ASK FATHER: Saturno tassel

From a cleric:

I bought Saturno and a black tassel that goes with it. I was hoping that if you can teach us how to put the tassel on the saturno.

Ahhh…. an important question.   Not like those frivolous “how to make a good confession” questions, or “are sacraments effective in the state of mortal sin”.

First, allow me to preface this with admission that I don’t have a tassel for my Roman hat. Odd, no?  Maybe that can be one of those things like buckles for my shoes that, someday, I’ll have.

I don’t believe there is any secret to the tassel.  Loop it around the crown of the hat, and tighten it down.  If you have to pin it, pin it.

Otherwise, the tassel should be on the left side, if I’m not mistaken, and shipped a bit to aft.  So, if the front, over your nose, is 12 o’clock, then the tassel should be at about 7 or 8.


PS: I still want a Jijin.

And don’t forget the BIRETTA project.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Charles E Flynn says:

    There must be a way to involve the adjective “rakish” in this thread.

  2. StMichael71 says:

    I will hopefully be acquiring a Jijin in June whilst in Beijing for a philosophy conference ;)

    Depending how serious you are, you might consider looking at online stores that sell costumes from the Beijing Opera. The Jijing seems pretty much identical to the Ming dynasty hat used by officials/scholars, as one would see in pictures of Matteo Ricci. I do not know if there were any specific regulations regarding its construction beyond that.

  3. Nicolaus says:

    Jijin generally fell out of use after 1924’s Chinese Bishop conference, which decided to ” latinize” several inculturated aspects especially regarding to cleric dresses, such as cleric hat-Jijin, cleric cope (similar to Fr. Matteo Ricci’s) and so on. So Biretta and cassock were used from then to up until the 1990s (when the New Mass came). The only significant aspect that is still visible is the private devotion during Mass for laity. Which is a written and congregational reciting of Pre-, during (up until the offertory) and Post-Mass prayers audibly. The text was believed to be translated by 17 century Jesuits and the rythem was inherited from the Buddahist chanting (which was the former religion of the converts), this is called “the tone of reverence”. So nowadays they could possibly be obtained by individual request to th dress-makers I suppose.

  4. Nicolaus says:

    @StMichael71 The Southern Church in Beijing is a Latin Mass parish (with Chinese local customs) so might have some information of acquiring it.

  5. Pax--tecum says:

    The cappello Romano was commonly worn by priests in the southern parts of the Netherlands until the Council. In a television series called “Dagboek van een herdershond” (Diary of a shepherd dog), filmed in 1978, it was still prominently featured, as can be seen in this picture:

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