There is time for the complicated, and there is time for the simple.
Today we celebrate the moment in history when our God, entirely transcendent, lowered Himself to take our human nature into a bond with his divine nature that could never be broken for eternity.
He was born into this world to save our human race because our whole human race had sinned and we could not be reconciled by our own actions alone, no matter what we did.
We needed a Savior like us in all ways but sin.
Today we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
There it is.
Dear readers, you are a real gift to me.
A happy and holy Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas, Fr Z!
Merry Christmas, Father. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog and for always encouraging us to GO TO CONFESSION! I thank you Father, for your prayers, the edifying posts, and for sharing photos from your travels. May God bless you this Christmas and in the approaching New Year.
I wish all readers and fellow commentators of Father’s blog a very Merry and blessed Christmas. +JMJ+
Wishing you a very Joyous and Blessed Christmas Season Father!
Thank you for your service and sacrifice! May God keep, sustain and afortify you in all ways and always!
Hodie Christus natus est
hodie Salvator apparuit:
hodie in terra canunt Angeli,
laetantur Archangeli:
hodie exsultant justi, dicentes:
Gloria in excelsis Deo, alleluia!
A very Merry Christmas to you, Father. Thank God for both your priesthood and apostolate.
Happy Christmas, dear Father Zed!
Merry Chrisrmas, Father!
Merry Christmas, Father!
I also want to say I appreciate your continuing efforts on the blog and with the podcasts, which I am sure take much time and effort.
May the Lord bless, keep and guide you always.