4-7 October: Pachamama Atonement Days – ACTION ITEMS!

It’s the anniversary of the demonic pagan worship in the Vatican Gardens (4 Oct).  The demonic bowl was placed on the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica on 7 Oct.

As a priest friend of mine wrote about “atonement” days.

“Kinda like Ember Days, only not.”

Three things.

I invite you to perform some penitential work each day, 4-7 October, in addition to those others you are already doing for the opening of “Walking Together” (“W-T”), which are probably in addition to several others you may have taken on for what’s going on right now.

Dear readers, please.  Daily Rosary right now.  If you are not in the practice, DO IT.  We need you.   Please.  One chaplet daily.




About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. DvdH says:

    54 day Rosary nearly done.
    So much for which to offer up my sufferings, and the protection of our Holy Mother Church is the top priority.
    I need to go to confession tonight!

  2. JonPatrick says:

    I did not realize until now that the “abomination of desolation” had been placed on the altar of St. Peters on the very day of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (aka Our Lady of Victory) that commemorates the battle of Lepanto where the Christian forces stopped the Islamic invasion of Europe. This makes it even more of a slight against God and Our Lady.

    This was about the same time that the SARS-COV-2 virus generated in the lab at Wuhan as part of “gain of function” research illegally sponsored by groups in the US to get around US laws against this kind of research, got accidentally (?) released into the world.

    Perhaps the demonic forces unleashed by one action triggered the other?

  3. APX says:

    I have always struggled with the rosary daily. I’m autistic and my mind can’t stay focused that long. I have since learned of the Dominican Rosary, which is a bit shorter and more neurodivergent friendly. I have also been unexpectedly graced with one of the most dangerous weapons there is, the Pilgrim Statute of Our Lady this week. I will make generous use of the weapon.

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