From Ignatius Press
“I confirm that I was able to speak this morning with Archbishop Georg Gänswein. This press release remains my one and only version of the course of events. I also had a conversation with Fayard’s management to implement the specific requests of Mgr Gänswein. +RS” https://t.co/lTfoFXGIXR
— Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin) January 14, 2020
Originally Published on: Jan 14, 2020 at 06:25
From Card. Sarah about the attacks on him and his integrity.
He forgives his persecutors.
Translation from Bree Dail.
I love this. I especially love how he closed the letter:
“My attachment to Benedict XVI remains intact and my filial obedience to Pope Francis is absolute”.
An example for us all. Whenever I get frustrated by affairs in the Church, I will remember this line.
seeing how Ivereigh, Faggioli, Mickens, and their ilk attacked BXVI and Card. Sarah got me angry, but i knew that their scandalous reaction proved the merits and power of the book.
but, reading ++Ganswein purported contradiction of Card. Sarah’s account, breaks my heart.
i believe Card. Sarah.
i am more than sad that ++Ganswein, i guess on behalf of BXVI, fled “for fear of the wolves.”
When did Ganswein become a villain? Just another ambitious climber, I guess.
God bless, Cardinal Sarah.
God protect, Benedict.
I think we will be able to learn a lot from how Card. Sarah handles this humiliation in the days, weeks, and months to come.
He and Pope Emeritus Benedict are men of prayer. I am sure God will do interesting things through them as a result of this fracas. Hagan lio, eh?
Ganswein in on the record saying that Benedict “expanded” the Papacy (to contain more than one Pope).
Of course the book would cause consternation! The truth has a tendency to do that. I’d like to say a word, though, on the English translation of the press release. I just don’t think “on certain facts” is a good rendition of “on the Catholic priesthood, with a particular attention to celibacy.” My French kinda stinks, but that part was pretty clear. I’m not impugning the translator, just striving for accuracy.
Oh thank goodness! I was worried that Cardinal Sarah would not be totally obsequious in his absolute obedience to Pope Francis, but now I see how needless it was.
Doc Angelicus: Good catch…that leaves me scratching my head.
Looking closer, I found two other (much smaller) errors. In the clause in the first paragraph ending, “a besoin de ce don”, Dail translates, “I am convinced the whole of the Church needs this done.” It’s quite amusing to think a translator might think “don” in French means “done” in English. The text is more like, “I am convinced that the whole Church has need of this gift.” Gracious. The second error is a plain typo in the third paragraph, where Dail references “Benedict XXI”. (Whoops.)
Joshua McElwee is reporting in the Non-Catholic Reporter that Benedict’s name is being removed from the book, and that this has been confirmed in a tweet by Cardinal Sarah.
LibTards! Shame on them!! Francis’ Mass today also had a dig…
Ignatius Press: Claim that Benedict XVI did not co-author book on celibacy is false
I pre-ordered several copies of this book to share in March.
Through the Ignatius Press note and this translated letter today, I now see this book as the intervention we were fervently praying for in the 54 days leading up to Christmas! Deo gratias!
Truly all of this fuss is a good sign for us.
Ignatius Press : …yeah, we already printed the covers, so… :-)
It seems to me that the Pope Emeritus has allowed Ganswein to throw Card. Sarah under the bus. However unfair, the Cardinal’s reputation will suffer.
I’m inclined to think this is a situation where we can deflate their huffing and puffing by simply agreeing with them.
Just say, “Ok, it’s a book by Cardinal Sarah with a contribution by Pope Emeritus Benedict. Now that we’ve settled that, let’s talk about the content. Here’s what Benedict said…”
If they really want to focus on counting how many pages were written by whom – if that is what is really important to them – then perhaps we should also discuss who wrote which parts of Laudato Si and Amoris Laetitia.
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How right you are, Iamlucky13!
Well done Ignatius Press for refusing to Unperson Benedict XVI.
I am afraid I have to disagree with you Iamlucky13 and HvonBlumenthal. The authorship actually does matter.
Cardinal Sarah stands by his account of the correspondence between him and Pope Emeritus Benedict. In no uncertain terms, he is being accused of lying to us and twisting Benedict’s words to his own advantage. If he knowingly and willingly did that then his word would be completely unreliable and the whole book could be ignored.
This despicable attack on Cardinal Sarah’s honesty must be shown for the lie it is. Remember, this book comes from the depths of their hearts. They have taken a stand and they deserve our support.
Semper Gumby got it right.
Bravo to Ignatius Press for taking their stand in defense of Cardinal Sarah!