Roman sunrise was at 5:35 and sunset was at 20:52. The Ave Maria has remained in the 21:15 cycle.
And so it was when at 8:00 I made my way to the Vatican Bank to do business after a couple of COVID interrupted years.
This was mid morning.
Hottest temperatures, these days, ever recorded in Rome in June. Think about that and how long Rome has been around, recording temps.
Abandon all hope…
I relied in earlier experience. I spotted a guy at a teller window with a big CLOSED sign and immediately went to him with a question. He took on all the work I had to do, bada bing. This enabled my to avoid lines with women religious with far more melanin than I have who take a half hour at a time.
It is still good to be able to walk right in. I’ve had my first account at the Vatican Bank since 1989.
One of the famous “rioni” fountains.
The blazing Borgo Pio. I met a journalist friend for coffee and a long chat about what is really going on.
The bar. I liked this place before. I like it more now. Great coffee and very good cornetti.
So little rain… a tiny bit in a whole month. The Tiber is super low.
I was walking down the Via Guilia. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone go into the old chapel of the Confraternity of the Gonfalone.
I went in, against the protests of an old codger who couldn’t explain why I couldn’t.
Eventually, his colleague called him to the phone to talk to his wife. I exchanged a few words of sympathy and continued my visit.
This one saw, I don’t know how, the consistory list. Maybe that’s why they didn’t want me in there.
And there’s this. I LOVE this place!!!!
Supper. WAAAAY too much sauce. I think they do this because there are so many Americans around. I am well known in this place and they should have known better, but they were busy.
I will let you guess.
Wow the Tiber is so low you could hardly fit a Pachamama in it ?
The heat – global warming. We are going to fix that by getting rid of internal combustion engines and instead use electric cars charged with current from a coal burning power plant. We got that all under control.