VIDEO: Oxford Emeritus Professor of Mathematics John Lennox gave a public lecture about belief in God

Oxford Emeritus Professor of Mathematics John Lennox is a Christian apologist. He gave a talk about belief in God in a public lecture at Oxford Union.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jhogan says:

    A powerful, meaty speech! I listened straight through; I realize now that I need to listen to it again but with many pauses as I need time to consider its many points.
    When I was in college and walking across the quad with another person looking up at the night sky, I pointed out that the believer sees the glory and beauty of God’s creation, while the atheist would only see fiery balls of gas a long way away. An atheist would not see the miracle of the night sky.

  2. Not says:

    I am preparing to forward this to many friends both Catholic and non believers.
    Sadly, I have Catholic friends who try to rationalize the Faith. I tell them they are cavieat Catholics. They talk evolution, I tell them I am dust. They say the earth was not created in 7 days but millions of years. I ask them, are you saying God couldn’t create the world in 7 days? They can’t accept the simplicity of God.

  3. Kathleen10 says:

    I haven’t watched this yet but will, thank you for posting it. His talks are edifying and enjoyable. One of the few people I would go out of my way to hear.


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