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Registered here or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?
Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Some are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.
You have to be registered here to be able to post.
I still have a pressing personal petition.
I also ask your prayers for a friend, J, in job trouble.
In your charity, please remember my brother Joe. He has not been to confession for years. Physically and mentally he is a mess, mostly because of bad priests when he was in his teens. Long story now, involving drugs, a spouse who left him, etc., etc. He is 67 yrs old. Anyway, he is living in a Catholic Charities homeless shelter, borderline suicidal, far beyond anything anyone in the family knows how to deal with. Please pray for him. Please do not forget him.
That when the Son of Man comes, He *will* find faith on the earth (Luke 18:8), and that among those will be found us or our spiritual or bodily descendants.
Please, friends PRAY! Our little baby girl who was supposed to be already officially adopted has been taken from us after two years because of a mistake by the agency and a bio relative that now wants her after wanting nothing to do with her for two years.
Please pray that she is safe, that whatever needs to get worked out gets fixed quickly, and that she comes home to us soon.
We are devastated. Please pray.
Please pray for BeeBee, Heidi, Paul, and all of our hurting family members.
Please pray that the state does the right thing.
Prayers for the above offered. Thank you for this opportunity, Fr.Z. Please remember my son, living in another Province (whom I am currently visiting this weekend) that he may return to the Faith and see the path God has set out for him.
Please pray for us: my husband had to take a job abroad to rebuild his career, and I am on my own with our sons. I have a new job and we are struggling. Please pray that we receive God’s providence, protection and guidance.
CatholicNerdGirl, yours is one of the most horrific situations I can imagine for both the baby and the adoptive family. I will pray very hard for you. (I used to wonder why U.S. families went to Russia, China, and Korea to adopt, when we have children needing adoption right here in the States. My eyes were opened by friends who had heard about several families in situations similar to yours.) God bless you and yours, my dear.
Prayers for all of you and your painful situations.
Please pray for the following family (this is from Fr. Heilman’s FB page) in their terribly suffering:
From a FB friend …
“Hello Father. May I ask your prayer warriors for prayers? My one year old precious baby girl, Emma, died at home on Sunday night in a terrible accident, and though we are happy her innocent little soul is in heaven, my kids, husband and I are hurting very much from this. On top of that, we are being scrutinized heavily by investigators and the stress and fear caused by that during a time that we just want to draw together and pray and mourn and love our way through this is really making things extra hard. I just ask for prayers for healing, peace, comfort for our hearts and protection… that our investigators are touched with mercy and empathy and that by the end of the week everything is closed with no further fears. Thank you Father. God bless.”
Thank you so much.
Please pray that my diagnostic surgery finds the source of my chronic pain, and that the problem is not untreatable.
I will pray for everyone else!
If it isn’t too late to join this post, my toddler son was recently diagnosed with a genetic syndrome that, while it isn’t life threatening, will impact his quality of life for years to come, and will impact him both mentally and physically. Please prayer for his healing, if possible, or that we learn how to best help him in alignment with God’s Will.