Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard during your Mass to fulfill your Sunday Obligation?

Let us know.

I made three points.

One was about asking for miracles, while explaining the miracle for the cause of St. Juan Diego, whose feast it is/

Another, about John the Baptist and making acts of faith.

Another, about how the Lord praised certain people, as points of reflection for how we use or misuse praise.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. iPadre says:

    I talked about light as an Advent theme. Relating how moved I was during our Solemn Mass by candlelight as I saw the sun begin to rise over the horizon. Our Lord tells us that He is the Light of the world, and that we are the light of the world. This light in us is sanctifying grace. It is an invitation, a sign of welcome to Our Lord like the window candles during Advent & Christmas. We loose the light through mortal sin, but also obscure it through venial sin. There is the need for frequent confession. We not only receive forgiveness, but the gifts and graces to grow in holiness that make that light in our soul brighter.

  2. JonPatrick says:

    At our Byzantine Divine Liturgy the Gospel was of the woman that was bent over that Jesus cured on the Sabbath thereby incurring the wrath of the Pharisees. What was causing the woman to be bent over was the weight of her sin and symbolically we are all “bent over” to some degree. As Jesus points out you free your cattle on the Sabbath, why not free someone from their burden of sin on the Sabbath?

    St. Augustine is famous for saying “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee”. The Sabbath (Sunday for us) is a day to “rest” in the Lord, to let him free us from our burdens.

  3. Prayerful says:

    John the Baptist questioned Our Lord as to whether he was the Messiah, not out of ignorance (examples given), but as he knew his followers would soon no longer have him to lead them.

  4. BenFischer says:

    Father made a good appeal for going to confession. He tied the need for forgiveness to the need for the Messiah: both cases the situation is hopeless until God touches our lives.

  5. JohnMa says:

    Went to a Ukranian Greek Catholic Divine Liturgy. Father asked whether he was talking to a bunch of folks just sitting in the pews attempting to fulfill their Sunday obligation or if he was talking to Catholics that wanted to fulfill the gospel. He talked about being like a Christmas light and shining bright as a Catholic to act in a Christian manner and to invite others to the faith.

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