The Sacred Triduum will be celebrated this year with great reverence at the vibrant midtown parish of Holy Innocents.
They are also doing Tenebrae.
Holy Thursday (April 2, 2015)
• Holy Mass at 7:30PM
• Tenebræ of Good Friday at 10:30PM and vigil at the Altar of Repose
Today, the church will remain open sometime after that for those who would like to spend time at the Altar of Repose
Good Friday (April 3, 2015)
• The Seven Last Words at 12Noon, and the Divine Mercy novena & chaplet immediately after. Fr. Leonard Villa, Fr. Bob Brisson and Fr. Roger Landry will give the meditations.
Vox in Rama (the volunteer choir at Holy Innocents) will sing Charles Gounod’s musical setting for the Seven Last Words. Everyone is encouraged and welcome to attend.
The novena and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed immediately after the end of the Seven Last Words.
• Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified at 3PM
Holy Saturday (April 4, 2015)
• Easter Vigil & Holy Mass at 9PM
• Very festive reception after the Mass in the church hall. [Those who would like to bring something to share or donate for the reception, please contact Maria Ignacio at 646-371-2582)].
Easter Sunday (April 5, 2015)
• Holy Mass at 10:30AM
Sung Vespers for Easter Sunday – 2:30PM
It is nice to see this, and especially at the traditional time!
One of the stranger 1950s innovations was the idea that Tenebrae should be celebrated in the morning.
It will likely never happen, but one can always yearn for a “true” restoration of Holy Week ceremony rites and times, with evening Tenebrae and the principal services truly “after None.”
We had Tenebrae with Bishop Morlino yesterday. It’s wonderful.
Tenebrae this year at our parish too. Also all Triduum liturgies (EF, FSSP parish) will be Solemn High ones! :)
Just out of curiosity, wouldn’t some sort of special permission be needed to anticipate the EF Tenebrae offices on the previous evening? I’m not saying that I’m against doing this – I understand what the historical reasons are and so forth, and I’m just glad to see the EF Triduum offices being done more frequently. But I thought the rubrics after 1955 did not permit anticipating the Tenebrae offices on the previous evening, except in the case of churches where the Chrism Mass is held on Holy Thursday morning. Would one ask the local Bishop for an exception? Can anyone provide more info?
This specific parish has a long history of doing Tenebrae (even when it was done in English, using parts of the Liturgy of the Hours) on the evening before. I have also seen that most other churches where Tenebrae is done (whether in English or Latin), it is done in the evening (anticipated).
It is one of those things that people never stopped doing when it was done. Most places, of course, simply stopped having Tenebrae period, and then it is a moot point whether the appropriate time would be the morning of or the evening before. It seems to be a good thing that at least some people are doing it more now.
Pastorally, however, it is more convenient and more merciful for the people to anticipate Tenebrae. Most people will not go to Tenebrae if it is done in the morning because most people still have to work on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
Similar reasons why most parishes (even in the Vatican) the Easter Vigil is not done at the really appropriate time and people keep moving it to an earlier time every year! Do we know many parishes that do the Easter Vigil late at night?
Is there a really good reason why the Chrism Mass is done on Holy Tuesday instead of on Holy Thursday other than convenience and to make sure that more people attend? More people will attend Tenebrae in the evening than in the morning (I would imagine that the only people who would do Tenebrae in the morning would be Religious who must do the Canonical Hours).
I never saw as many people at Holy Innocents as I did this evening. If very many more people came, they would have had to open the balconies. To think that this parish is endangered! It was well worth the train ride.
Three cheers for the Tenebrae! — even if only one is offered; and I’m glad too that many writebackers have commented on the Tenebrae.
At Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome, the Tenebrae is offered every evening and in anticipation — thus according to the pre-1955 changes, and thus at night — as they should be. (And the Easter Vigil will begin at 22:30 hours on Saturday evening). The Church is FSSP. Unlike past years, when the people had sat silent, I’m pleased that this year the people joined in the chant, divided into two choirs by the aisle. The Pastor handed out photocopies of the Tenebrae from Officium Tenebrae, (The book can be found at with Latin and English, thus enabling the people to chant along with the clergy and servers in the sanctuary. The Responses were sung by the church’s polyphonic choir, which I think were from Victoria.
Probably the Tenebrae will have to be reintroduced gradually. It is a very long service; at Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini both on Wednesday night and Thursday night the Tenebrae began at 20:30hrs and ended at 22:50hrs. Thus just under two and half hours.
If this thread is still open tomorrow, I’ll report on the Friday night Tenebrae.