Was there a good point or two from the sermon you heard at Mass on Sunday?
Yes, you should be paying attention, even to the extreme of being able to remember what was said on Monday!
You might also indicate if your Mass was Ordinary or Extraordinary Form. In the EF we had Septuagesima.
OF, a longer digression on the second reading centering on the fact that how a man treats his wife (and vice versa) and how parents raise their children is central to salvation of those involved. Real focus on responsibility and consequences.
An excellent homily on temptation and the devil. Father pointed out forcefully that the devil cannot force us to succumb to temptation – that is our choice. And the devil is cunning, but a coward. Responsibility and free will.
Sorry, I forgot – OF Mass.
EF. Father discussed the Greek and Latin roots of the word “agonize,” relating how St. Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians used sporting contests as an analogy to the proper preparation necessary in the spiritual life to attain Heaven. Absent mastery of his body, the athlete will fail to win the game or race or contest. Likewise, absent mastery of his body and the passions of the flesh, the Christian will fail to merit Heaven. Lent is the time for mortification and mastery of a man’s flesh. Septuagesima is the time Christ brings us to the field and tells us to get to work on that mastery. In other words, the time to agonize is now.
That temptation from demons is real (that Pope Francis talks a lot about demons and Satan) and that we ought to ask God for help to discern and to be obedient to His Will. That the upcoming Lenton season is mostly all about getting closer to God and giving up things that we know are not in accord with His Will and that if we ask Him for help, He will not only help, but do the lion’s share of the work.
Superb sermon, one of the best I have heard ever in the States. The priest rightly taught that most Catholics do not understand the power and graces they have from the sacrament of baptism to deal with supernatural warfare. (I have written on this on my blog for ages and Fr. Chad Ripperger talks about this). This good priest noted correctly that what we see is less than what we don’t see, again a theme I spoke with people about in Ireland last week.
To hear an excellent sermon on grace and the power Catholics have through the sacraments was such a treat and at a NO Mass as well.
We had a votive Mass celebration the consecration of Holy Rosary Church 21 yrs ago. In his homily stressed the theme of structure, particularly as it applies to our prayer lives. Christ is the vine, we are the branches, but while grapes will grow in the wild, they will grow better on trellises. We may have a prayer life, but it is definitely a help to have structure in our prayer lives, to have good habits of prayer, to pray at certain times of the day, to receive the sacraments regularly, to build spiritual reading into our lives. All these things permit the life of Christ to permeate our lives more thoroughly that we may bear more fruit.
NO Mass. Our superb pastor just finished reading Huxley’s “Brave New World” and compared today’s society to Huxley’s premonitions. He hit all the hot button issues: contraception, abortion, and “gay marriage”. He pointed out God’s plan for man as being based upon the traditional family structure; and that the commandment to honor your father and mother was important, not because of their status as parents, but because God has delegated to the parents the duty to teach and raise their children in conformity with the other 9 commandments. And he finished up Mass, just before the dismissal, acknowledging that some people may not want to hear this, but his job as pastor is to preach The Truth, not what we want to hear. He got a standing ovation after that.
It was the 3rd week in a row (Deo gratias!) I was able to go to E.F. and each week without fail I’ve heard something I could never fathom even the most orthodox of O.F. exclusive priests around hear daring to bring up in their Sunday sermon. This week, along with explaining a little bit about Septuagesima Sunday (and commenting on how unfortunate it was that this “pre-Lent” period is gone from the modern calendar) Father elaborated on the significance of the common “feel good” error of believing that everyone is definitely going to heaven (going off of the last line of the day’s Gospel: “For many are called, but few chosen”). If we’re all guaranteed salvation, what does it matter if we sin, if we allow public unrepentant sinners to receive Holy Communion without confessing?
Are sermons at E.F. Masses always this solid and engaging, or are we just particularly blessed in my neck of the woods?
Edit: some redundancy in my previous comment, of course unrepentant sinners would not confess…
Ordinary form, diocesan parish. Fr taught us how to perform a minor exorcism, available by our baptismal grace. He also used the “Twilight” books as an example of playing with darkness because the world disguises it as light. Good sermon, practical and meaty.
In a parish in the northernmost reaches of the diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania, the priest actually wore red and used the prayers for the feast of St. Blaise and blessed throats afterward. His homily was mostly about St. Blaise. One point he made was that we have not gotten to the point of being asked to give up our lives for our faith– yet– but that we should be ready with the same resolve of steel that St. Blaise had.
Father ( sppx) spoke about a recent mission that the traditional Dominicans had delivered. Basically about penace and that in order to repent out how mindset has to repent. Said that if it takes 5 mins to do an examination of conscious then it should take twice as long asking God for true contrition
NO parish. Our visiting priest gave a truly courageous homily about the devil. He said that 1) the Devil exists (and to say otherwise is to oppose the Son of God, since the Gospel clearly underscores Jesus’ ministry of exorcising); 2) we underestimate the devil by presuming he’s not real; and 3) the devil is not to be feared (we aren’t gnostics. God alone is powerful). I am not sure that I have ever heard a priest preach so clearly on this topic at a regular, salt-of-the-earth parish!