I received this great news:
1) Mass by Cardinal Dolan
His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of the New York, will visit the Church of the Holy Innocents this coming Saturday, February 28, 2015. On that day, at 10AM, His Eminence will celebrate a Mass for the Dead (ordinary form) for Fr. Benedict Groeschel.
The usual volunteer/dedicated servers from Holy Innocents will serve this Mass. The volunteer choir of Holy Innocents (Vox in Rama) will provide the music.
Please, spread the word among those who used to take part in Fr. Groeschel’s talks at Holy Innocents on third Saturdays and whoever else would like to attend this Mass for him.
After the Mass, there will be a reception in the Holy Innocents Hall downstairs.
2) The Holy Innocents Book Club
The Holy Innocents’ Book Club will meet on Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 after the 6pm traditional Mass and it will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month thereafter. [Yet another initiative at this vibrant midtown parish.]
The group will discuss the book Remaining in the Truth of Christ, which is the response of 5 Cardinals (including Cardinal Burke) and 4 other scholars to Cardinal Kasper’s call for allowing divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion.
The book concludes that the perennial practice of the Catholic Church – as supported by both Biblical and patristic sources, as well as the immemorial Tradition of the Church – of not allowing any illicit/invalid unions/marriages after divorce/separation and of not allowing Holy Communion to those in illicit/invalid unions must be preserved.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Osvaldo Calvario (moderator): oswald {DOT} calvario {AT} gmail {DOT} com or (650)-213-6167 (mobile).
Thanks for the heads-up on this book.