Qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.
From Catholic World News:
President Obama will be keynote speaker at Catholic Health Association convention
President Barack Obama will deliver the closing address to the annual assembly of the Catholic Health Association (CHA), the organization has announced.
President Obama will speak to the CHA on June 9 in Washington, DC, concentrating his remarks on his health-care reform legislation. The support of the CHA was crucial to the passage of the “Obamacare” legislation, which was opposed by the US bishops’ conference.
“We are delighted and honored that President Obama will speak to Catholic health care leaders gathered for our 100th anniversary as an association,” said Sister Carol Keehan, the president of CHA. “As long-time supporters of a health care system that works for everyone and pays special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable, we are grateful for the President’s leadership.”
The CHA, which represents hundreds of American Catholic hospitals and other health-care institutions, expects more than 1,000 people to attend the Obama lecture.
Pres. Obama is the anti-life (lethal), pro-homosexual sex (unhealthy), president we have ever seen in these USA.
How does that harmonize with “health” in any Catholic sense?
We must not forget the CHA support of pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom ObamaTax.

Sr. Keehan!
Yet, Sr. Carol Kehan revels in this! HERE
“We are delighted and honored that President Obama will speak to Catholic health care leaders gathered for our 100th anniversary as an association,” said Sister Carol Keehan, CHA’s president and chief executive officer, in a news release. “As long-time supporters of a health care system that works for everyone and pays special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable, we are grateful for the President’s leadership on the ACA [Affordable Care Act].”
“This important law has provided meaningful health coverage to at least 16 million people who needed and deserved it, as well as improved both the benefits and finances of Medicare and Medicaid,” she adds. “We look forward to the President’s comments and insights at our Assembly, and to being a continued partner in preserving and improving the ACA.”
Keehan is a defiant member of the institutional Catholic left, breaking with the U.S. Catholic bishops when it became clear the Obama administration would expand abortion through Obamacare and require free contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs to be provided to employees of many Catholic organizations and schools through health insurance plans. In return for her support and the appearance of “Catholic” endorsement of Obamacare, the president presented Keehan with one of the 21 ceremonial pens he used to sign the health care reform into law.
As Catholic News Agency reported in 2010, the late Cardinal Francis George, former archbishop of Chicago, said of Keehan, “Sister Carol and her colleagues are to blame” for the passage of the health care bill.
Rats. I was hoping this was from Eye of the Tiber. It’s getting so difficult to tell the difference since reality is getting so weird.
WHY hasn’t Keehan been excommunicated?? At a quick glance, I thought the photo was John Kerry at first; Lol!
The quintessence of the American sister. A Daughter of Charity? Please. Just mournful. At least we don’t have to witness this theater in habit. Just the habit of heterodoxy. It is yours to change this continual performance, good women of the Church.
I was looking all over for the “go here to protest this” button…but could not find it. Isn’t there a Bishop or somebody in charge of this thing?
This is SO sad, that the church we love it being co-opted by Libs. I guess, we can hope and pray these are the last gasps of a dying breed. At least in the Church. I mean, after all, they are not reproducing themselves.
Anyone attending that function had better bring surgical facemasks to filter out the sulfurous fumes.
I know even Catholics who actually are faithful to the Church’s teaching on abortion and contraception who were willing to accept, or even outright supported, the ACA on the basis of the expanded coverage. Supposedly, that was the main underlying motivation for CHA’s support.
The cynical part of me, however, is keenly aware that nearly all the Catholic hospitals that are a part of CHA are run by non-Catholics with MBA’s that have trained them to view everything through the same glasses as their for-profit counterparts. So even though officially the hospitals are non-profit, they act like for-profit corporations. From that perspective, it was only logical to expect them to support the ACA on the grounds of it increasing their bottom lines.
Unfortunately, most of the friends I mentioned above fail to recognize how badly the ACA failed at even expanding the coverage to low-income households, and flat out refuse to acknowledge how much rates have continued to rise in spite of, or perhaps because of the ACA, flatly contradicting the promise Mr. Obama made that it would reduce costs.
Unfortunately pictures of supposed-sister Keehan give me a sick feeling.
Yeah right . . . like the unborn huh ? Take your pen and write that one down.
A picture’s worth a thousand words. One caption that keeps coming to mind every time I look at that photo of her holding up her pen like that . . . without an inkling:
As a Catholic physician, this is sick.The bishops of this country should not look the other way on something as egregious as an organization that would label itself Catholic reveling in having the abortionist in chief attend their meeting. And for all those citizens that drank the kool-aid that Obama and CHA dispensed about how great national health care will be, get ready for another 30% annual increase in the fees you or your employer will have to shell out for your health care insurance next year.
When Obama and the government seize the assets of the Catholic Health Ass.–read, HOSPITALS, I’m going to laugh and cheer.
Every time I read a story about stuff like this the excommunication scene in Becket plays in my head.
“… promise Mr. Obama made…”. Note that before “…if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, the words were not “I promise that…”, but “Here is a promise I have made”.
What is the Latin for “Lie down with weasels”?
We can be certain that at least twice in these last six years that man was truthful. At both inaugurations he spoke his name for the oath. The first lie in office was, “…do solemnly swear”.
That should probably read “catholic Health Ass.” There’s nothing “C” about them.
I guess the only way he could’ve been telling the truth the whole time, would be if he had begun with : “I slalomly swear . . .”