Conference in Rome on “The Synodal Tower of Babel” the day before “Walking Together on Walking Togetherity”

For years the Italian (and English) site La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana has been a daily go to. Last night they held a “launch” event at a Roman theatre very near to the place where the “Walking Togetherity” will commence. This was the launch of a new paper monthly. for the launch they had three speakers: my good friend Fr. Gerald Murray (who needs no intro), Stefano Fontana of the Cardinal Van Thuan Observatory, and Raymond Card. Burke (whom I believe you know).

The constant typing of “Walking Together on Walking Togetherity” is a little tedious.  I might start to abbreviate.  “W-T”, perhaps.  The longer form about “walking togetherity” implies a kind of “fraternal” – too sexist? – quality, or direction, which in this case is “forward” – no backwardism here.  It implies the unity of spirit that is found in “friendship”.  Maybe we can sometimes abbreviate the “Walking Together on Walking Togetherity” as “W-T-…”.

There were lots of press.   In the audience I saw all sorts of familiar faces, Joan Lewis, Phil Pullela, Sandro Magister.  I suspect that the smarmy guys from the Pill and Fishwrap were there.

Lots of photo and video media lined up in the back.   Robert Card. Sarah was present.

The conference title was “The Synodal Tower of Babylon”, both because of the confusion of languages and also because of the human-centered nature of the topics and process.

Fr. Murray touched on an important point.   This is supposed to be a Synod (“W-T”) of Bishops, right?   But through some machinations, that do not follow the proper course of liceity, now there are any number of lay people who can VOTE along with bishops.   Fr. Murray talked about how the structure of the Synod (“W-T”) is described by documents.  There were not published any changes that would have altered the structure of the Synod (“W-T”).  It seem that the whole thing could be illegal.

Stefano Fontana, Director of the Cardinal Van Thuan Observatory, addressed the “Hegelian” character of the Synod (“W-T”).  The content of its proceedings can be known only from what it doing.

Card. Burke’s talk in Italian is HERE.

A good point here:

Synodality, an abstract term, is a neologism in the doctrine on the Church. It is well known that the Second Vatican Council wanted to avoid the abstract terms of conciliarity and collegiality, which are not found in the conciliar texts. It is to be assumed that the Council itself would have wanted to avoid an abstract term such as synodality, if it had known it.

In another moment, talking about support structures which assist the Roman Pontiff, especially the Roman Curia, he pointed out that the word “Dicastery” as a generic term, doesn’t sufficiently reflect what should be the hierarchical relationship that the once-“Congregation” should have.  Also, and this was something very serious and noted at the time of the changes to the Curia, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ought to be placed in the FIRST place.  In fact, I add, it was called “La Suprema” for a reason: its critical importance for the stability and good of the people of God and the salvation of souls.

Burke with my emphases:

It is frequently said that the insistence on the synodality of the Church is nothing other than recovering an ecclesial characteristic always observed by the Eastern Church. I have regular contact with Eastern bishops and priests, both Catholic and Orthodox: they all told me that the way the Synod is organized has nothing to do with Eastern synods. This applies not only to the place of lay people in these assemblies, but also more generally to the way they operate and even the issues they address. There is confusion around the term synodality, which is artificially attempted to be linked to an Eastern practice, but which in reality has all the characteristics of a recent invention, especially as regards lay people.

Such a change in the self-understanding of the Church has as a further consequence a weakening of the teaching on morals, as well as discipline in the Church. I won’t dwell much on these points, which are dramatically known to everyone: moral theology has lost all its points of reference. It is urgent to consider the moral act in its totality, and not only in its subjective aspect. The thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Veritatis Splendor can help us with this. I welcome and encourage the initiatives I have seen on this issue. The commandments of the Decalogue are valid and will remain valid as they have always been in every age, simply because they are inherent in human nature.

Toward the end, Card. Burke touched on criticisms of himself and others who have dared to ask any questions.  He mentioned an article in which some member of the “W-T-F” said:

“We are very sorry, the times of the Church are not those of these brothers! They cannot dictate the Pope’s agenda, also causing wounds and undermining unity in the Church. But we’re used to it by now: they just want to hit Francesco.”

This is where Card. Burke showed anger.  What was said by that “W-T” nitwit is as rash as it is blinkered.    The Dubia submitted have to do with the discipline of the Church and with her doctrine, not the person of Francis.   Burke also brought up how Card. Fernandez of “DDF” settled himself in that interview with Edward Pentin on “the doctrine of the Pope” as if the Pope has a “living and active gift” of determining doctrine for the Church, which has never been the Church’s position, as if Popes can make up doctrine and it must therefore be the Church’s from that point onward.

There was a lot more, over the two hours of talks.  Anyway, here are three of my good friends, Fr. Sirico, Robert Royal, and Fr. Murray.  It was a pleasure to see them again.

The walk home on the Via Giulia.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TonyO says:

    W.T.F. I gotta say, as soon as I read the first sentence of that paragraph, I predicted the last sentence. It’s an excellent acronym, and should be used henceforth! It is perfectly apropos of the methods and goals of this synodechal syndicalist sinners’s guide to synergy.

  2. Gaetano says:

    The Armenian Apostolic Church has a committee of lay persons who advise their bishops on practical matters.

    They do not, however, vote on any theological matters. Indeed, the concept of laypeople voting on such matters is completely abhorrent to them.

    Meanwhile, one of the voting attendees is a 22 year-old college student from Philadelphia who has a vote equal to that of a Cardinal.

    I don’t blame her. I blame the organizers.

  3. redneckpride4ever says:

    If there had been a Dubia asking questions concerning the Cadaver Synod, would the W.T.F. have accused the cardinals of “hitting” Pope Stephen VI?

  4. Crysanthmom says:

    TonyO said it perfectly! W-T-F = Perfect. Satan is definitely trying to provoke our Lord. Stay Confessed and Stay Frosty.

  5. Not says:

    Standard operating procedure for the communist,marxist and socialist. Flood the WTF with plants, give them voting rights and receive the predetermained outcome.

  6. Pingback: Small groups as a method of controlling the agenda | Fr. Z's Blog

  7. Ipsitilla says:

    Awhile ago I posted this parody of “Sisters” from White Christmas. Sadly it seems to be holding up:

    “Synods, synods, there have never been so many synods
    They’ve got no agenda here, no sirree
    They’ll let the Holy Ghost be free
    Talking, talking, round and round in circles we are walking
    ‘Cause a certain Pontifex who lives in Rome
    Is hoping to hear from us at home

    Give him a yodel if you’re synodal and want to advance his plans
    Soon you’ll discover the handbook’s cover is written in Comic Sans
    Those whose mission is to stay within our faith’s tradition
    Have to choose if they’ll participate or if they’ll pass
    Give us a minute before we begin the next synod
    And Lord, help the synod that comes between me and my Mass

    Give him a yodel if you’re synodal and sing Pachamama’s song
    One of the chorus who love “Amoris” and think nothing can go wrong
    Those whose mission is to stay within our faith’s tradition
    Have to choose if they’ll participate or if they’ll pass
    Give us a minute before we begin the next synod
    And Lord, help the synod that comes between me and my Traditional Latin Mass”

  8. HyacinthClare says:

    Eric Sammons at Crisis this morning had a succinct definition of synodality that I found helpful (the whole article is really good). He said “Synodality is the effort to transform Catholicism into a new religion in which truth and error, vice and virtue are treated as things that can be voted on by its members.”

    I just get lost in a lot of this, but THAT’s a definition I can understand. AND REJECT.

  9. GregB says:

    Adam and Eve walked together with the serpent. God tried to walk together with Cain. King Solomon walked together with his foreign wives. A great faithful role model of walking together is Christ’s Temptations in the Wilderness.


  11. Saint Rocco the Trubador says:

    “The Synodal Tower of Babylon”

    Now that’s BOLD!

    I like it. Extremely accurate.

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  15. Pingback: “Walking Together” today (literally today, 11 Oct 2023) and John XXIII’s “Gaudet Mater Ecclesia” | Fr. Z's Blog

  16. Pingback: A couple of weird stories related to the Synod (“Walking Together about Walking Togetherity”) | Fr. Z's Blog

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  18. Pingback: EXPLICT: Impose “synodality” (“walking togetherity”) and the other stuff will follow | Fr. Z's Blog

  19. Pingback: Apart from the process itself during “Walking Together about Walking Togetherity” is something in particular being pushed? | Fr. Z's Blog

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  22. Pingback: Insightful commentary on “synodality” (“walking togetherity”) from Ratzinger in 1975 and a lot more. | Fr. Z's Blog

  23. Pingback: Synodality (“Walking Togetherity”) and “tesserae” | Fr. Z's Blog

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