ASK FATHER: Use of Novus Ordo Collect in the TLM

From a priest:

This Sunday is the patronal feast of our parish, Sts Joachim and Ann. We have an extraordinary form Mass every Sunday. Do you know if there is a collect for the extraordinary form that mentions both Joachim and Ann that might licitly be used in the extraordinary form?

The present legislation indicates that the two forms (I think they are rites, but that’s another bowl of chowder) should not be mixed.

It seems to me that the best approach would be, on the Feast of St. Ann, to double your collect and pray also the collect for St. Joachim.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. acricketchirps says:

    It is also the patronal feast of our parish St. Ann. Is it not true that the patronal feast for a parish becomes a first class feast and supercedes second class Sundays? I should think the Mass for St. Anne is appropriate with the collects for 9th Sunday after P added.

  2. iPadre says:

    I have seen priests use double collects in the ordinary form in the past at parish feasts. Always thought it was odd, until I learned to celebrate the EF. Not it makes so much sense. Wish the CDW would once again permit double collects in the OF.

  3. Andrew_81 says:

    While there is no explicit rubric in the 1960 rubrics (AFAIK) mentioning such a situation, there is an analogous situation that provides insight : Sts. Peter and Paul.

    It would seem that since both Sts. Joachim and Ann are co-titulars, if the church is at least solemnly dedicated, you could make the argument to either:

    1. Choose either the feast of St. Ann or St. Joachim as the day to celebrate the titular, then commemorate the other using the pray, taken from his own feast day, under a single conclusion, or,

    2. Celebrate both the feast of St. Ann and St. Joachim as feasts of the 1st class feast, commemorating the other under a single conclusion as above, or,

    3. Celebrate both the feast of St. Ann and St. Joachim as feasts of the the 1st class, without commemorating either.

    Any of these would seem to be supported by the rubrics and the Peter/Paul precedent.

    My tendency would be to do the second.

    If the Church has not been solemnly dedicated (but just received the blessing for a place) then the titular does not receive a special feast. The rank of the feast is then the same as that in the Roman Calendar (3rd class), which permits votive collects, so you could commemorate the other Saint as a votive collect without worry. This would be done, but under a second conclusion, not joined to the first prayer.

  4. Andrew_81 says:

    Short and sweet suggested application:

    On Sunday, celebrate the feast of St. Ann as in the Missal, it gets a Gloria and Credo.

    After the prayers (Collect, Secret, Postcommunion) for St. Ann, before the conclusion add the prayer from St. Joachim (Aug 16). Add the appropriate conclusion. Then commemorate the 9th Sunday after Pentecost (since Sunday is a priveleged commemoration).

  5. Since the OF does not admit EF-style double orations , the best OF “collect practice” I’ve observed is that of a priest who always says a second collect appropriate for the day–complete with “Through our Lord Jesus Christ . . . one God, forever and ever. Amen” ending–as the celebrant’s prayer ending the intercessions (“prayers of the faithful”), rather than the extemporaneous and sometimes vacuous or liturgically irrelevant conclusions that many celebrants offer.

  6. Matt R says:

    I also prefer Andrew’s second option.

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