I learned this from Acton Institute’s PowerBlog:
Theologian, public intellectual, and close friend of the Acton Institute, Michael J. Novak Jr., passed away last night on February 16, 2017. Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico reflects on the passing of his friend and mentor Michael Novak, who through his writings influenced scores of scholars and theologians to recognize the potential of the market economy and the centrality of the dignity of the human person.
I got to know Michael Novak a little bit at the summer meetings of Acton University. He was a real gentleman.
Please pray for the repose of his soul and for his loved ones.
Prayers for Michael Novak and family.
His book “On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Common Sense at the American Founding” is well worth the read.
Thanks to Fr. Sirico for this video, I did not know Michael Novak had an influence on Centesimus Annus. Condolences to Acton Institute.
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May he rest in peace.
The irony of the timing of this notice right above the item right below it is palpable.
Michael Novak was a close collaborator and friend of my mentor, Ralph McInerny over the years in fighting the good fight of Catholic Identity in these United States.
What makes this so ironic is the Michael Novak was one of the original dissenters to humanae vitae in 1968. As time went on, by the grace of God, he came to recognize his error and fought tirelessly to defend Church authority and teaching.
All the while, he never lost his sympathy for those who strove faithfully to propound the teaching of the Church even when they were not able to reconcile it completely with the results of their own research.
In the end, he recognized that the Magisterium is given to us as a reliable guide — especially for those times when our own study and reasoning is inadequate to come to the Truth with certitude.
In the end, he received, and relied on the Gift of Humility.
I pray that he persevered in this faith to the end.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And may perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.
It clamor caelo.
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Fr. Kelly you are so lucky to have known my hero who i never met who i wish i had met with all my heart, the great Ralph McInerny. To have been a student or friend of his in any fashion must have been life changing. I have read much of his work (not just the Dowling books which are masterfully written we all know) and read his autobiography. I am happy to say my nieces are at Thomas Aquinas College — I found out to my delight that R McInerny as well as Mother Angelica were very influential
in the foundation of this great college. i can’t emphasize enough how this college has formed my nieces into superb young women and has surrounded them with young people of like values and high mindedness.