A quick word of thanks to readers who have sent donations or wish list items. I will say Mass for the intention of benefactors tomorrow Friday, 24 April.
Oremus pro benefactoribus nostris. Retribuere dignare, Domine, omnibus nobis bona facientibus propter nomen tuum vitam aeternam. Amen.*
I am grateful when donations come in, either ad hoc (one offs) or on a regular, monthly basis through the subscription option (at the bottom of the blog). I keep track of everyone’s name and remember them in my prayers and in intentions for Holy Mass. It is important that we remember our benefactors in prayer.
That said, I note that for this day of the month, the 23rd, only 3 people were signed up. Today there was a new subscriber, SV. He made it 4. Thanks SV!
Some days of the month have quite a few regular subscribers signed up and other days very few. Today is one of those “lean” days for the blog.
If you are using the blog regularly, please consider subscribing today to send a monthly donation. That way you also wind up regularly on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I periodically say Holy Mass. This is my duty and my pleasure.
*BTW… did you know that there is an indulgence available for praying for benefactors? It is in the Enchridion Indulgentiarum conc. 24:
Preces pro benefactoribus
Partialis indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, supernaturali grati animi affectu ductus, orationem pro benefactoribus legitime adprobatam pie recitaverit (e. g. Retribuere dignare, Domine).
Retribuere dignare, Domine, omnibus nobis bona facientibus propter nomen tuum vitam aeternam. Amen.