ROME 23/10 – Day -00: 18th Sunday after Pentecost

I’m NOT in Rome, although I should be.   My flight was cancelled after midnight, stranding hundreds in the airport, scrambling to rebook, searching someplace to stay, a ride.  It was horrible.


Here’s a pic from last year…

This image of Mary is in my neighborhood where I ought to be walking today.   It is good to have Mary before our eyes today because, historically the 1st Sunday of October was dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, following up on the earlier Feast of Our Lady of Victory instituted by Pius V for the perpetual memory of the Battle of Lepanto.   Since then the calendar has shifted around a bit.   Fr. Hunwicke – pray for him and for his better health! – has a grand post about this.  HERE

Meanwhile, I am angrily disappointed.   And not just at the airline for what they did to us last night.   Alas, I had the misfortune to read an advance copy of the new, soon-to-be-released Laudato si 2.o entitled Laude Deum.    Frankly, I don’t know why I am disappointed.  As that beatitude that didn’t make it into Matthew’s list says, “Beati qui non expectant quia non disappointabuntur.”    

The document is…  well, it sums up with an attack on Americans and praise of China in regard to “emissions” that are – and apparently there is no longer any discussion or doubt to be permitted – killing the planet.  And it’s almost too late!

Brace yourselves.   All this and “Walking together about walking togetherity”.

Can you imagine how unctuous the daily communiques will be from the papalotrous left?

Let’s stay frosty.

Here’s a puzzle.  White to move.  Mate in 2.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

I know I keep posting this, but I really have to. Your use of my Amazon affiliate link is a major part of my income. It helps to pay for insurance, groceries, everything. Please remember me when shopping online. Thanks in advance.  US HERE – UK HERE


I understand that there was drama at the Catholic Identity Conference. Archbp Viganò was scheduled to speak via video but they cancelled his talk because – as it appears on his website – he was going to state that Francis is not the pope. I read it. Whew.

Pray for the Church my dear friends. Take on some penance.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “Then again I asked him: ‘Supposing the Pope looked up and saw a cloud and said “It’s going to rain,” would that be bound to happen?’ ‘Oh, yes, Father. ‘ ‘But supposing it didn’t?’ He thought a moment and said, ‘I suppose it would be sort of raining spiritually, only we were too sinful to see it.” Evelyn Waugh, “Brideshead Revisited”

  2. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Sigh. Would that I could make a cloved orange like St. Catherine of Siena, so that I could make my feelings known to the Pope in a saintly way.

    It is very unfortunate that we don’t have a wiser pope than we do; but OTOH, nobody listened enough to Pope Benedict, and even St. John Paul II made some bad calls. So maybe God is trying the opposite.

    Meanwhile, we all have our own jobs to do. Maybe we need to pray harder? Can’t hurt, anyway.

  3. waalaw says:

    1. Q-h1
    If . . . . . . . R-a8
    2. Qxa8#
    Otherwise (R-b7 or K-d8)

  4. anj says:

    Ra8 is met with QxR#
    Rb7 or Kd8 is met with Qh8#

    Can you please provide the link to the website you mention?

  5. Rob83 says:

    This problem doesn’t go away by not engaging with it. The danger is that if the man is not pope, he is not prevented from subscribing to something heretical by an office he does not hold – perhaps hypothetically in a forthcoming synod. In that scenario, it may matter a great deal if one is wrong on papal identity and follows the man on the basis of presumed authority rather than the doctrine we know to be sound.

  6. JonPatrick says:

    Wow that is terrible. Nothing more frustrating than having a flight canceled with no immediate alternative.

    If they are criticizing the US and praising China for how the countries are handling emissions, then they are living in a fantasy world. China is still building coal plants while paying lip service to the “climate emergency”. Only us and the Europeans are dumb enough to be suckered into this self destructive process of undermining our economy by eliminating fossil fuels.

  7. hilltop says:

    I am disappointed by the name. Was expecting something along the lines of:
    “Laudato Si Si” or
    “Laudato See-Saw” (and featuring Laudatomama)

  8. Prayerful says:

    I would be astonished if Pope Francis approved a document praising the US and criticising Red China, so Laudate Deum would be as expected. Anti-Americanism seems to be part of the Holy Father’s Peronist DNA.

  9. OldProfK says:

    I just checked and found that current annual CO2 emissions are (in part): China 53%, USA 18%.

    Similarly, look at the 10 largest contributors to plastics in the ocean (usually in the context of the “Pacific Garbage Island”). It ain’t the US. Both are examples of this era’s most effective Communist propaganda.

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