19 March 2020: Feast of St. Joseph – Hope of the sick,  Patron of the dying,  Terror of demons,  Protector of Holy Church! 

Glorious St. Joseph.

Hope of the sick,
Patron of the dying,
Terror of demons,
Protector of Holy Church, 

Back in 2009 I made a PODCAzT – ELEVEN YEARS AGO?!? – about the hymn sung in the Liturgy of Hours in honor of St. Joseph.

That post eventually was augmented with photos sent by The Great Roman™ of a terrific procession in honor of St. Joseph in the streets of Rome.  HERE  Happier times.

And last year from the Great Roman… I don’t think he will easily get them this year.

Bigne di San Giuseppe

Check it out! 

I drilled into a beautiful Gregorian chant hymn to St. Joseph in the Liturgia Horarum, the Liturgy of the Hours.

The hymn is Te, Ioseph celebrent and it is in the Liber Hymnarius for 1st and 2nd Vespers for the Feast of St. Joseph.

Also of note, Fr. Hunwicke has comments about his hymn at his fine blog, HERE.

Also we listened to an indulgenced prayer written by Pope Leo XIII, Ad Te Ioseph.

Finally, we hear St. Bernardine of Siena (+1444) preach on our Patron of the Universal Church who is Patron of the dying.

Buy a Liber Hymnarius!  US HERE UK HERE

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Robert_H says:

    Thank you Fr Z for reposting this. Here is the wonderful Benedictines of Mary singing Te Joseph, Celebrent: https://youtu.be/vqA9E6M9UCs

  2. AB says:

    Off topic, but there has been concern about delivering the sacrements in the time of Coronavirus. I hope I am late to the party with this idea, but confessions could be heard at old drive throughs at banks and restaurants. They already have physical isolation for security reasons. There is an intercom system; although it would have to be checked to make sure the bank wasn’t recording it for some reason. The priest could sit where the teller sits. The near lane would allow face-to-face confessions. The far lane could have screen. It might work even after the epidemic has passed.

  3. kalless says:

    I just got a note from my sons’ school that Bp. Checchio will be leading the Diocese of Metuchen in the Holy Rosary, invoking Our Lady of Guadalupe for the help of the suffering in the diocese. It sounds like it will be streamed at 4pm local time. The invitation video has a reflection on the feast of St. Joseph. I hope the Rosary is followed by prayers for the intercession of St. Joseph.

  4. Pius Admirabilis says:

    I have a Liber Hymnarius, and I am very happy to have it (a priest gifted it to me). Although I am very opposed to the Novus Ordo liturgy, including that ugly thing that is called “Liturgia Horarum”, the new hymniary may be one of the few positive aspects of the liturgical reforms. Granted, some hymns were extirpated from the traditional hymniary (which would have to be revised), but the corpus was also enriched by some medieval hymns that are very worthy. I especially like that many Saints now have a proper hymn instead of “Iste Confessor” ten thousand times per year. I also like the reversal of several reforms Urbanus VIII had introduced into the hymniary to conform to Ciceronian poetry. Other changes actually improve the hymns (a notable example would be the Veni Creator Spiritus).

  5. Fallibilissimo says:

    St Joseph, our protector. We’re not worthy to have you as our patron, but out of the love you have for Jesus and Mary, please pray for us sinners. These times are dark. Normally on your feast day we celebrate, but in some countries we cannot go out. Take care of us beloved St Joseph and protect us from sin.

  6. veritas vincit says:

    This was a different St Joseph solemnity, watching the EWTN Mass from the Holy Land (in an empty Church of St Joseph in Nazareth) instead of attending Mass physically.

    St Joseph, pray for us!

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