Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for your Sunday (obligation or none), either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was.
Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.
What was attendance like?
Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass. I’m getting reports that it was waaaay up.
Was the Motu Proprio mentioned? Any local changes or news?
I went to the (diocesan) TLM. Strong attendance, unfamiliar faces. Including Father, who was saying his first TLM for us. (Not his first TLM.)
Father managed to hit it out of the ballpark preaching on handing down what is given to us unchanged. He mentioned the generational effects of the faith we hand down. He said he is like a spoon, to feed us what is given by God. He, and we, are instruments. When we no longer think of ourselves as instruments, then there are problems.
I went to the 11 am Latin mass at Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini (FSSP) in Rome. There were a lot of people, local and foreign, many Americans. Long queue for Confession.
In July and August, there are only low masses at 11 on Sundays.
It was very hot (33 Celsius) and the poor priests kept wiping their foreheads. Alas, they were not as well equipped as some of the ladies who brought their lovely fans.
I can barely understand Italian but I believe Father emphasized that “il demonio” wants people to be very afraid all the time and that he induces people to “panico, panico, panico” (Father then waved his hands wildly in the air to stress the point). And he also said we are like an “elefante” terrified of a “topolino”. “Il demonio esagera la paura, la tristezza”. That’s what I remember. It was difficult to concentrate in the heat. But it was such a beautiful mass.
N.B. I went to the 18:30 Latin mass at the same church last Wednesday and there were also quite a number of people, local and foreign. Considering it’s August and most of the Romans have fled, I’m guessing the majority are tourists.
Good attendance at 1030 at the Cathedral where we had a guest celebrant from the Capuchins. Sonorous baritone.
He talked at length about the weakness of our mortal state and how we cannot ever adequately address our problems without the divine assistance that comes from the sacraments. Given today’s readings he naturally focused more on the Eucharist than on others. He also acknowledged today’s commemoration of the holy father St. Dominic and heartily commended the more Franciscan practice of the stations of the cross. (were it not so hot today, i would have stopped to pray them at the seminary’s outdoor set. autumn is coming!)
Went to the EF Mass in Hollister (Diocese of Monterey). Father mentioned the sanctification of the Lord’s day, recounting a story his grandmother told him about growing up in France: to church for Low Mass with Holy Communion at 6am, big family breakfast at home to “break the fast” from midnight, return to church for High Mass for the music and sermon, return home for a big family lunch; later return to church for Vespers and Adoration / Benediction.
I feel I need to confess “envy” the next time I am in the box!
NEWS: Father (from the Institute of the Good Shepherd) is being transferred by his community to a parish on the east coast. The Bishop wants to continue to provide for the TLM communities in his diocese, and wants to have diocesan priests trained to celebrate the EF Mass for them. This was just recently decided and will take some time. Oremus!
At our OF Mass we are continuing to work our way through the Bread of Life discourse in John Chapter 6, This Sunday’s passage has Jesus announcing that He is the Bread of Life which is his flesh which he gives for the life of the world. The fact that the people listening are scandalized by this and many of them leave indicates that Jesus meant this literally, he did not run after them and say “wait I meant this as symbolic”. Unfortunately we miss the climax of this chapter next week as it will be the feast of the Assumption.
Our bishop is extraordinarily hostile to the Latin Mass and we have zero in our diocese, but one of the priests who knows the TLM says the NO reverently and does not disappoint in his orthodox homily, which was all about the virtue of faith and God reaching out to each one of us, and it’s on us to answer.
The pastor was assigned to a small rural parish that normally has less than 20 parishioners on a Sunday, but word got out and many of the would-be TLM people have started attending that parish — Sunday had probably 100 people in the tiny church. No musical instruments, only a cappella chant, and it was glorious.
1. Yes, our rural church was packed. Standing room only for an 8AM TLM with the genx priest. The 10:30AM NO mass with the boomer priest saw just a handful of families, as usual.
2. Father made a great point! During this time of persecution we can grow spiritually by learing to stop thinking of “us” as being better than “them.” And then we can rise to the understanding that there is no “us” and no “them”, only “we”. Which I personally interpret in the sense of “we all face the same enemy” and “we are all in this together”. The thought helps me not hate my enemies quite as much.
3. On a related note, I have a very important question for Fr. Z.
I remember once Fr. Z. replying to some offhand combox comment, and I quote from memory as best I can, that “The Novus Ordo IS in Latin.”
I later read somewhere that the whole point of the NO was to be said in the vernacular, period, and it was an error to assume that the Latin was ever intended to be recited aloud. Well, if the above, all-capitalized rumor is correct that would appear to contradict Fr. Z, and confirm the hermeneutic-of-rupture position.
What’s worse, it would invalidate Msgr. Schuler’s approach at St. Agnes in St. Paul where the NO has been reverently celebrated in Latin every Sunday for 50 years. Does this mean that even the NO in Latin is now verboten? Must St. Agnes give up her Ordinary Form Solemn High Mass in Latin?
The only Mass anywhere within reasonable driving distance is NO. Sadly, health problems keep me from attending on Sundays, though I am occasionally able to attend a weekday Mass. Father’s NO Mass is highly reverent; while the design of the sanctuary makes installing altar rails infeasible, he did put a pair of large prie-Dieu at the bottom of the steps. I can listen to all his sermons online, and while they are subtle, they almost always include something about spiritual warfare. (This is a tremendous contrast to our last two pastors, one of whom simply never mentioned such things, and the other actually forbade any hymn even remotely resembling anything “martial.” ) I think what I like best, however, is the fact that, while he says Mass versus populum, he has a crucifix placed at the center of the altar on the side opposite him, and you can tell that, except at the Elevation, his eyes are almost always on that crucifix. And the attendance at weekday Masses is a good bit higher than it used to be before this priest came to our parish.
In the big city to visit family and was able to attend the 8:30 Mass at my former FSSP parish. Quite a crowd indeed.
Afterwards, one of the parish activity folk, who has access to the counts, said they were now averaging about 1800 per weekend.
They have converted the parish hall into an interim chapel to handle the crowds.
Fr.’s sermon was about not fearing death- though we find it hard to imagine our souls without our bodies- because our glorified bodies will be, well, glorified.