Holy See Press Office gets an upgrade!

Here is some good news from Rome for a change…  from the Bolletino:

Nomina di Vice Direttore della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede

Il Santo Padre Francesco ha nominato Vice Direttore della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, con decorrenza dal 1° febbraio 2016, l’Ill.mo Dott. Greg Burke, Consulente per la Comunicazione della Sezione per gli Affari Generali della Segreteria di Stato.

Fr. Z kudos to my good friend Greg Burke.  He will be a real benefit in the Press Office!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. acardnal says:

    Does this mean Fr. Rosica is leaving?

  2. PapalCount says:

    Reference to above question; I hope so.

  3. andersonbd1 says:


    To some extent, Burke is expected to focus on relations with the international press, especially in English. Up to now, that void has been filled by the Rev. Thomas Rosica, who heads the Salt and Light Catholic media operation in Canada and has acted as a de facto Vatican spokesman for English-speaking media despite not being based full-time in Rome.

    It’s expected that Rosica will continue to be involved in some form, although a division of labor with Burke is yet to be worked out.

  4. Michaeli says:

    Be forewarned of the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the usual over another Burke.

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