. He also said that anything being said about conservatives forcing the Pope to do stuff was silliness. So there you go.
And he mentioned the beatification too, although he said he didn’t have much to say about it personally because he didn’t really remember him, and he knew that the college students hadn’t been born yet when Paul VI passed away.
Father included the words “if you do not go to Mass on Sunday it is a mortal sin”. It was part of his highlighting what we should give to God. He also mentioned what we should give to the state.
This is, I believe, the first time I have ever heard a priest say that in a homily. But he is Nigerian and so as I live in England presumably on the Kasper approach I can ignore what he says? But the parish priest is Nigerian too. Maybe the concern that their families back in Nigeria might be blown up by the Boko Haram while at Mass has confused them?
No mention of the Synod that I spotte . Definitely no mention of the beatification of Paul V .
I was very thankful that Father’s sermon was about the synod and the impossibility of changing the doctrine on marriage and homosexuality. He called it heresy to suggest such things and pointedly said not even the Pope can change these teachings.
The best point of the sermon was that our obsession about this issue cannot help the Church, no matter how many blogs we read or post, the only thing that will truly help is our pursuit of holiness.
I’ll list in point form (my small brain functions best that way :)
-We are to give God all that He deserves; that is, all that we are
-We must do all things with love, even the smallest things
-When those around us see how we act, they are more attracted to Christ and the Catholic Church
I talked about the synod and Paul VI. Main point was that truth and mercy are not opposed.
Homily 280 – Truth, Mercy, and Marriage – 19th Sunday after Pentecost, EF
The celebrant at the Mass at which I assisted was Fr. Shawn Tunink, whose sermon link above I recommend. I particularly appreciated his mention of the couple in an “irregular situation” in which the husband was drawn to the Church because of Her commitment to Truth, no matter how difficult — which parallels both the covenant of marriage and God’s covenant with us, though each of us abandon Him countless times through sin.
“…ISI, the new Third Reich of terror…”
Our newly ordained parochial vicar (who has a very strong Italian accent but speaks English with both hands) gave a short homily about the day’s readings, mentioned Paul VI’s beatification, and then spoke ten minutes about Humanae Vitae and the evils of contraception. Some of us thought it should be reported as a miracle.
Today’s homily by a visiting priest (the former pastor at my husband’s childhood parish) managed to cover the importance of evangelization/Mission Sunday, Vatican II and the ways it has been misinterpreted, the beatification of Paul VI, and the Synod and how truth can’t change. We were encouraged to read the actual Vatican II documents and Humanae Vitae, and finished by praying the Memorare and the prayer to St. Michael. It was a very solid homily, if a bit lengthy!
Homily about evangelization solely from the point of view that a great many people today are unhappy and that the Catholic Faith is oriented to human happiness, therefore if we care about others we should evangelize them.
Well, no, there wasn’t really. The usual “it’s all about us, God’s holy people” sermon, no mention of the Synod, no mention of Pope Paul VI, and how we needed to ‘live the life that is best for us.’ Believe it or not, this is better than my home parish in that at least the priest in the diocese ‘next door’ where we went doesn’t ad lib the Mass (Eucharistic Prayers especially) and tell us to ‘pay no attention to the front of the songbook but rather to be open to active participation’ instead. Let’s just say that right now I am extremely thankful for this blog (when I feel like I’m either going to explode or cry, I take heart from Father Z, and I pray for my priests in thankfulness that we still have the freedom in this country to have priests at all).
My parish priest is humble and bold.
He opened his homily by reminding us that October is the month of the rosary and we should be praying it daily. Then he mentioned the Synod and stated that there are bishops and prelates who are heretics! God bless him. He concluded be reminding us of the theological virtue of hope. “Do not give up on hope.”
The Synod was not mentioned in the homily, only in the Prayers of the Faithful. Father discussed the beatification of Pope Paul VI and talked about this Pope’s willingness to give everything back to God and his desire to “die poor.”
It was a great homily – mostly about the value of all life (framed by the story of the terminally ill young woman who moved to Oregon so she can end her life on November 1, and why this action will not make her life more meaningful, but will devalue it instead). My teen daughter was very, very impressed and said that she wished that her friend, who carries the cross of serious mental health issues, could have heard it.
Father challenged us all to decide what belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God. Then, after we agreed that everything, in reality, does belong to God, he talked about how our lives and our bodies belong to God, and how ending life, whether in the womb or through assisted suicide, takes from God instead of giving back to Him. And, if we value our lives so much less if we are terminally ill or depressed or whatever, then society will also hold the lives of certain groups of people to be valueless (as, of course, is happening already) instead of acknowledging that everyone has the right to life from birth until natural death.
This parish has gone from coldly unfriendly to warm and welcoming, thanks to the efforts of this pastor. He’s worked so very hard to meet people where they are, while carefully explaining the truths of our Holy Faith and encouraging them to involve themselves in adult faith formation (there are many opportunities) and service to the poor and suffering. (The new Schola is rehearsing weekly, too, and we are praying that this might be the first step toward regular Masses in the Extraordinary Form.)
I belong to a very liberal parish, but our priest is very holy. He doesn’t rock the boat by bringing up specific topics, he sticks to the gospel reading. Today he described how the Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus, and how Jesus handled it. He said “manipulation is always a sin.” This line struck me, and reminded me of the synod.
Today i attended mass not in my parish, but in a church in downtown. The priest doesn’t mention Paul VI or the Synod, but he talks about human freedom and also about how God uses non believers to make His work.
No mention of the synod or the beatification.
We owe God love from our whole heart, our whole mind are whole soul and with all our strength.
We had the diocesan vocation director speaking at all masses.
He spoke mostly to parents, of course I didn’t go to the teen-ey boppers masses, so maybe he spoke on a different tack to them.
Landless, excuse my presumption in addressing the variant reading you found. I have never heard of “reprobate” in 1Cor 11:19 and, as you say, the meaning would be different, though not necessarily inconsistent.
I have at hand four editions of the Vulgate and three Greek, which all say “probati” (“dokimoi”). They all, therefore, support the usual reading that you find “everywhere”. The editions I consulted that have a scholarly apparatus (as well as Metzger’s Textual Commentary) do not mention an alternative “reprobati” (nor “adokimoi”) as appearing in any ancient manuscript (and they mention other very tiny little variances). Fascinating. But, in my opinion, the correct reading in English should be “approved” (D-R) or “genuine” (RSV).
If the Bible that reads “reprobate” does not point out its uniqueness, then I would guess it was only a kind of typo. If it has an argument insisting on “reprobate”, I would exercise caution in relying on its other readings and comments.
St John Cantius was commemorated at the church of that name in Chicago, external solemnity.
Fr. Philips recounted a legend of the saint. When St John Cantius was celebrating mass once, a sparrow flew into the chapel and was distracting the worshippers. St JC had a revelation that the sparrow was in fact Satan in disguise, so he swatted it. It fell to the floor, was transformed into a snake, hissed at the saint, and vanished.
The point made was how vital the mass is to our lives, how much the devil hates it and all faithful priests, and how we cannot be distracted from the path of holiness.
My children found the Theresienmesse a little long, but they both remembered the legend.
Thank you for your input. Yes, responding to another poster, I misspelled Haydock. (I’m the black pot). Well, I’m going to research this further, as from what I understand, the DH Haydock bible was one of the most widely used for a number of generations of English speakers. As you probably already know, the Douay Rheims is the only bible to translate Genesis iii.15 “…SHE shall crush thy head…” It’s a new bible for me, and I’m still learning about it, but it is proving to be very intriguing.
Landless, you will be reassured that in the case of Genesis 3:15, the Latin Vulgate (which guided the D-R translators) also reads the feminine ipsa conteret, as do several ancient pre-Jerome MSS. So you can trust the D-R showing you this Latin reading. The Hebrew there, hooah, is, however, masculine; as is the Septuagint Greek, autos.
It is hard to say how such readings as the pronoun being altered to the feminine occur. As Catholics, able to rely on Tradition as well as Scripture, we know the typological meaning of the passage and Mary’s role in Salvation, even with the original masculine pronoun there. A person might just change it to the feminine in his own Bible — as an individual act of pious honour to the Virgin — and that is fine. But, of course, the Bible itself still has the masculine there.
It is like the Protestant “Lord’s Prayer” — where they add the doxology “For Thine is the Kingdom…” There is nothing wrong with adding that on after the Pater Noster (in fact it was originally put in by some unknown Catholic, centuries before Henry viii); but the Bible itself does not have it there.
Enjoy your Bible research! After 50 years of serious study, I never tire! There are enough mysteries and marvels to last the length of several lifetimes. The saving rule is always to be docile before the judgements of the Magisterium.
Fr Z asks if the Synod was mentioned in the homily………..
Synod? Synod? What’s that?
We had a Norbertine father celebrating the Mass at which we assisted. Thanks to God for priests like this! He said that as God has instituted governments we are obliged to follow the law, pay our taxes, etc., but that Ceasar is more and more attempting to take control over the that which belongs to God, specifically mentioning abortion, genetic manipulation, and cloning, and that we must not yield to Ceasar that which belongs to God. Also, that correcting someone to keep them from sin is an act of mercy.
I usually assist at a NO Mass but this Sunday also went to an EF.
At the NO Mass, Father usually comments in passing on current events before officially starting the Mass. He mentioned both the Synod and the beatification of Saint Paul but only briefly. His sermon recounted how he had learned to pray more devoutly from a Muslim. (Ecumenism revisited?)
The sermon at the EF, celebrated by a priest from the Institute of Christ the King, was based on the parable of the Wedding Guests. Father spoke about sin, hell, damnation and salvation. He described the debate re. whether salvation would be for the few or a matter of y’all come. He referred to “Modernism” (no hell).
He did not mention the Synod.
First time in years a sermon that mentioned Hell.
Our sermon was mostly about the Synod. I was at an EF Mass but not at my normal parish. He started out saying that to keep silent when there are false teachings is in itself a sin. If 2 + 2 = 4 then we cannot teach 2 + 2 = 5 just to make people feel better about themselves. He also mentioned the Paul VI beatification. Let’s just say he wasn’t happy about it.
Focus on local heroes, the North American Martyrs.
Royse87 says:
19 October 2014 at 3:05 pm
Royse’s comment made me feel rather sad. I guess this is why TLM priests were basically silent about this crisis: they have to remain in the good graces of the bishops at all cost or face being closed down. Is silence the cost of tolerance?
So sad.
I almost never comment, here, about the Sunday homilies I hear at Mass, but this one was so exceptional,mI thought I would. We had a visiting FSSP priest saying a solemn EF High Mass (no second confiteor), who began his homily by borrowing a missal from someone in the front row and reading the Introit, first in a Latin and then in English:
“I Am the salvation of the people,” saith the Lord. “In whatever tribulation they shall cry to Me, I will hear them; and I will be their Lord for ever.”
Ps. 77:1. Attend, O My people, to My law; incline your ears to the words of My mouth.
Glory be . . .
He then launched into a spirited defense of how the orthodox bishops, who attended to God’s Law, stood up to defend it on Blue Thursday and how they might have been given the strength to do so because of our prayers. He talked about God saving His Church, that day. This homily pulled no punches. Very invigorating.
The Chicken
At our EF parish, Father referenced the Synod, as his sermon was on annulments and why the “streamlined” American model would not be a good one to adopt. He began with a thorough explanation of what a decree of nullity was, then explained how the statistics suggest that we may
have a problem with rubber-stamping annulments (other than for defect of form) in many dioceses here. Which are unfair to the participants, who may be left in doubt that their case was handled solemnly. And he was death on the requirement of civil divorce before seeking an annulment.
He also warned that priests cannot issue decrees of nullity on their own and that the SSPX cannot form their own marriage tribunals.
Before he began the sermon, he explained in advance that he had a tough topic that would touch some present in sore spots and entrusted the whole congregation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
My goodness, Unwilling and Landless Laborer, where’s all the scratching and clawing for which Traditionalists in disagreement are so renowned?
You’ll spoil the “Spirit of Vatican II” script if you keep up all this civility.
Was on the road working so I was blessed enough to make it to the Saturday Vigil Mass at a Parish in the Phoenix area. No mention of the Synod or Paul VI. But, there was mention of the fact marriage is a holy sacrament between one man and one woman. The pictures on the front page of the local newspaper explained why…gay “marriage” had just arrived in Arizona.
Our sermon was very much along the lines of Fr. Martin Fox’s above.
I’m 99% sure that The Masked Chicken and I attend the same parish. The Masked Chicken already summarized the wonderful sermon that we heard, but I’ll add something particularly memorable to me. The Priest mentioned contraception as being a diabolical evil. Catholics don’t hear that enough.
EF Mass. “Many are called few are chosen” theme. Invitation to eternal life requires proper adornment i.e. following the precepts and laws as revealed in Sacred Scripture and established in Sacred Tradition. Mentioned the synod and how marriage was first defined in the Garden of Eden and to alter that would violate the above adornment requirement – to be tied and cast out into the darkness where there is much gnashing of teeth (hell). Inspirational sermon.
Did not mention Pope Paul VI.
“I’m 99% sure that The Masked Chicken and I attend the same parish.”
But I didn’t see any other beaks in the crowd…also, I am not a member of that parish. I just attended the EF Mass at that church for that day, so we might have been at the same Mass for that day, but you know, we chickens-of-mystery have to keep moving because, you know, the loons might be after us. Hmmm…maybe we could sponsor a chicken spotting contest…
The Chicken
All that scratching and clawing is just too much work.
Even leaving aside the doxology, the Protestant “Lord’s Prayer” is a paradox. The exact English words used by virtually every sola scripturist, is not found in scripture. Well, none that I’ve ever found. It can be found in the Roman Missal, therein lies the paradox!
Happy researching to you also!
FSSP parish, so the Gospel was the wedding feast when the invited guests didn’t show up but killed the King’s messengers. He sent his army to deal with them and invited others from off the street. One showed up not in proper wedding attire so was sent out.
Father mentioned the Synod to say that it was discussing who should and shouldn’t received Communion. He said the “modern world” was trying to diminish the Blessed Sacrament and make it nothing more special than a drive-through at Starbuck’s or McDonalds!
But like the wedding guests, we need to be ready to participate in the feast, physically (fasting, dressed appropriately) as well as spiritually (not in a state of grave sin).
He didn’t mention Pope Paul VI.
It is good to see you again, Mr. The Chicken! Long time no see. I hope you are well, and many blessings upon your and yours and, as Christ says, especially upon your enemies!