Hell’s Bible is on board, and what shipmates they have!

Quarter page ad in the New York Times (aka Hell’s Bible) which had a spontaneous photographer handy at a spontaneous event recently, also featured in Hell’s Bible.

Not deceptive at all, is it?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Not says:

    We all need to read PASCENDI DOMINICI GREGIS .
    Pope St Pius X had it right in 1907.
    I have to add that unlike the Encyclicals of recent Popes, this is clear and concise.

  2. Saint Rocco the Trubador says:

    I seriously wonder what Saint Ignatius of Loyola is thinking about his Order while looking down from Heaven. This is NOT what he envisioned for his Order.

  3. TonyO says:

    Around my house, we would respond to that headline with “I see what you mean, in a negative sort of way.” Meaning: I think the reality is exactly the opposite, but I am too nice to just throw it in your face and force you to eat your own words.

    I have little doubt that someone would have shown Francis this headline (or the ad), and I suspect his response would have been a quick eye roll, followed by a shrug of the shoulders, consistent with “meh: nothing to see here – people will take what I say in whatever way they want and make moles into mountains or the reverse. But (officially), I am not responsible for their nonsense.”

  4. Kathleen10 says:

    Well they aren’t lying, it has. It is now their church, no longer ours, if our priests and bishops cave. The photos of rites and ceremonies are going to be fabulous.

  5. ClarityGuy says:

    On the one hand, no one has had the boldness to excommunicate the little devils at America Magazine. But that does not mean they are solidly on the path to heaven, either.

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