A canceled priest speaks. ACTION ITEM!

The ramifications for a priest of being canceled are manifold.  Depending on their past (whether they are late vocations and have a pension) or their families (perhaps well-to-do), life can be really complicated.

“Canceled” usually means not just emotional turmoil and enduring moral injury but also financial devastation.

There is a Coalition for Canceled Priests now, which is a good initiative. They too, as I have tried to do with Gregorian Masses, help to arrange Mass stipends to help men get by.  Give them some consideration.

Here is a concrete instance of a canceled priest and a concrete way of support.

Fr. James Mawdsley was ordained in 2016 for the FSSP. He was subsequently suspended because he refused to go along with COVID restrictions about Communion on the tongue and face diapers and because on account of Traditionis custodes which complicated reassignment. He is a man of very firm will. For example, he once spent 17 months in solitary confinement in Burma as a prisoner of conscience.

Fr. Mawdsley has some books.  You can give him some support by getting his books and perhaps also giving them to others.  HERE  For example, for the Kindle edition (there are also paperback and hardback)

Adam’s Deep Sleep: The Passion of Jesus Christ Prefigured in the Old Testament


Here is a video in which he explains his situation.  Biretta tip to Ann.  o{]:¬)

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fr. John Naugle says:

    An employee of the FSSP interviewed me over my two op-eps on Rorate Caeli (re: lockdowns) for their blog. This was late 2020. The interview was never published for this reason:

    “Disappointingly, I was told by the superior that although we can all agree with the article, he feels it would only “feed the fire” and he did not want it to be run on the blog. As I understand it, we have been under intense scrutiny and he does not want our apostolates to have any more of a target painted on them.”

    This was one of many experiences that helped fuel my reflections here: https://brownstone.org/articles/mitigation-is-the-golden-calf/

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