Looking back at some posts, I found this which (though from happier days in 2021, despite everything) bears repeating.
Two recent email exchanges brought up the importance of the Apostolic Pardon (AP). It is also sometimes called the Apostolic Blessing.
The AP is a special indulgence given by a priest to a person who is dying which remits all temporal punishment due to sins.
The AP does not, itself, forgive sins. The AP should be received in the state of grace. Hence, it is generally imparted after sacramental confession of sins (if possible) and/or the sacrament of anointing, and possibly with Viaticum (final reception of the Eucharist).
NB: If there is no priest available at the time, a person can gain a plenary indulgence at the time of death if they are properly disposed and under the usual conditions. That means you need to be aware of it and be thinking about it when the time comes! That means you have to be thinking about death NOW, not later. NOW. NOW. NOW.
We have to practice dying, in a certain sense, so that we will be good at it when it comes.
With Summorum Pontificum we have also the traditional form of the AP along with two newer forms.
The older, traditional form of the AP:
“Ego facultate mihi ab Apostolica Sede tributa, indulgentiam plenariam et remissionem omnium peccatorum tibi concedo et benedico te. In nomine Patris, et Filii, + et Spirtus Sancti, Amen.”
“By the Faculty which the Apostolic See has given me, I grant you a plenary indulgence and the remission of all your sins, and I bless you. In the Name of the Father and the Son + and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Two newer forms:
“Ego facultáte mihi ab Apostólica Sede tribúta, indulgéntiam plenáriam et remissiónem ómnium peccatórum tibi concédo, in nómine Patris, et Fílii, + et Spíritus Sancti. Amen”
“By the authority which the Apostolic See has given me, I grant you a full pardon and the remission of all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit.”
“Per sancrosáncta humánæ reparatiónis mystéria, remíttat tibi omnípotens Deus omnes præséntis et futúræ vitæ pœnas, paradísi portas apériat et ad gáudia te sempitérna perdúcat. Amen.”
“Through the holy mysteries of our redemption, may almighty God release you from all punishments in this life and in the life to come. May He open to you the gates of paradise and welcome you to everlasting joy.”
Frankly, that last one seems … meh… let’s just say that the sign of the Cross is important. However, lay people are not to bless in the manner of a priest.
Again, if a priest cannot be had, the Church grants a plenary indulgence, to be acquired at the moment of death, to any a) rightly disposed Christian who b) in life was accustomed to say some prayers, with the Church herself supplying the three conditions normally required for gaining a plenary indulgence (Confession, Communion and prayers for the Pope’s intentions).
Take aways…
- Pray diligently
What did St. Paul suggest in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
Are you saying that a person can give themselves the apostolic pardon, or give someone ELSE the apostolic pardon in case of imminent death and no priest available? Fr Nix said you can not give the AP at death unless you’re a priest.
What about a deacon? Can he give the blessing with the sign of the Cross?
mbarry: We have to make distinctions.
Priests can impart an Apostolic Pardon indulgence which generally will follow upon the Last Rites (confession, anointing, Communion). The Last Rites prepare a person to be disposed. The blessing imparted by a priest in that situation gives a great security that the indulgence will be effective for the person who is dying.
On the other hand, in the absence of a priest, a person who is dying can receive the indulgence provided that he habitually prayers is properly disposed. (That’s a lot, by the way.) This person does not have access to the Last Rites, which is a fearful thing. It is not absolutely fearful, however. There is such a thing as a person being genuinely imbued with a life of prayer, who can live for long periods in the state of grace, who can make perfect acts of contrition. God offers graces to such a person at the point of death. The law recognizes that the greatest law of all, the whole point of law, is the salvation of souls.
Hence, although it is a far less “certain” situations (because the priest and Last Rites are lacking), God is nevertheless merciful. If a person is oriented to God such that he is in the state of grace and habitually prays… important! because the person might, at the moment, be unconscious!… the the indulgence could be received directly, without the intermediary of the Church’s minister.
So, just any person cannot impact the Apostolic Benediction in the absence of a priest. However, a dying person still has the possibility of receiving the indulgence because God is merciful.
Finally, I’m able to comment. Glad to see your back end is back on track. :)
Thanks for the explanation. I had a priest give me Last Rites and the Apostolic Pardon before some really serious surgery 2 years ago. It was a sobering experience.