From an Aussie reader comes proof that it can be done.
G’day Fr,
Thanks for all you do!
I just wanted to drop you a note of recent happenings out here in regional Victoria, Australia!
Long story short: I, along with a few others, formed a lay society 10 years ago in anticipation of the Motu Propio dedicated to providing the old form of Mass.
We toiled for many years with little or no Mass, built up an arsenal of everything we would need plus more (love ebay!) but our hard work has paid off and we’ve been having regular Sunday Masses in the main parish church for the past 6 or so years.
Church politics/diplomacy has taught me a great deal.
The boys of the parents who assist at the old Mass have all learnt their serving (with a bit more to cover but we get by) but this past Sunday our youth choir sang it’s first Mass! It was awesome.
They were led by an young local gentleman who has been teaching them each Monday for the past 9 months. I would say it was recording quality but I’m biased. The eldest of our choir is 12 and the youngest is 6. They were supported by a family of singers from a neighbouring diocese.
If you think it appropriate please share these pics and our story with your readership as a note of encouragement for those starting out on getting the Mass up and running in their parish. It can be done! The Parish is that of St. Patrick’s Wangaratta in the Sandhurst Diocese. The priest who provides Mass is Fr. Terence Mary Naughtin OFM Conv and we can’t thank him enough!
Cheers and Advent beers!
Brick by brick.
They worked at it. They used diplomacy. They had patience.
Good work Wangaratta.
Advent should be a time for reminding us that patience and obedience are loved by God. He loves having us hurry up and wait, and the waiting brings much grace and appreciation of the gifts we receive.
Even Jesus Himself had to wait! “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.”
I so admire someone who gets it done rather than sit around and complain. I have to place myself in the latter category, still, it’s admirable as all get out when someone takes the bull by the horns, as it were. If we were all like you we’d make a real difference. I’m inspired. Congratulations and Merry Christmas to you!
Outstanding. G’day to St. Patrick’s Wangaratta and to Fr. Z for posting this.
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What an inspired idea to place the 10 Commandments in very large letters in the Church. In black and white no less.