LENTCAzT 2024 – 03: Friday after Ash Wednesday – Devotions and your state in life

A 5 minute daily podcast to help you in your Lenten discipline.

Today, Cardinal Richelieu – yes, him – gives us a Spiritual Counsel (#1)

Roman Station: Sts. John Paul on the Coelian Hill video by Crux Stationalis

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Ms. M-S says:

    Thanks, Father. Good advice all around!

  2. Not says:

    I encourage everyone to read the Church Approved Version of Pope Pius XII.
    He has been much aligned by the enemies of the Church.

  3. francophile says:

    Cardinal Richelieu’s little book is my Lenten reading. What a treasure.

  4. VForr says:

    Thanks for the snippet from your newest book. I added the book to my reading list.

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