From a reader…
Father – back in 2009, you posted asking for help finding high-quality chapel veils. Most, if not all of the suggested businesses listed in the answers are closed up, (sad). Could you post the question again, as I imagine there are new veil-making businesses popping up all the time now with the resurgence of the TLM (happy!).
This is a good question! Anyone?
Now that the TLM will be under attack or suppressed in some places, I had a little moment of Schadenfreude, picturing the consternation of lib priests and bishops as more and more women started wearing chapel veils and saying the Rosary (the usual accusation) in their Novus Ordo Masses.
¡Hagan lío!
BTW… we should explore St. Paul on the veiling of women’s hair sometime. There are some pretty deep elements.
Beyond skilled folks there. I’ve bought several for my wife, friends, children, etc. Every veil exceeds all expectations and they are just classy folks. Highly recommended.
Beyond skilled folks there. I’ve bought several for my wife, friends, children, etc. Every veil exceeds all expectations and they are just classy folks. Highly recommended.
My wife has ordered here several times. They hold up well.
Veils can be expensive. This apostolate will send you a veil free for shipping ($5).
I’ll second IA Transplant on Veils by Lily – we’ve been pleased with what we’ve ordered there.
I agree! is my go-to for veils. Very good selection, quality items. I own several. Of course, during Lent and Advent I color coordinate depending on whether the Sunday is violet or rose.
High quality, gorgeous, lasts a long time. I’m pleased with their selection, too. They have sales from time to time.
Thank you!!!
There was a gal who made them for a reasonable fee in our previous Latin Community. We had mantillas of every color, shape and size. She’d make them for us to order. It was such a blessing!
Now we live in a spiritual desert. And there is not a decent headcover to be found any where.
Our mantillas were so lovely, we’d often get compliments. Anytime a young (or old) lady showed interest or complimented our head covering, I’d give that individual the one off my head, right there….just to encourage the practice.
Now I am wearing like a lace doilie that’s supposed to be used on a small table….lol….or ball caps, hats, scarves….whatever. I have even gone to Mass unveiled when there just wasn’t anything reasonable available. I figured it was better to go as I was than not go at all.
What a great resource.
In the discussion to be explored, we should not neglect to examine along with Saint Paul, the contributions established by Saint Peter and Pope Saint Linus on the topic.
I am going to a Russian Orthodox Liturgy for the first time, on Sunday.
Veiling is a requirement there.
It will be interesting to see how similar Orthodox veils are to Mantillas.
Amazing you have brought this up! Having gone to the veil officially, thanks to the recent Motu proprio, I am finding it very hard to find veils I like. They are impossible to find in colors appropriate for a mature lady besides black. Does no one make a soft veil in a brown tone? I either look like I just left First Holy Communion class or am going to a funeral. I’m fair and black makes me look like Vampira. I honestly think some asian companies are online selling grandma’s table doilies. And the size. Some are the size of yamulkes, some are the size of a Thanksgiving tablecloth. Personally, wearing a fuschia veil seems to defeat some purpose. I don’t want my head to be distracting to others, like a bright red tulip in a field of wheat. I’m just not liking what I’m seeing, thus far.
Watts&Co in London has beautiful, high quality mantillas:
*Available in three colors: White, Black, and Black/Silver
@kathleen10, has many different colors. The initial picture might be black, but click on it for more options. I have a light brown one that I wear to Novus Ordo weddings because people are not used to it there. I don’t want to look like I’m mourning at a wedding when many don’t understand the purpose. I also have a navy blue that I wear on Marian feast days. Many colors! My favorites are the French lace veils that Lily sells. A bit pricey, but the lace clings to your hair so you don’t need a clip.
Evintageveils also good. My favorite I have from there is more like a large scarf / wrap, black with flowers in peach and white colors.
There are other companies as well, but always been satisfied with these two. If you are visiting near St. Louis, Lily has an actual store in Kimswick where you can see before you buy. I know, personally, that even though her company has grown, she sees it as an apostolate, even taking her employees on retreats.
For those who want to make their own, YouTube has many videos on veil making. I found this one helpful—I made an infinity veil without a sewing machine from her instructions. (Although she uses a machine, I did not. My not-very-precise hand sewn seam is well hidden in the folds.)
I found some wonderful drapey lace material at the fabric store which doesn’t fray when cut. It is great for a rectangular veil with absolutely no sewing. (I’m sorry, I don’t know the name of the manufacturer or the type of lace it is.)
Kate D:
Do you have any good hats or scarves?
I love the idea of an “outbreak” of women wearing veils at NO masses, and of all sorts holding a rosary during mass. A two-fer: doing our little bit as a poke-in-the-eye for the trad-haters, as well as leading a charge for reverence and attention to the little things.
Veil By Tradition, a Catholic Mantilla Veil Apostolate
I just purchased several of these veils and they are beautiful. Only $5 per veil.
I don’t generally prefer the lace veil look and have heard that it is a recent take on covering heads at church. If I had to pick, light brown would be my favorite for a lace veil. It used to be that ladies wore hats and scarves to Mass.
I would be thrilled if that came back because I have worn the lace veil, a hat, a head scarf, and of all, the hat and scarves seem most natural and as a result they are my favorite.
It’s a difficult thing. I don’t like feeling at all pretentious and I don’t want to stand out either. The lace makes me feel a little pretentious and wearing something different stands out too much among the many lace veils.
I wish there could be more variety when I look across the pews, different colors, hats and scarves, like a stained glass window.
A variety of acceptable ways to cover my head at church because we are not nuns or at a dress code school and we don’t want to turn others away from Mass because they feel awkward not wearing the same kind of veil. For many ladies, it’s a hard leap jumping from the style of the world to the lace hair piece. Add some variety in the head coverings and it may help people feel more comfortable.
Yes, the links above are to be recommended and I have veils both from VeilsbyLily and VeilbyTradition (these are free for only a $5 shipping fee). Have also made my own ‘eternity’ veils. At my parish more and more females are wearing veils even for the daily novus ordo. Almost all ladies wear them at the TLM. I sometimes wear a hat too! I enjoy being a girl!
In England, one can buy them at ‘Di Clara’:
You can see the shop on the left hand side. These mantillas are particularly good, incidentally, and available in several colours.
And in Australia – where Mass is still banned and not one bishop in this country opposes the ban – veils can be bought from
A bit off topic, but I’d like to throw a link out for anyone interested in modest (but stylish) bathing suits for girls. The two topics are probably spiritually linked. At any rate, my girls have enjoyed these for years.
I believe she temporarily closed when COVID-related supply chain issues came up – but you can contact her and get timelines for when she can fulfil orders.
@Gab – Sorry for y’all. I don’t know what to make of Australia. I watch videos folks post from inside the Quarantine Prisons, er, Hotels – it’s dystopian to say the least.
Not sure when it will end down there. I’m just praying it doesn’t get that bad here in the states (but, I think, in some of the states it will, especially for anyone who does not accept the Vaccine into their life).
@WVC thank you.. God is good to us.
PrayFatima: Yes, that’s how I remember it. Back in the Pleistocene era when I was a boy, i.e., before the meteor hit, um, I mean before The Best Council That Ever Was, my mother and every other woman I can recall wore hats to Mass. Of course, in those days they also wore hats when going “downtown” or to any gathering with a modicum of formality. But I don’t recall seeing veils with any regularity at all.
Although if a woman stopped by to make a visit rather spontaneously there might be something veil-like on her head, say, a lace hanky that happened to be in her handbag.
(Sudden thought: I wonder if “make a visit” now requires explanation here in the 21st century?)
Chad, may our good and faithful God bless you abundantly!
re: exploring the topic of veils; Father Z., your friend Ann Barnhardt has a post about that:
Thank you for the link! Just what I needed.
Here in Scandinavia you either make your own or buy them on holidays in Catholic countries. Mine, bought in the lace museum in Alencon, is getting just a bit too ratty for wear.
I have made my own, a big D-shaped piece of lace, with edging lace sown on, and the result was beautiful, but a bit slippery on the head, you really need a very light weight lace for best results.
There are instructions on Pinterest, too.
Good thread!
Personally, I haven’t been able to wear a veil or scarf since my first baby started grabbing. I also find that flattering hats are hard to come by and involve a lot of hairstyling time, so I rarely manage those. What I tend to wear instead are wraps and snoods, which I mostly get from the ladies at Garlands of Grace. ( ) I know ‘snood’ sounds frumpy, but they really look nice and are as close to toddler-proof as you can get.
Their target market is women who cover in daily life, so they have options if you prefer something plain, but they offer a lot of lace/dressy fabrics as well (and so many gorgeous floral prints!!) I find their products to be comfortable, practical, and less attention-getting than a veil. Check the sizing, though. If your head is on the small side (like mine) you will need a style with ties. They also have a good selection for younger girls.
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I am a craftswoman and I make veils for sale in my Etsy shop, Yuletide Crafts! I have some fancy, some more plain style, and some more economical ones for women & for girls :) I love making them, so I wanted to post a comment on here!
When I was in the Middle East, I picked up several head scarves of various colors and styles. They now get used for prayer and mass. I also have a couple of veils from Veils by Lily that I have been very satisfied with.
Veils by Lily is great with lots of colors and styles! They also carry veils for big and little girls and have videos re veiling and spirituality.
There’s the option of having them sew the tiny invisible comb on the underside of the veil so it doesn’t slide off when mom, big sister, auntie, and grandma are holding Squirmy Baby, etc. or if it’s a windy day.
Or buy the combs separately and sew them on the veils yourself (cheaper).
At Mass there is usually one to three or more of us (all ages) or moms and their girls, wearing veils at Mass. Nobody, not even the priest, looks at us as if we’re weird.
AND, this is happening on the Left Coast where I live!!
Chad the Great,
You’ve probably discovered by now…The Orthodox don’t veil with lace. I made the same mistake when I visited Saint Anthony’s Monestary in Arizona with a Russian friend. Luckily they are very gracious and have buckets and buckets of loaner head coverings, socks, skirts, shawls, etc. Because one also is not permitted to be bare legged, in pants, have shoulders showing.
What was powerful to me was to see how similar the Orthodox denominations are to our Eastern Catholic Rites and the Extra Ordinary Form of the Latin Rite. The Ordinary Form of the Latin Rite stands out in such stark contrast to every other ancient and enduring expression of Christianity. It is the modern protestant Episcopalian chapel service, blow for blow.
One of these things is not like the others…
I look at this thread and the interactions with countless trads across the country and abroad…knowing them briefly or for years and I just don’t see the “scratch, scratch…mental illness” scenario played out anywhere. Everyone, to a person we’ve encountered in the traditional and Eastern Catholic communities have been so welcoming and generous and kind to us.
As the Latin Mass becomes more suppressed and the people so poorly treated, I hope it won’t lead to defensiveness and behaving in a more closed in upon oneself attitude..
@KateD – depends. If we get to the point where we have to have secret Masses, and then the Vatican starts sending out active spies . . . well, we should remember that the early Masses were said behind locked doors for a reason. Not unfriendly, but prudent.
KateD: “As the Latin Mass becomes more suppressed and the people so poorly treated, I hope it won’t lead to defensiveness and behaving in a more closed in upon oneself attitude..”
I hope it doesn’t lead to that either. Sometimes I think that could be where the supposed issue for TC came from in the first place. If the Latin Mass was not limited to one or two hole in the wall locations, and the faithful didn’t have to drive forever to get to one, maybe the “lack of unity” problem wouldn’t present itself. How can there be unity with others in your same rite when the only way you can attend the Latin Mass is at a faraway location at an off time?
Plus, how thrilled can one be when they have to go to Mass in an overcrowded church, in an unsafe location, where there is not even standing room only and you can hear the traffic buzzing by because you are that close to the street, and on and on. Make the Latin Mass more common, at more mass times and locations and you finally have it being offered by many diverse priests, it will be found in the churches that are actually built to hold a large crowd, and everything just flows better. Oh and people will actually start hearing word of it and the possibility for unity becomes real. Then those churches that are being shut down, merging together, because of poor attendance and lack of a priest, especially in the northeast states, will flourish once again.
There is a growing population that will attend the beautiful Mass but the floodgates have yet to be opened. All priests have not yet been given the key.
Patience obtains all things! Felt banners and crayon logos can’t fly forever! Tater Tots and tambourines have had their day. A new generation is stepping in and they know that the world is hungry for God on high.
The solution to the supposed issue is not to tighten things more. It’s the exact opposite. The Beautiful Mass is right now like flowers confined to tiny flower pots, they simply need to be transplanted into bigger, better pots, with more diverse gardeners prepared to tend them, for the real flourishing to be seen.