Plus ça change

Some progressivists think that mankind has progressed to the point where we can reinterpret the Scriptures for our time in a way that contradicts their meaning, that we are mature now and we don’t have to kneel before God, that our advancement gives us the right to manipulate even the building blocks of nature.

Really, we aren’t “maturing” out of some previous form of humanity.  Men and women are pretty much the same in the basic details of life as they were a long time ago, accounting of course for technical advancements.

Here is a great tweet I spotted this morning that drives the point home.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. WVC says:

    So are you saying they had COVID 2270 years ago!? If only the fool had used a mask made out of papyrus! Then he would have been safe!

    I’m convinced we live in what may come to be known as the Dumb Ages. Many an archeologist, a thousand years from now, will puzzle and slap his head with exasperation as they try to piece together the insanity of what passes for modern culture. May we strive to regain a level of culture and humanity the author of this ancient letter enjoyed!

  2. Semper Gumby says:

    WVC: They had social distancing back then- one spear length apart at all times or else the next day your the main attraction at the Coliseum. (Ancient Rome had the Antonine Plague which probably contributed to Rome’s decline and later the Justinian Plague.)

    Amusing point you make about the Dumb Ages. Archaeologists in 3021 A.D. excavating the ruins of “Sin Frincisco” will likely proceed with great caution when they brush aside the shrubbery concealing an ancient temple of the “Antifawymxn” and find leering idols honoring gods and goddesses such as “Karlmarx,” “Margaretsanger” and especially the “Kathygriffin” which holds some sort of severed head in one of her six claws. The now puzzled archaeologists will scratch their heads as they explore the sacrificial burn pits and dig up the remains of “Catinhat” children’s books, “Auntjemima” syrup bottles and “Landolakes” butter cartons. Truly, they say to each other as they pause and drink from their canteens, these ancient amulets must have possessed powerful juju and were confiscated from the serfs for their own protection, then ordered burned in pits by the Glorious Empress “Ka-malo.”

    Anyway, here’s something from a couple days ago in CWR about archaeology and the New Testament:

    “Archaeology helps us in two ways. First of all, it reveals what Fr. Bargil Pixner, the great Benedictine New testament archaeologist, called “the fifth gospel”: The stage which was prepared for the coming of Christ, the world in which He incarnated, the mindset of the audience he spoke to and the places where it all happened. It gives us a deeper understanding of his parables, of the people’s reaction, of the events and the personalities mentioned in the gospels. And second, it helps to verify the gospels. When an author obviously knows what he is talking about, when he describes topography, culture, traditions and people just as they were, you can trust him.”

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