20 July – St. Elijah, Prophet of the Old Testament

Many of the great figures of the Old Testament are considered saints and have a day in the Roman liturgical book called the Roman Martyrology. I post about them on occasion.

The Martyrology says that when the day is clear on the regular calendar – id est there is not even an obligatory memorial – a saint of the day in the Martyrology can be selected.

Here is the entry for St. Elijah, prophet, in the Roman Martyrology.  Today is his feast:

2. Commemoratio sancti Eliae Thesbitae, qui propheta Domini in diebus Achab, regis Israel, Dei unici iura vinidicavit adversus infidelem populum tali animi robore, ut non modo Ioannem Baptistam, sed etiam Christum ipsum praefiguret; oracula scripta non reliquit, sed eius memoria fideliter servatur, praesertim in monte Carmelo.

In the older, traditional Roman calendar, I think we must use St. Jerome Emiliani.  In the newer calendar, I think we are freer, since there is only an optional memorial for St. Apollinaris.

Problem: Where to find the texts for Mass for St. Elijah?

Since the Carmelites venerate him, they have Mass texts.

Preface of Our Father, S. Elijah the Prophet: Right indeed it is and just, proper and for our welfare, that we should always and everywhere give thanks to you, holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God; and that we should triumphantly praise, bless, and proclaim you on this solemn feast of blessed Elijah, your Prophet and our father: who, at your word, arose like fire, closed the sky, raised the dead, smote the tyrants, killed the impious, and laid the foundations of the monastic life; who, fed with bread and drink by the ministry of an angel, walked in the strength of that food as far as the holy mountain; who was carried off in a whirlwind of fire, to return as a herald of the second coming of Jesus Christ our Lord; through whom your majesty is praised by the Angels and the Archangels, by the Cherubim too and the Seraphim, who lift up their endless hymn, day by day, with one voice singing: Holy… [Not my translation.]

Here are the Mass propers.

O Carm DM St Elias Elijah propers Carmelite

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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