At the end of the year most people consider their annual charitable giving.
In this time of great confusion for the institutional Church, here are a couple suggestions for your donation dollars.
First, year in and year out I have recommended a clinic here in Madison, Our Lady of Hope Clinic. CLICK HERE
OLHC It is run entirely on Catholic moral principles and it provides health care for the poor. I go there. I contribute. The average cost of a visit to OLHC is approximately $80. A gift of $150 pays for nearly 2 doctor’s visits for a uninsured patient. Right now and through the end of the year, there is a generous donor who will match your donation. You donation will have twice the impact. A little while ago, I brought them a Daniel Mitsui print of Our Lady of Hope which I blessed and which now hangs in their waiting room. The Clinic is trying to expand. I have a strong sense of goodness when I go there.
Next, the TMSM, the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison. CLICK HERE.
This also a 501(c)3 organization. Your donations are deductible. I am the president for some years now. We have over the years been building a good treasury of vestments. One day a cathedral will be built here and we will have worthy vestments for pontifical ceremonies. We are going to turn our attention to new aspects of spreading and fostering Tradition in the next years. Donations have come in from readers all over the country. In turn, I firmly believe that the work of the TMSM, made known through this blog, has helped to inspire people in other places to get organized. We depend on you and I am grateful for the help. What we are doing, I believe, helps to raise the tide that helps all boats to rise. Also, I have some big invoices to pay! Help!