A cautionary tale. If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t just charge ahead. Wait for the MC. Say the black. Do the red.
That was painful.
The video of the whole Mass. For that snippet, start at about 1:31:00.
By way of a contrast…
Here is the TLM celebrated during the 2019 NCYC in Indianapolis on 22 November at St. John’s Catholic Church. The church was full. One of my correspondents wrote that they’ve had a TLM for several years and each year the attendance has grown. They now have to go to a large church for it.
The music was Palestrina’s Missa Brevis.
I’ve noticed His Holiness has been hobbling much lately. Now viewing his slow-walk of the Mass, it may be possible to surmise that his age is catching up with him. Some analysts have deduced that the Pope sees his papacy beginning to come to an end, so he has begun an aggressive travel agenda to fulfill the goals he has set out for himself.
So in summary, his health is deteriorating.
Something to chew on.
I’m not 100% clear what happened here. Did he lose his place or what?
I’m having trouble with the sound. Can someone summarize the error that was made?
The beautiful Mass in Indianapolis is consoling. As long as people continue to seek God by responding to the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we’ll be okay. If that beautiful Mass was going on and no one cared, that would be sad, but they do care. People want God. They can find Him at the TLM. I wish all Catholics, especially those disheartened in these times, would find their nearest TLM even if they can’t attend every week. Just knowing it exists helps, or attending once per month.
Remind yourself why you are Catholic and GO. Don’t worry about the Latin, don’t worry about a veil, don’t worry about anything. When we have a fuller room at the TLM, we’re happy. We have zero awareness of what anyone else is doing or not doing. Please won’t you consider attending.
To Kathleen10: “Just knowing it exists, helps.” Thank you for that. I long with every fiber of my being for the TLM, but there isn’t one within reach. A 150-mile drive, ONE WAY, when you’re on a fixed monthly income that’s barely enough to pay the bills doesn’t leave enough discretionary funds to get there and back. So I muddle along with the NOM, and take comfort in the fact that the TLM is out there, and its popularity is growing.
Above commenters:
He said “Dominus Vobiscum” for the preface, but continued with “Sit nomen… Auditorium nostrum in nomine Domini” as if he were going to bestow an apostolic blessing. Marini corrected him and the Holy Father then continued with the “Sursum corda” albeit flustered.
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