2 August – Traditional Latin Mass – SERMON ONLY 9th Sunday after Pentecost – VIDEO: 1200h CDT (GMT/UTC -5)

Daily, I live-stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).

Today: SERMON ONLY 9th Sunday after Pentecost
Prayers Added:
After Mass:

Today I was called at 7:00AM to take the 7:30AM TLM at St. Mary’s in Pine Bluff, WI. Here is the SERMON from that Mass.  Unusual situation.  This is an experiment.  At my usual time for Mass I will live stream a recording of only the sermon from the parish Mass.  Does that make sense?

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  • NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.
  • We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.
  • I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion. 
  • I will also recite in Latin the traditional  “Statement of Intention” (…a hint to priests).
  • After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin “In time of pandemic” followed by a blessing with a fragment of the Cross
    For texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. R. Guadalupe says:

    Wow! What a powerful sermon! Much to ponder.

  2. Jacob says:

    Father, thank you for posting this. I enjoyed being able to go back and read through your replies in the Q&A. I hope you are able to do that again sometime.

  3. Gab says:

    I’d say your experiment was a success. Very enjoyable and edifying. As for your sermon, Father, one of your best. Could never get my head around Our Lord’s suffering after the Ascension, now that’s been explained beautifully. Thank you, Fr Z.

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