Recently, Fishwrap‘s Michael Sean Winters, the Wile E. Coyote of the catholic Left, wrote an angry piece about the 10th anniversary of Benedict XVI’s great Motu Proprio, which was a kind of Emancipation Proclamation for all the priests of the Latin Church and the faithful who want to fulfill their “legitimate” aspirations as St. John Paul II called them.
Wile. E. is all about how divisive and angry those who want traditional Catholicism are. If only they were inspired by the spirit of Vatican II! How placid and cordial they would be! Like MSW! Review HERE for just how kind and uniting MSW is.
Some bits from his recent Summorum screed:
Noooo… I don’t think so.
Here’s another way to put it. As you watch the following, you have the sense of the ACME fueled arguments and the intent of Wile E.’s piece at Fishwrap.
[For those of you who are young, the coyote wants to kill the cheerful little roadrunner, and he devises cunning schemes to accomplish his goal usually with the help of products from ACME.]
The coyote got a great new batman suit back in 1956.
Here’s an updated version.
Meanwhile, I spotted this pic the other day. With a few changes it could be posted as a pop up window at Fishwrap.
The moderation queue is ON. We are NOT going to have here a combox as vicious as uncharitable – and hypocritical – as what MSW allows on his posts.
Apparently seminaries are unnatural environments now lol
[I don’t get it.]
That clip from the 1956 Road Runner cartoon looks a lot like Clem Sohn from the 1930’s:
As an aside, there is now a streaming service called Boomerang which all the old Looney Tunes classic can be watched.
[I wonder if MSW reviews them frequently for tips on how to write about our Catholic tradition.]
To celebrate Holy Mass in Latin would be”divisive.”
I was only a youngster when the vernacular was introduced in the mid-1960s, but I recall the sense of upheaval that was wrought among the people in the pews when the celebration of Holy Mass in Latin was changed to English. The Latin Mass was what the people were accustomed to, and many found the change troubling and disappointing, while others appreciated Holy Mass celebrated in the vernacular. Now, I call such a change “divisive,” in the word’s true sense of *dividing people.*
And in the late 60s and early 70s, the mid-morning Mass at our parish suddenly became a guitar Mass, with folk music being sung, instead of our customary hymns. (I recall that at the end of one folk-rock version of the Gloria, when the concluding “Amen!” was to be sounded, a wag in the congregation called out instead, “ee-HAW!”) The folk-rock-guitar Mass was even more astounding and divisive to many people than the introduction of the vernacular: people were used to singing traditional Catholic sacred hymns accompanied by the mellow tones of the organ; with the new guitar Mass, many had the bewildering impression that they were attending a cleaned-up version of Woodstock, with the actions of the priest as a filler. Talk about “divisive.” And, sadly, any number of older people, completely alienated from the celebration of the liturgy by these changes, stopped attending Holy Mass altogether. It doesn’t get any more divisive than that.
And yet more divisive changes: the 1970s and ’80s saw the introduction of Protestant hymns into the Mass, which many Catholics refused to sing. Not because the hymns were Protestant, (although with some, that was the case), but because they objected to liturgists eschewing perfectly good Catholic sacred music in favor of something other.
And this catalog of divisive changes was introduced and enacted entirely by liberals and Modernists within the Church.
There seems to be a double-standard in the rhetoric used by today’s liberal Catholics and Modernists concerning the introduction of any change to Holy Mass generally, or to making available one Sunday Mass different from the others. And here is the double-standard: if liberal Catholics and Modernists introduce the change – no matter how many people in the pews may be foreseen to be offended or alienated – then the change is “reforming” and “modernizing.” The liberal and Modernist attitude toward those in the parish who are offended is “they’ll get used to it. They’ll come to appreciate the ‘reforms’. And if they leave instead, well, all the easier for us – the correct people in the Church – to attract more people with the correct attitude, and rid ourselves of the reactionary elements.”
All of this is extremely “divisive” – it has divided the people! In fact, it doesn’t get any more “divisive” than this. And these divisive changes have been driven by the liberals for the past 60 years.
I hope all Catholics realize that when we hear liberal Catholics and Modernists characterize the introduction of one Latin Mass into the schedule as “divisive,” that we are hearing this word from the architects of some of the most divisive innovations to the Mass in the Church’s entire history (or from their ideological successors.)
I believe that the liberals and the Modernists are well aware that they have taken the Church in an entirely new direction, and they want to continue to take her further, much further, and any proposal that threatens the trajectory they want, they try to short-circuit with words like “divisive.” It’s empty rhetoric, nothing more; it’s code for “a thing that might remind the people in the pews what they have lost over the last 60 years, and thus constitutes a threat to what we have accomplished.”
We were recently out of town for my daughter’ s softball tourney, Thus, we attended Mass at the local parish.
The Church building looked like a government structure. ( first clue )
By the end of the Mass, we finally figured out the tabernacle location.
The entire Mass we had been sitting with our backs to the tabernacle.
Scary thing – somebody thought this was a great idea.
In my line of work, MSW means Municipal Solid Waste. So the first few times through, I read MSW that way, not Mr. Winters. It was interesting and funny, but needless to say I was very confused.
Since folks here enjoy the Wile E cartoons, here a snippet from an Ian Frazier piece from the New Yorker that’s quite amusing, I think. The whole “brief” is longer and lists an amazing series of self-inflicted injuries. Can MSW sue his logic teachers?
The New Yorker, February 26, 1990 P. 42
[Opening statement of an attorney for Wile E. Coyote, Plaintiff, -v.- Acme Company, Defendant.] Mr. Coyote states that on eighty-five occasions he has purchased of the Acme Company through that company’s mail-order department, certain products which did cause him bodily injury due to defects in manufacture or improper cautionary labelling… Report of the Attending Physician of damage suffered by Mr. Coyote required a full bandage around the head (excluding the ears) a neck brace, and full or partial casts on all four legs… He has suffered mishaps with explosives: the Acme “Little Giant” firecrackers, the Acme Self-Guided Aerial Bomb, etc…. The Acme Spring-Powered Shoes…no explanation has been found for this product’s sudden and extreme malfunction…. As the Court is no doubt aware, Defendant has a virtual monopoly of manufacture and sale of goods required by Mr. Coyote’s work…a giant company is allowed to victimize the consumer in the most reckless and wrongful manner over and over again…. The Plaintiff seeks punitive damages of 38 million dollars, and to reaffirm the right of the individual predator to equal protection under the law.
When the Mass was changed to the vernacular, I was in high school/college. I thought that it signaled the end of Western civilization because it cut us off from our roots. I remember thinking that they were trying to force me to become protestant and thought that if I had wanted to do that, I could have–they did not have to force it on me! It was as if the Barque of Peter had been hit by a rogue wave and rolled over on her beam ends. Many people were washed overboard and some were hanging on for dear life. I was never able to adapt to the novus ordo. Thankfully, I am now in an FSSP parish where things are normal again.
Thanks, I would have posted the whole thing but the New Yorker archives are a tricky pdf thing. Frazier nailed it.
“I wonder if MSW reviews them frequently for tips on how to write about our Catholic tradition”
I just had a conversation with my parents that was in a similar vein. They normally get upset and shut me down when I talk about the faith…or ask them to attend Mass with us. But the other day they were reminiscing about their childhood. They both went to parochial schools, and so attended Mass daily. Dad was an altar server. They said the change happened slowly, that it started with one guitar, and then eventually one “New Mass” (they glanced at each other knowingly and rolled their eyes at this term) was offered on Sundays, but the rest were all normal.
They had such fond memories of the Church of their childhood, and spoke almost sneeringly of the “New Church”. It makes me believe that a whole generation was robbed of their Catholic faith, and it is heartbreaking.
It seems this was the divisiveness that has caused so much upheaval in the Church.
My folks aren’t’ the only ones. I used to pray with a gal at the abortion clinic, who got livid when she learned that we attended the Latin Mass…I used it as an opportunity to shut up and listen. We ended up not doing a lot of praying that day…but she ended up switching over to the Latin Mass shortly after our conversation.
It just seems like there is a lot of anger and hurt, to this day, about the “New Mass”. Very Sad.
I am from a big Irish Catholic family, but no one except myself and my husband are actually practicing Catholics. Not my folks, uncles or aunts, great uncles, cousins….no body.