I am delighted to report something that I knew about, but didn’t post on, alas. In NYC a “Juventutem” (I wish they didn’t use that “J”) has a new chapter situated at… yes… that vibrant parish Holy Innocents. They met for the first time 31 January. Fr. Len Villa, Holy Innocents’ new pastor, is chaplain to the chapter. According to NLM, Fr. Villa spoke on “Exploring Our Liturgical Heritage,” about mutual enrichment between the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms. Congratulations.
Also, this weekend Bp. Athanasius Schneider will be in Washington DC. On Saturday, 14 Feb, he will speak at Annunciation Catholic Church at 2 PM. On Sunday 15 Feb he will celebrate Holy Mass at Old St. Mary’s at 9 AM. Paulus Institute, who did the wonderful Mass at the National Shrine in DC a few years back, is sponsoring these events.
Father Z, I don’t suppose, being your “base of operations” in the U.S.A., you’ll be involved in this chapter in any way? I am sure these young men and women could be a great regiment for the Reform of the Reform/New Evangelization under your leadership!
SRO for the lecture today. Bishop Schneider disdains ambiguity. Our attention must be centered on the Eucharistic Christ and our worship emulate that of the angels. The Paulus Institute will have videos of the lecture and a separate interview. If you are in the DC area, please come to Old St. Mary’s, 5th and H Sts., NW, for the 9:00 am Mass on Sunday, to be celebrated by Bishop Schneider.