Beware of posters glued to poles!

I received this from an intrepid reader:

Father, I have an interesting ‘quick hit’ possible picture post for the blog:

While walking in downtown Toronto I noticed the attached poster splashed all around. The subject matter does not match the medium given the usual moral relativistic nonsense splashed all over urban streetscapes.

I wonder who has done this? Have local traditional Catholics discovered glue and brush, taking their message to the ‘peripheries’?

I doubt it. But the poster is interesting… and… for the most part… true.

No… but …. hey!  Wait just a cotton pickin’ minute!

Take another look.




Something about that last part nagged at me so I did some Google Fu.   Speaking of “Nag”, this is a quote from a Gnostic text from Nag Hammadi, the Asklepius.  Pretty strange stuff… unless you regularly attend meetings of the LCWR and read the Fishwrap.

Anyone else with a poster?

In the meantime, please take some time to refresh your supply of …


Mystic Monk Coffee!

When you’ve had a long hard day as a farmer digging up ancient sealed earthenware jars containing papyrus codices, ponder your newly discovered Gnostic ravings over a steaming hot Fr. Z Swag mug of Mystic Monk Coffee!

Then have your mother burn some of the papyri, because… hey… they start fires well.  It’s too krinkly to be good fishwrap.   Though I did mention starting fires.  I digress.

Did you know that the Mystic Monks right now has the coffee of the month from ancient Egypt!

Well… not exactly ancient Egypt.

More like… not ancient, and not Egypt.  But… it’s from a really old place in Africa, not too far from Egypt, insofar as, it is closer to Egypt than, say, … Borneo.  Or from Wyoming where the Carmelites need to build their new monastery.



Ancient Egyptian Mystic Monk Coffee!

It’s swell!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Andrew says:

    I saw a posting by a certain Virgil:

    Nec jam furtivum Dido meditatur amorem: conjugium vocat, hoc praetexit nomine culpam. (Aeneidos; lib. IV; 170)

    (No more does Dido dream of a secret love: she calls it a marriage and with that name she veils the sin.)

    Calling it a marriage to veil the sin? Where else have I heard that recently?

  2. murtheol says:

    Fr. Z, this has nothing to do with this post……I dropped my “to be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant” mug. Where can I find it again?

    [Click HERE. Also, at anytime you can find a link to the shop on my right side bar. Scroll down a bit and you will find it. And try a “Zed-Head- Mug while you are at it. They’re spiffy.]

  3. Latin Mass Type says:

    Coffee: I’ve been drinking Mystic Monk longer than I’ve been reading Fr. Z’s blog. (So I didn’t use his link to order, but YOU can!) [REPENT! Click HERE.] I started with their Colombian Supremo. Now I subscribe to the Coffee of the Month. A fun adventure! And there hasn’t been a one I didn’t like!

    Last month, though, I ran out. I should have planned ahead and ordered some Colombian Supremo from MM but because I didn’t I bought a bag at a big box store. Big mistake. Now I have a huge bag of coffee that is not up to my standards that I will have to use up between shipments of MM.


  4. Someone please be the Garrigue says:

    Ooo, hermetic actually. That’s hard core new age.

  5. tealady24 says:

    I LOVE Mystic Monk coffee! Just finished the last of my Jingle Bell Java this morning, so sad! But, I’m hoping Pascha Java will be available, and there’s all of their other delicious products.

    Helps when trying to wend my way through all of the awful news of late.

  6. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    Fr. Z, when you write, “this is a quote from a Gnostic text from Nag Hammadi, the Asklepius” is that a distinction – ‘found only in the Nag Hammadi version’ – or an example – ‘the Asklepius, found, for example, excerpted in the Nag Hammadi Codex VI, and more extensively in the Corpus Hermeticum, and, as William Turner tells us in his 1907 Catholic Encyclopedia article, a source for Alain de l’Isle’?

    Was it the sort of thing Urban VIII apparently liked to read? Cf.:

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