The Octave of Pentecost – which we observed with the traditional Roman calendar – is over and so we move into the Time After Pentecost. With the Novus Ordo calendar this period is variously called Ordinary Time or else Greater Meatloaf™.*
This is also KAL. IVN., the Kalends of June, the 1st day of June. June is traditionally dedicated to devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We have a couple great feasts coming up later in the month, including the Nativity of John the Baptist. I remind the readership that for the Vigil of the Nativity of John the Baptist, there is in the traditional Roman Ritual a special blessing for bonfires. It is also when, in certain places, witches are burned. Yes, you read that right. It is also a Roman custom to eat snails on the Feast of John the Baptist.
You have a few weeks to make preparations.
*Lesser Meatloaf describes the Novus Ordo’s equivalent of Time after Epiphany.
Thank you Father for making my day!
I have always struggled with “Ordinary Time”.
Yes, I know it doesn’t mean “commonplace” (or I have been told that. Try explaining that to the young folks in Catechism class. Or to the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion…)
I much preferred the old fashioned nth Sunday after Pentecost or Epiphany. I prefer being reminded of those seasons all year long!
I have been told that “Ordinary Time” has something to do with ordinal numbers. “Meatloaf” is so much easier to remember.
The family of my best friend in grade school had a swimming pool. I remember their Mom wouldn’t let him or his sisters go in it until The Feast of St. John the Baptist.
My problem is always trying to figure out what week in the proper of seasons and in the four week psalter one is supposed to jump back to when Ordinary time resumes in the LOTH.
Are you referring to Meatloaf the singer, before and after he lost weight?
June 13th The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary….June 24th St. John the Baptist…..Blessed June!
Great stuff about the St John/St Peter midsummer bonfires here:
In this case, “witches” are witch effigies. Amazingly enough, there are many bonfire-related holidays that include people dressing up effigies and burning them.
In the Philippines, they are smarter. On St. John the Baptist’s Day, they dress up real pig carcasses, parade them through the streets, and then undress the pigs and hold a pig roast/pig picnic. Me likey.
Actually, the pigs are roasted before the parade, so self-control is needed. Sorry about that. Also, I forgot to mention that the roast pigs are blessed before the parade and the picnic.