Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass that fulfilled your Easter Sunday Obligation? WHOOPS! You probably are in a place where you don’t have an obligation, either because the bishop dispensed it or there are no available public Masses!
However, perhaps you saw a Mass with a sermon over the interwebs. Perhaps you were at a parking lot Mass.
Was there a good point in the sermon you heard?
For my part… to an empty church. I spoke about Good Shepherd Sunday as a moment for pastors to examine their consciences.
My sermon can be found here (at 24 minutes and 30 seconds):
The theme was make your “shelter-in-place” family meals an Emmaus Moment.
Canon preached about how ‘sheep’ have been lost due to a lack of charity in our own communities. It really woke us up and made us think about how we behave.