New film about Sts Paul and Luke – 28 March @PaulMovie

I am looking forward to this:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. LeeGilbert says:

    My hope is that we would support movies like this to the max. In other words, that we don’t wait for the dvd, but will go to see it in the theater multiple times. That we make it a phenomenon. That we make Hollywood sit up and take notice.

    Some things are worth doing “too much,” no? Make it a super profitable venture for the producers. Perhaps going to see the Passion nine times was “overkill,” but in this milieu overkill is required.

    Then we would have some hope of having much more of the same, a film about St. Bernard, about Lepanto, about Charles Martel, about St. Vincent Ferrer, etc. We Catholics have a lot of stories that are not being told. Let’s show the film industry that we want them told and will make it profitable for them to put them on film.

  2. Kathleen10 says:

    Yes, this might be really good, and apparently there is another Mel Gibson/Jim Caviezel film in the works? I have forgotten what it’s like to see a movie at a theater.

  3. Absit invidia says:

    Yes looking forward to sequel to the Passion. Mel Giibson will deliver. If the St. Paul movie is an Italian rendition, hope they don’t turn St. Paul into another 1970s social justice warrior, instead of the champion for Christ that he was. Italian Catholic film has this reputation.

  4. DavidR says:

    The problem with this is that it supports the horrendous (from a Catholic POV) crap that they really want to produce. Best to cut off the snake’s head.

  5. mthel says:

    Fr. Z – Could you (or your readers) recommend a good book on St. Luke? Something we could perhaps purchase through your Amazon link?

  6. Filipino Catholic says:

    Let us hope they don’t attempt to fling the old “Peter was never in Rome” thing at us, even by a throwaway line that mentions him being somewhere else. The lack of Peter in the cast so far may be cause for concern that this might happen. Other than that though, I can and will watch this repeatedly.

  7. jaykay says:

    mthel: I found that “The world of St. Paul” by Joseph M. Callewaert, Ignatius Press, 2011, was good. I got it for Kindle last year.

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