I reverted to an older version of my theme while we do some work on the problem.
UPDATE: We isolated the pesky problem that was causing a redirect from the blog to some stupid hack page.
See my Litany for the Conversion of Internet Thugs 2.0
The next stage is a complete backup and then complete overhaul. This should happen during the next couple days.
UPDATE 10 Dec:
Okay… the hack is back. I may have to restore an older theme to get rid of it if it persists. Again, some work will be done to the blog and server in the next day or so.
UPDATE 10 Dec:
Everything has been updated. The blog should load faster now. I hope we have exorcized the attacks.
UPDATE 13 Dec:
I solved a couple problems yesterday. There were two two preview buttons preview buttons. Now there should only be one.
Also, we lost the “mobile” view for your phones. That should be restored now.
Next: Some people (I included) have noticed that sometimes, not all the time, the blog hangs a bit when loading. This is a cache problem. (It’s also a cash problem.) Hopefully today we can do something with that.