Lutheran Satire

Ever since Pope Francis met with some Lutherans and said pretty confusion things about reception of Holy Communion [HERE], I’ve been keeping half an eye out for a video from Lutheran Satire.

They have a couple already about Pope Francis. They are biting but, in all honesty, pretty funny.  They get some important points about the Church and the papacy right, even as they lampoon.

Years ago I was, for my sins, sent off to an ecumenical breakfast around Thanksgiving time. When I walked in a young man in black clerical clothing made a bee line for me. He was the pastor at the nearby Missouri Synod Lutheran church. Standing in my path, he asked me if I was the priest at the Catholic church nearby who told non-Catholics that they couldn’t come to Communion. “Yes”, I responded, “I am.” He thereupon stuck his hand out and said “Thank you! Many Catholic priests don’t know that not all Lutherans have inter-communion with each other much less with Catholics!” We wound up sitting together and having a cordial morning.

I think that ecumenical or inter-religious dialogue has to begin from a the foundation of true belief in your own doctrine!  And I think that we should still pay attention to Mortalium animos even if more recent magisterial documents have also been promulgated.

On that note, here is a Lutheran Satire video that I discovered today even though it is almost a year old.

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. organistjason says:

    An epic and stinging video. May I be forgiven for finding more truth in it then satire.

  2. Mariana2 says:

    Our poor parish priest (in this Lutheran country) always comes back steaming and huffing and puffing from the yearly ecumenical do here. Ecumenical around here means Lutherans, a few Orthodox, and one or two Catholics, nothing worse. Our PP has tried to get some of us parishioners to accompany him, but we’ve all said that we’ve done our bit for ecumenism by converting to the Holy Catholic Church and refuse to attend.

    An acquaintance of mine, Lutheran, living in Malta and married to an (of course) R.C. Maltese, has received the Eucharist at their local Parish. Apparently she thinks it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  3. roma247 says:

    Sigh. If loving the videos by Lutheran Satire is a sin, then…Father, forgive me, for I have sinned greatly.

    They’re too darn good, and I really think their irreverence is the right sort…it actually has good intentions, not bad. They seem just as frustrated with Francis as we are.

  4. Father P says:


    In your friend’s case “living in Malta” the conditions may be fulfilled for her to licitly be given Holy Communion as she would probably not have access to a Lutheran pastor there.

    In all of this talk of the Holy Father’s comments to the Lutheran woman in Rome we forget that the Code of Canon Law provides conditions under which non-Catholics can licitly receive Holy Communion during the Catholic liturgy. It would almost impossible to fulfill the “non-access to one’s minister” currently in the U.S. (maybe someone in prison or in a nursing home) but there are places in the world where that would be the case.

    Given the usual canonical interpretation that relaxations of norms are to broadly interpreted there may be more instances in the world where the conditions are met (I’m thinking of rural places in Italy or Argentina – which would be the Holy Father’s pastoral experience) than where they are not

  5. KateD says:

    YAY! UNITY! Finally…..

    I’m a mom…so….if you have to use coercion, tricks, and bribes, I say go for it! lol

    Have you seen this new one? It’s Christian, but, like, totally nawt stupid.

  6. everett says:

    The Lutheran Satire fellows are pretty funny. Definitely biting, and while their sensibilities often agree with ours in some areas (liturgical, regarding Mormons, regarding Islam), they’re definitely not fans of the Catholic Church. You can find a video by one of the pastors who does the videos where he shares some of the things Luther said about the Pope, and seems to be quite pleased with them.

    I love their videos about the Gilbert & Sullivan Mass and Children’s Church.

  7. rmichaelj says:

    Having looked at the pertinent code of canon law, the requirements for a protestant are different than for an orthodox. In addition to not being able to recieve from their own denomination, they have to be in danger of death or some other pressing need, have a catholic faith and understanding of the sacrement, and be properly disposed. All of these conditions would need to be met, not just one.
    Furthermore, by having a Catholic understanding of Holy Communion, she would then have a moral obligation to convert to Catholicism.

  8. Mariana2 says:

    Father P,

    Thank you! I did not know this.

  9. rmichaelj says:

    See my reply above. His information is inaccurate.

  10. Imrahil says:

    It is not irreverent. It’s just Lutheran. (i. e. where we disagree is the content – not the presentation of the content. The reverence thing only belongs to the latter part.)

    That said – and I don’t like to say it as I do like the Lutheran satire videos: when the video makes Patriarch Bartholomew critisize the Catholics on Lutheran grounds – which Orthodox has ever used the language of “unscriptural teachings, etc.”? -, they seem to display the peculiar Protestant prejudice that all non-Catholic Christians are Protestants (as also seen, e. g., in the fact that English heirs-to-the-throne may not marry Catholics but may marry Orthodox spouses).

  11. Father P says:


    Thank you for clarifying all of the norms.

    My information, however, is not inaccurate. I was merely answering a question about a particular friend of a particular poster and offering one possible explanation as to why her Lutheran friend would be receiving in Malta. (presuming all the other conditions would be fulfilled)

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